[Charities.] Cripplegate Ward. [Bounds.] 87

[Charities.] Cripplegate Ward. [Bounds.]

unto Life eternal. To whose Memory his eldest Son Godfrey erected this Monument.

Suis & sibi constans. Deo, Regi & Legi fidus obtemperator. ætate Civis & Prudentia verè venerandus: Prole multæ spei numerosa, ut conjugio felix, divers rem suis benè partam & liberam reliquit. Patriæ non minus indulgent, quàm Familiæ. Pater Senio fessus & confectus tandem occubuit; ut refectus resurgat.
Ex Impensa Johannis Harrison, Armig. filius prædict. Godfridi defunct. decorat. 1705.

Flat Stones for Mary Norwich, 1686. Rob. Pearson, 1699. Matthew Tyndal, 1676. Sarah Stevens, 1698. and seven Sons; and Jospeh Stevens her Husband, 1698. a Minister of the Gospel.

J. S.

Under a Gravestone at the South side of the Chancel, lies William Whitfield, D.D. Vicar of this Parish. Died the 10th of March, 1716.

A fair Monument in the Churchyard, for John Wythens, Gent, of an antient Family in Kent, 1693. And Elizabeth his Wife, 1701. And Thomas Wythens his Son, 1679. And Will. Row, Grandson to John Wythens, 1681.

Against the Vestry in the Churchyard, a Stone for Jone Wilson, Wife of Dr. John Wilson, 1624.

The Wall of the City runs along this Churchyard; being chiefly now but Ruins.]



Charities to the Poor in the Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate.

Charities to this Parish.

Mr. Thomas Busby, Cooper, gave Forty dozen of Wheaten Bread, and four Loads of Charcoals, to be distributed yearly, for ever, to the Poor of this Parish, in manner following. The Week before Alhallontide, one Load of Charcoals, and ten Dozen of Bread. The Week before Christmas; the Week before the 25th day of January; and the Week before Easter, the foresaid proportion of Bread and Coals.

A. M.

Thomas Busby, his Gift to the Poor.

Mr. Blighton, Butcher, gave forty Dozen of Wheaten Bread, and two Load of Charcoals; to be distributed at the same time, and in the same proportion.

Mr. Blighton, his Gift.

Mr. Charles Langley, Brewer, gave twenty Gowns for Men and Women; to be distributed; and twenty Shirts for Twenty other Men, and twenty Smocks for twenty other Women, yearly, for ever, at the Feast of All Saints. And a remainder of Money, to be given amongst the poor People the same Day; and Forty Shillings also, that Day, allowed for a Sermon.

Charles Langley, his Gift.

Mr. Roger Mason, Vintner, gave Two hundred Pounds in Money; with the which Sum, ten Gowns are likewise to be provided for Ten poor Men or Women, on the same Feast day of All Saints, for ever.

Roger Mason, his Gift.

Mr. William Day, Vinter, gave Fourscore Pounds; with the which Sum are to be provided twleve Coats, for twelve poor Mens Children, for ever yearly; and to be distributed at the said Feast of All Saints.

William Day, his Gift.

Mrs. Anne Harvist gave four Tenements in Monkeswell street, near Cripplegate, amounting to the yearly Rent of Twenty Pounds; to be distributed quarterly to Twenty poor Widows; to each of them five Shillings the quarter.

Anne Harvist, her Gift.

Mr. Robert Smith hath given four Bibles in Octavo, well buffed and bossed, to four poor Mens Children, such as can best deserve them by reading; to be distributed yearly for ever, at Easter. And also two and fifty Dozen of Wheaten Bread, every Week one Dozen, for ever.

Robert Smith, his Gift.

Mr. Richard Handbury, and Mr. Richard Budd, have given six new Books of Common Prayer, in Quarto, well buffed and bossed; to be given yearly, for ever, at Easter, to six poor Mens Children, such as can best deserve them by reading. And also Fifty two Dozen of Wheaten Bread, to be given every Week for ever.

Richard Hanbury and Richard Budd, their Gift.

Mr. Roger Bellow, Brewer, hath given the Lease of an House in Moor lane, called the Sign of the Cock; the yearly Rent whereof is Twenty Pounds. Out of the which Sum, ten Pounds is yearly to be given to the Poor, at the Feast of Christmas. And the remainder, (except Twenty Shillings, otherwise by his Will disposed) is yearly to be reserved, for the purchasing of some parcel of Land, towards the Relief of the Poor.

Roger Bellow, his Gift.

Add hereunto, these Gifts since.

J. S.

Margaret Astel gave for ever, four Copyhold Tenements, and a piece of Ground lying at Mile-end; for the cloathing of poor Girls at the Feast of All Saints, with Quoifs, Neckcloths, and Smocks, Hose and Shoes, Under Coats of green Cotton, and Upper Coats of Grey Cloth; marked with M.A. on the Breast.

Throckmorton Trotman gave to this Parish as followeth:

To the Poor; at his Interre
And to the Poor, yearly, for
Also to maintain two Lectures,
weekly, for ever
And to the Clerk and Sexton,
for their Attendance, yearly, for
To buy Candles for the Win-
ter Season, yearly,
Likewise to purchase a piece
of Ground, to erect a Free School
And for the Maintenance there-
of, yearly,
This School is for the Education
of the Youth of this Parish for
ever: Erected in Bunhil Fields in this Parish.]

The Circuit of the Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate.


THE Parishioners, in their Perambulation, first strike down the Alley (which hath sometime been part of their Churchyard) close by St. Giles his Well; and crossing the Town ditch, keep along by the City Wall, almost to Aldersgate. Where they should cross the Ditch again, and take in certain Garden-houses, which stand near the Ditch; and so coming down a little Garden Alley, (through which sometime hath been a way into Aldersgate street) return again by St. Giles his Well, the same way they went in.

A. M.

Then Walking up the West side of Redcross street, and the South side of Barbican, till they come toward the farther end thereof, over against the Sign of the Boars head, they set up their Marks upon a great Post, (as it seemeth, set there for the same purpose) where they should cross over to the North side, right over against the said Bound, thorow certain Garden-
