[Monuments.] Cripplegate Ward. [Inscriptions.] 86

[Monuments.] Cripplegate Ward. [Inscriptions.]

rat, emori demum erudiit sup exemplo. Quæ septuagenaria placide in Christo obdormivit, & Fidei suæ mercedem habuit, Martii vigesimo octavo, Anno Domini MDCXXVIII.

Memoriæ Sacrum.
Hic jacet ROBERTUS GAGE, Armiger, omnium Literarum homo; Vita integer, Morte Christianus: necdum mortuus. Nam in memoria æterna erit justus.
Solus Christus
Mihi sola Salus.
Anno Domini 1625.

On the North side of the Quire.

To the Memory
Of CONSTANCE WHITNEY, eldest Daughter to Sir Robert Whitney, the proper Possession of him and his Ancestors, in Herefordshire, for above 500 yeeres past. Her Mother was the fourth Daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote in Warwickshire; by Constance Kingsmell, Daughter and Heire of Richard Kingsmell, Surveyor of the Court of Wards. This Lady Lucy, her Grandmother, so bred her since she was eight yeeres old;

On the South side of the Quire.

Thus far written upon the figure or resemblance of a Coffin.

As she excell'd in all noble qualities, becoming a Virgin of so sweet proportion of Beauty, and harmony of Parts, she had all sweetnesse of Manners answerable:
A Delightfull sharpnesse of Wit;
An offencelesse modesty of Conversation;
A singular respect and piety to her Parents;
but Religious even to example.
She departed this life most Christianly, at Seventeen; dying the Grief of all, but to her Grandmother an unrecoverable Loss; save in her expectation, she shall not stay long after her; and the Comfort of knowing, who she is, and where, in the Resurrection, to meet her.]



Later Monuments in St. Giles Church, have been set up for these Persons, with the respective Inscriptions.

J. S.

In the Chancel against the North Wall, for Margaret Lucy; thus inscribed.

Here lies Margaret Lucy, the second Daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecot, in the County of Warwick, (the Third by immediate descent of the Name of Thomas) by Alice, sole Daughter and Heir of Thomas Spenser, of Clarendon, in the same County, Esq; and Custos Brevium of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster. Who departed this life the 18th of November, 1634. and about the 19th year of her Age.
For discretion and sweetness of Conversation, not many excelled, and for Pietie and Patience in her Sickness and Death, few equalled her. Which is the Comfort of her neerest Friends; to every of whom she was very dear, but especially to her old Grandmother, the Lady Constance Lucy; under whose Governemnt she dyed. Who having long expected, every day, to have gone before her, doth now trust by Faith amd Hope in the precious Bloud of Christ Jesus, shortly to follow after; and be made Partaker, together with her and others, of the unspeakable and eternal Joys in his blessed Kingdom. To whom be all Honour, and Laud, and Praise, now and ever, Amen.

Dr. Benet, Vic.

Piæ Memoriæ Willielmi Staple, in Artibus Magistri; Viri admodum docti & religiosi. Qui obiit 3o. Sept. 1650.
Quod cum cœlicolis habitas, pars altera nostri,
Non dolet; hic tantum me superesse dolet.
Sara uxor ejus mœstissima posuit.

On the second Pillar, North of the middle Isle, is a Monument for Mr. Richard Smith, a very learned Antiquarian: Who left a most noble Collection of choice Books and MSS. behind him.

J. S.

His Wife also hath this Inscription:

Neer this Place lyes interred Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, the Wife of Mr. Richard Smith, sometime Secondary of the Poultry Compter. By whom she had five Sons and three Daughters: whereof two only survived her. Her Life was pious and religious toward God, blameless toward Men, exceeding pitiful and charitable to the Poor and Distressed: Prudent and Provident in the ordering of her Family. Having a great Care and tender Affection to her Husband, and to the Instruction of her Children, and Childrens Children, in the Fear of the Lord. She dyed the 25th of May, 1664. Aged 64.

Dr. Benet.

Here also ly buried two of her Sons, John Smith, the eldest; beloved of all Men for his affable Deportment: Admired for his more tham ordinary Gifts of Nature. He dyed (to the great Grief of his Parents and Friends) the 6th of May, 1655. Aged 32 years. And Richard, the younger, by him, in the 17th year of his Age, the 10th of August 1653. In Commemoration of whom, their tender and loving Mother, willed this Monument to be erected. Which aftr her Death, was, by her Appointment, at her own pious Cost, (by her Friends) performed.

South Isle of the Chancel against the Wall.

In memory of Mary, the Daughter of Robert Compton, of Elvestoe, in the County of Bedford, Esq; the pious, charitable, chast, and most beloved Wife of Captain John Pery, of this Parish. She was born the 20th of November, 1651. dyed the 21st of February, 1676. She had two Daughters, Margaret and Mary, both here buried in their Infancy. Whose Death she too much lamenting, hastened her own.

Here to the Word of God she did attend:
Hence at the Call of God she shall ascend.
Parents, take heed, whilst ye your Children love,
You do not him forget, who is above, &c.

Neer this Pillar lyes interred the Body of Edmund Harrison, Esq; late of this Parish. Who (having lived about 40 Years a Batchelour) had to Wife Jane, the eldest Daughter of Thomas Godfrey, late of Hodiford, in the County of Kent, Esquire. By whom he had issue 12 Sons and 9 Daughters. Of which, at the time of his Death, were only living 3 Sons, Godfrey, Edmund, and Peter. And 2 Daughters, Sarah and Jane.
He was Embroiderer to three Kings, viz. King James I. King Charles. and King Charles II. Left the Troubles of this World, the 9th of January, 1666. in the 77th year of his Age; in a Christian Assurance of a Resurrection
