[St. Botolph.] Aldersgate Ward. [Gifts.]119

[St. Botolph.] Aldersgate Ward. [Gifts.]

St. Michael the Archangel, yearly equally070000
Richard Osmotherlaw, late Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London,
gave yearly to this Parish (paid by the Merchant Taylors)
To five poor People, every Sunday. 4d. apiece000108
To the Minister, for a Sermon the first Sunday in Lent000608
To the Churchwardens yearly000400
To the Clerk and Sexton, 16d. apiece000208
Elizabeth Hibbins, of London, Widow, by her last Will gave 100l.
to this Parish, to purchase yearly
To be given by the discretion of the Churchwardens, at Christmas,
to the Poor of this Parish, being Sick or in Distress.
Jane, the Daughter of Robert and Jane Jenkins, gave to the Poor of
this Parish yearly, issuing out of the Rents of the Shops
To Forty of the said Poor, on Midsummer day in the Morning,
12d. apiece
To the Minister, for a Sermon to be preached0010 00
To the Clerk and Sexton000304
William Court, late of this Parish, Gent. gave yearly, issuing out of the
Rent of five Shops
To be paid unto Fourteen poor People on St. Peter's Day, for ever.   
Thomas Metcalf, late of this Parish, gave yearly, issuing out of the
Rents of five Shops
To be paid unto Fourteen poor People upon All Saints Day.   
William Swaine, late of this Parish, Gent. gave 20l. to pay
26s. 8d. yearly for ever
To be distributed amongst the Poor on All Saints Day for ever.   
Roger Tayler, of this Parish, Gent. gave yearly for ever, issuing out of
his House in Aldersgate street, where Auditor Philips sometime lived
To the Minister, for a Sermon on Maunday Thursday000700
To the Clerk and Sexton000300
To Sixty poor People of this Parish, that is to say, to Twenty of the
most Needy, 2s. apiece; and to the other Forty, 12d. apiece
To the Minister and Churchwardens to see this performed yearly000600
To the Minister and Churchwardens, to be distributed as they shall
think fit
Teddor Roberts, of this Parish, Vintner, gave out of his House in
Aldersgate street
To be paid the 17th of November to the Poor, by 20s. yearly, till it be
bestowed by the Parish Stock, as by Order of Vestry
Katharine Purdin, of this Parish, gave to the said Poor100000

To be paid the 17th of November, to the Poor, by 20s. till it be
bestowed by the Parish Stock, as by Order of Vestry
Margaret Dean gave to the Poor of this Parish, yearly, paid by the
Company of Ironmongers
To be bestowed in Faggots to the said Poor, at Christmas yearly.
Philip Holman, of Broadstreet, London, gave yearly in his life time,
at his pleasure, to the said Poor
To be distributed to the Poor of this Parish, yearly, about New Years
Tide, at the discretion of the Churchwardens.
John Wooton, gave yearly at his pleasure, in his life time, to the
said Poor
To be distributed to them at Twelfth Tide, at the discretion of the
Minister and Churchwardens.
Humfrey Westwood, Goldsmith, by Will, gave yearly, during the
continuance of his Lease of the Tenement in Maidenhead Alley
To be given at Michaelmas and Lady day to the Poor, during the
said Term.
Henry Friar, Gent. by Will, gave to this Parish yearly 020000
To be bestowed on the Poor, at the discretion of the Churchwardens,
and to be accounted for.
George Allington, Esq; by Will gave to this Parish500000
To make a Stock for the poor People inhabiting within the said Parish.   
Richard Budd, Esq; by Will, gave to this Parish, the Sum of300000
To be a Stock to be yearly paid out for Sea Coals at the best hand;
and so to be sold again to the Poor of this Parish.
Sir Richard Sutton gave200000
To be bestowed in the Relief of the Poor of this Parish.   
Martha Griffin, Wife of Christopher Griffin, by Will, gave yearly020000
To be bestowed inn Coals yearly, for the said Poor for ever.   
Richard Gadbury, late of Eyworth, in the County of Bedford, Gent.   
by Will gave yearly, issuing out of his House and Land in Eyworth,
the Sum of
To be given to the Minister for two Sermons to be preached, one
on New years Day, and the other the 26th of May yearly
To Thirty poor Men and Women of this Parish, 12d. apiece upon
each of the aforesaid Days, yearly, after Sermon, at the disccretion
of the Minister, Deputy, and Churchwardens
To the Clerk, for giving them Notice to be at the said Sermons000400
To the Sexton for tolling the Bell each time000208
