[S. Botolph.] Aldersgate Ward. [Benefactors.]118

[S. Botolph.] Aldersgate Ward. [Benefactors.]

Importuna viscera;
Monumenta hoc marmore longe perenniora.
Mœrens posuit pientissima Conjux.

Dr. Bernard's Epitaph, on the South side of the Communion Table.

Heic juxta situs est
Franciscus Bernardus, M. D.
Egregium sui seculi Decus,
Hujus Civitatis Deliciæ nuper,
Nunc Desiderium;
Quippe quæ suspexit vivum,
Plorat mortuum;
Eum utiq; optimum, & in omni re literaria
Quem summa & pene certa
Artis medicæ scientia,
Undique comprobata feliciter,
Meritò commendavit omnibus.
Obiit septuagenarius
Feb. 9. 169.
Conjunx mœrens posuit.
And also Anne his Wife
Died April 12. 1708.

In this Church, in a Vault erected for the Interrment of his Family by his Relict, the Lady Elizabeth Wray, lies buried the Body of Sir Daniel Wray, Kt. who was High Sheriff of Essex, A.D. 1708. He gave yearly, while he liv'd in the Parish, Five Pounds to poor Housekeepers thereof, besides many private Acts of Beneficence he industriously concealed; and left 50l. to the Charity Schools. He was a Gentleman of unaffected Piety, invincible Integrity, and extensive Charity. He died July the 2d, 1719. in the 73d year of his Age.

There were three Fraternities founded in this Church of St. Botolph Aldersgate. One of the Holy Trinity, founded 48 Ed. III. 1373. in Honour of the Body of Christ, and to maintain 13 Wax Lights burning about the Sepulchre in the time of Easter, in the said Church; and to find a Chaplain. Their chief Day of Solemnity was on Trinity Day, to hear Mass-in honour of the Body of Christ, and of the Holy Trinity, and to make their Offerings.

Three Guilds in this Church.

J. S.

H. Trinity.

Another Fraternity founded in this Church, was of St. Fabian and Sebastian. These Brothers and Sisters were to find seven round Tapers, of one and twenty Pounds of Wax, to be light all Seven on high Feast Days, at all Hours of the Day, in the Worhsip of God and his Mother; and St. Fabian and Sebastian, and of Alhallows, and on Sundays; and on other simple Feasts two, to be light at the High Mass. The third Brotherhood was of St. Katharine. These Brethren were to assemble together in this Church, on the Day of St. Katharine, and there to hear a Mass, and offer in Worship of her: and in the Afternoon, or next Sunday following, to chuse their Masters for the next Year. They were to find five round Tapers, of twenty pound weight, of Wax, to be light on High Feast Days, all five, in all Hours of the Day, in the Worship of God, and of his Mother, Maiden Mary, and St. Katharine, the glorious Virgin and Martyr, and of All Halwen, and on Sundays; and on other simple Feasts, two to be light of the Five, at high Mass.

S. Fabian.

S. Katharine.



The Charitable Gifts belonging to this Parish of Aldersgate, are these that follow; as I transcrib'd them from a Book thereof drawn out, and communicated to me by Mr. Bagford: Together with the Mention how they are to be distributed.

Gifts belonging to this Parish.

J. S.

J. Bagford.

The Lady Anne Packington gave, paid by the Company of
Clothworkers, yearly for ever
To be distributed thus:   
To five poor needy People, every Sunday in the Year040608
To the Churchwardens and Clark for their Pains000608
To the Minister, for a Sermon on the Morrow after St.
Bartholomew Day
Then to the Poor of this Parish020000
At, or before the Feast of the Birth of our Lord, yearly to the
said Poor of this Parish
Then to Twelve poor Children that go to School, or to their Parents03 0000
Stephen Scudamore, Citizen and Vintner of London, gave yearly
for ever, (paid by the Warden of the Vintners)
To buy Fagots in October yearly for the Poor.   
Robert Cripps, late Citizen and Brewer of London, gave to the
Poor for ever (paid by Mr. Gage of Kent, Mr. Osbaldston's Landlord,
and by Mr. Cripps in Kent)
To be given to the Poor of this Parish yearly.
Margaret Adams, late of London, Widow, gave to the said Poor
for ever (paid by Mrs.Smith)
To be given at Christmas yearly.
Henry Leake, late of the Borough of Southwark, gave yearly
To be paid to the Poor of this Parish, in or about the Month of April,
at the discretion of the Churchwardens of Saint Olaves Southwark,
who pay the same.
John Morley, late of this Parish, Gent. gave 100l. to the Company of
Goldsmiths, London, to pay the Churchwardens of this Parish yearly
for ever
To be distributed to five poor People every Sunday in the year,
4d. apiece
To the Churchwardens and Clerk for their pains000608
To the Minister, for a Sermon yearly on Trinity Sunday000608
John Coniers, late of this Parish, Esq; gave to the Merchant Taylors
100l. to pay yearly to this Parish
To be distributed:
To Five poor People, every Sunday, 4d. apiece
To the Churchwardens and Clerk for their pains000608
To the Minister, for a Sermon on Rogation Sunday000608
King Edward VI. gave this Parish yearly, for ever, to be paid out of
the Exchequer at Easter and
