Cripplegate Ward. [Monuments.] 84

Cripplegate Ward. [Monuments.]

In the North Isle of the Quire, hangeth up the Ensigns of Arms belonging to Thomas Hawley, alias Clarentiaulx, King at Arms; buried 1573 *. but no other Monuments there made for him.

*1557. Aug. 22. So the Heralds Books show.

Roger Mason, of this Parish, Citizen and Vintner of London, gave to the Poore of the Freedome of this Parish, 200 Pounds, wherewith an yeerely Rent of 16 Pounds, or thereabout, is purchased for ever; to be bestowed on ten Gownes of blacke Cloth, lined; to be distributed yeerely upon tenne poore Men of the Freedome of this Parish, upon All Saints day, at the discretion of the Vicar and Churchwardens, for the time being. He died the 3d day of September, 1603. ætatis suæ 37. Leaving his Wife Jane, by whom he had three Sons and three Daughters, whereof one only now liveth, named Katharine. Which Jane truly paid the above mentioned two hundred Pound; and joined the erection of this Monument, set up, An. Domini 1606. May the 8th day. John Buckeridge, Doctor of Divinity, being Vicar; Edward Sickling, Richard May, David Jones, and Roger Webbe, then Churchwardens.

William Day, Citizen and Vintner of London, the Sonne of Thomas Day, of Boseham in Sussex, Gentleman, and Elizabeth his Wife, gave to the Poore of this Parish 80 Pounds, which was payed by his Brother George Day. Wherewith an yeerely Rent of sixe Pounds, or thereabout, is purchased for ever. To be bestowed on twelve Coats of greene Cloth, to be distributed yearly upon twelve poore Orphans, upon All Saints day; at the discretion of the Vicar and Churchwardens for the time being. He lyeth buried in his Parish Church of St. Michael in Cornhill; and dyed the 22d day of September, 1603. ætatis suæ 32. Set up Anno Domini, 1606. May the 8th day. John Buckeridge, Doctor of Divinty, being Vicar, and the foure remembred Churchwardens.

Another small Monument in the Wall of the same Isle in the Quire.

Here lyeth the Body of Edward Harvist, Citizen and Brewer of London; Aldermans Deputy of this Parish, and one of His Majesty's Gunners; and Anne his beloved Wife. They were both very charitable Persons; as in giving Land to this Parish perpetually, for the Reliefe of poore Widdows; as also, Land to the Company whereof he was free, for mending of the High way between Edgeworth and Paddington. He gave great Legacies to his poor Kindred; and departed this life the fouteenth day of March, 1610. Shee departed this life the foure and twentieth day of May, Anno Domini 1610. Expecting both a glorious Resurrection in Jesus Christ.

A very fair Monument in the North Wall of this Isle.

A Remembrance of Thomas Busbie, Citizen and Cooper of London: who departed this Life in the year 1575. and was buried the 11 day of July,

This Busbie, willing to relieve the poore,     
with Fire and with Bread,
Did give the House wherein he dwelt,     
then called the Queenes Head.
Foure full Loads of the best Charcoales     
he would have bought each yeere,
And forty dozen of Wheaten Bread,     
for poore Householders here.
To see these Things distributed,     
this Busbie put in trust
The Vicar and Churchwardens,     
thinking them to be just.
God grant that poore Householders here,     
may thankfull be for such;
So God will move the Minds of more,     
to do for them as much:
And let this good Example move     
such Men as God hath blest,
To doe the like, before they goe,     
with Busbie to their rest.
Within this Chappel, Busbies bones,     
in Dust a while must stay,
Till he that made them, raise them up,     
to live with Christ for aye.

A comely Monument by the other.

A REMEMBRANCE of Master Richard Roper, &c.

If you on Earth that live, did know     
what Rest the Dead possesse,
You would not wish to Wander here,     
in Vale of wretchednesse.
Good Helen, Wife to me that was,     
prepare thy selfe with speed,
That Thou and I, with this yong Maid,     
a Plant of both our Seed,
May rest in One, and rise in Three,     
by Power of Godheads might,
When we with Angels shall assemble,     
to everlasting light.

An engraven Plate fixed in the Wall.

Richard Roper lived 70 yeeres, and dyed the 28 day of Septmeber, Anno Domini, 1578.

Helen Roper lived 65 yeeres.

Joane Roper lived the age of two yeeres.

Within this Isle lyeth buried the Body of Charles Langley, sometime of this Parish, Ale- Brewer, who was buried the eighth day of June, Anno Domini 1602. And did give bountifully to the Poore of this Parish.

If Langleys life you lift to know,     
read on and take a view,
Of Faith and Hope I will not speake,     
his Workes shall shew them true:
Who whilst he liv'd, with Counsell grave,     
the better Sort did guide,
A Stay to Weake, a Staffe to Poore,     
without Backbite or Pride:
And when he dyed, he gave his Mite,     
all that did him befall,
For ever (once a yeere) to cloath     
St. Giles his Poore withall.
All Saints he pointed for the day,     
Gownes twenty ready made,
With twenty Shirts, and twenty Smocks,     
as they may best be had.
A Sermon eke he hath ordain'd,     
that God may have his praise,
And others might be won thereby,     
to follow Langleys wayes.
On Vicar and Churchwardens then,     
his trust he hath repos'd,
As they will answer him one day,     
when all shall be disclos'd.
Thus being dead, yet still he lives,     
lives, never for to dye,
In Heavens blisse, in the Worlds fame;     
and so I trust shall I.
Lancelot Andews, Vicar.
John Taylor,
William Hewet,
Edward Sickling,
Richard May,

A comely Monument in the Wall beneath the Quire.

A very