[Bounds.] Cripplegate Ward. [Present State.] 89

[Bounds.] Cripplegate Ward. [Present State.]

Dean of St. Pauls London. Being a Place, (as it is expressed in a Record) without Cripelgate, and the Suburbs of London, called Leyrestowe: And which was the burying Place of the Jews of London; which was valued at 40s. per Ann.

In this Red Cross street lived one Pottier, that was a Servant of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, (afterwards King Richard III.) of whom Sir Thomas More relates this Passage; as if it had been for some time before the Design of that Duke, to make way to usurp the Kingdom after his Brother Edward IV. his death: Viz. That the same Night in which that King died, (as he learned by credible Information) one Mistlebrook, early in the Morning, came in great haste to this Pottiers House; and hastily rapping on the Door, was soon let in. Whose Business was, to let him know the News, that King Edward was departed. To which Pottier replied, By my Truth, Man! then will my Master, the Duke of Gloucester, be King.]

One Pottier, a Servant to Richard Duke of Gloucester, liv'd here.

On the East side of this Redcross street, be also divers fair Houses, up to the Cross. And there is Beech lane, peradventure so called of Nicholas de la Beech, Lieutenant of the Tower of London; put out of that Office in the 13th of Edward III. This Lane stretcheth from the Redcross street to Whitecross street, and is replenished, not with Beech Trees, but with beautiful Houses of Stone, Brick, and Timber. Amongst the which was (of old time) a great House, pertaining to the Abbot of Ramsey, for his Lodging, when he repaired to the City. It is now called Drewrie House, of Sir Drew Drewrie, a Worshipful Owner thereof.

Beech lane.

The Abbot of Ramsey, his Inn.

On the North side of this Beech lane, towards Whitecross street, the Drapers of London have lately builded Eight Almeshouses of Brick and Timber, for Eight poor Widows of their own Company; whom they have placed there Rent free, according to the Gift of the Lady Askew, Widow to Sir Christopher Askew, sometime Draper, and Maior, 1533.

Almshouses in Beech lane.

Then in Golden lane, Richard Gallard, of Islington, Esq; Citizen and Painter Stainer of London, founded Thirteen Almshouses, for so many poor People placed in them Rent free. He gave to the Poor of the same Almshouses, 2d. the piece, Weekly; and a Load of Charcoal amongst them, yearly, for ever. He left fair Lands about Islington, to maintain his Foundation.

Golden lane.

Alms People there.

Thomas Hayes, sometime Chamberlain of London, in the latter time of Henry VIII. married Elizabeth his Daughter and Heir. Which Hayes and Elizabeth, had a Daughter named Elizabeth, married to John Ironmonger, of London, Mercer; who now hath the Order of the Alms people.

On the West side of Redcross street, is a Street called the Barbican; because, sometime, there stood on the North side thereof, a Burghkenning, or Watch Tower of the City; called in some Language, a Barbican; as a Bikening is called a Beacon. This Burghkenning, by the Name of the Manour of Base Court, was given by Edward III. to Rob. Ufford, Earl of Suffolk; and was, lately, pertaining to Peregrine Bertie, Lord Willoughby of Bresby.

Burghkenning, or Barbican.

I find, that this Barbican, and some Land about it, belonged to the Crown, in Edward I. his time. For in an Inquisition, made 3 Edward I. concerning Purprestures in the City, one Thomas Juvenal, about 12 Years before, appropriated to himself of the Kings Soil, without Le Barbekan, a certain Place, containing Forty Foot in length, and four Foot in breadth, and inclosed the same place with an Earth Wall: And Master Nicolas Brabanzon then held it. Upon this Presentment made by the Jurates, the Kings Justices commanded the Sheriffs of London, to summon him the said Nicolas. Who said, that he had nothing to do with, nor laid any claim to the said Purpresture; but that he was Tenant to Thomas Fitz Simon de Burgh. He, the said Thomas, came anmd prayed that he might arrent the same of the King, for 3d. per Ann. which was granted, because the Twelve sworn Men witnessed, that the said Inclosure was no Annoyance. And it was adjudged, that the King might recover the Arrearages of the said Purpresture; to wit, 3s. But no Forfeiture, because it was not of the said Thomas his doing.]

A Place without Barbican enclosed, and presented.

J. S.

Next adjoining to this, is one other great House, called Garter House [or Place.] Sometime builded by Sir Thomas Writhe, or Writhesley, Kt. alias, GARTER, Principal King of Arms; second Son of Sir John Writhe, Kt. alias, GARTER; and was Uncle to the first Thomas, Earl of Southampton, Knight, of the Garter, and Chancellour of England. He built this House; and in the top thereof, a Chappel, which he dedicated by the Name of S. Trinitatis in Alto.

Garter House, or Place.

Thus much for that part of Cripplegate Ward without the Wall; whereof more shall be spoken in the Suburb of that Part.

Now we proceed to give an Account of the present State of this Ward.

The part of this Ward within the Wall, by which it is severed from that without, contains several Streets and Lanes, some in whole, others in part; viz. Milkstreet, on both sides, and the greater part of Hony lane Market; Catteaten street; so far as to St. Laurence Church, Lad lane, Aldermanbury, Love lane, Adel street, London wall street, from Little Woodstreet, to beyond the Postern. Philip lane, Great Woodstreet, all but about 70 Foot on the West side, towards Cheapside; Little Woodstreet, Hart street the South side thereof, Mugwel street the East side, Fel street, Silver street, all but St. Olaves Church; Maiden lane, the East part therof; Huggen lane, Goldsmiths street, the whole, except 25 Foot on the West side; Gutter Lane, the West side from Maiden lane, to over against the end of Carey street, on the East side of the way only; and Cheapside, on the North side, 170 Foot from the corner of Woodstreet Eastwards. In all which said Places, are several Courts and Places of Name.

Beech lane.

R. B.

Likewise the Places in this Ward, without the Wall, are Foresteet, and the Postern leading to Moorfields; Back street, in the little Moorfields; Moor lane, Grub street, the South part to the Posts and Chain; Whitecross street, the South side, so far as the Posts and Chain; Redcross street, about 450 Foot on both sides; Beach lane, Golden lane, the South part to the Posts and Chain; Barbican, the East part thereof, on both sides, for about 450 Foot from the corner of Golden lane; Jewen street, the East part thereof, and on both sides to Redcross street, for about 450 Foot; Brackley street, Bridgwater street, and Letton street; all of them built in the place where Bridgwater House stood; before let to be thus built into Tenements.

Parts without the Wall.

And of these Places in Order; the first, for those within the Wall.

Milkstreet comes out of Cheapside, and falleth into Lad lane. This Street is well built, and inhabited by Wholesale Traders; and that part that lieth open to Hony lane Market, is the best.


Here, in this Street, toward Cheapside, stood the Parish Church of St. Maudlins Milkstreet.

St. Maudlins Milkstreet Church.
