[St. Botolph.] Aldersgate Ward. [Modern State.]120

[St. Botolph.] Aldersgate Ward. [Modern State.]

Christopher Tamworth, late of Grays Inn, by Will, gave to this Parish
in Money, to purchase Lands
To be given for reading of Divine Service, twice every Week Day,
in the Church of St. Botulph Aldersgate, by one in Holy Orders
To six poor Men past Labour, and to four poor Widows of the said
Parish, 40s. apiece yearly, amounting to the Sum of 20l. in all
John Beal, late of this Parish, Printer, gave by Will, for the Benefit of
the said Poor
Henry Smith, late of London, Salter, by Will, and the Procurement
of Mr. Henry Johnson, late Deputy of this Parish, settled on the Poor
of this Parish, for ever, yearly, out of his Estate
Matthias Kempster gave to the said Poor for ever (paid by the Tallow
A Gentleman unknown, gave to this Parish600000
To pay to the Poor of this Parish, on Good Friday020000
And for a Sermon on the same Day010000

A Place in Aldersgate street, called Trinity Hall, (formerly, as it seems, belonging to the Guild of the Holy Trinity) with several Tenements in Trinity lane, belong to this Parish; for which they receive divers yearly Rents. And for Seven Inquest Men without the Gate, sitting every Year in Trinity Hall, upon the Wardmote Inquest, the Parish receives 7s. yearly.

Divers considerable Rents also, for Tenements, Shops, and other yearly Profits issuing thereout, belong to this Parish. The chiefest is the Church House, where sometime Sir Henry Martin dwelt; and after, one Mr. Hills: For which 60l. Rent per Ann. was paid.]

There be two Tables of BENEFACTORS in the South Ile.

To the Boys School of this Parish.
Mr. Richard Chiswel, late of this City, Bookseller, beside his Charity
to this School in his Life time, did at his Death give
Thomas Turner, Gent. of this Parish, gave at his Death150000
William Bridges, Esq; of this Parish, gave at his Death100000

To the Girls School of this Parish.
Mr. Richard Chiswell, abovesaid, besides his Charity to this School
in his Life time, did at his Death give
Thomas Turner, Gent. of this Parish, gave at his Death150000
William Bridges, Esq; of this Parish, gave at his Death100000

Three other Tables of BENEFACTORS in the same Ile.
Mr. Christopher Almond gave, An. 1706.050000
Mrs. Mary Symcotts, jun. gave, Febr. 1707.100000
Mr. Rob. Jones, of this Parish, gave An. 1707.050000
Mrs. Hannah Jones, Widow, gave 20 Guineas to the Charity School
in this Parish, for 50 poor Boys, for Incouragement and Example,
Nov. 1705.
She also gave more, June 1706.101500
Mrs. Hannah Jones, Widow, gave more Jan. 1707. 10 Guineas101500
She also gave more at her Death, 1713.200000
William, Son of Mr.John Cammel050000]

Now for the Modern State of this Ward. To begin with the Places within the Wall.

Foster lane, a Place of a good resort for Silver Smiths, who forge and work Plate for the Goldsmiths, who sell it. The South end next unto Cheapside, that is, two Houses Northwards from St. Vedast, or St. Fosters Church, is in the Ward of Faringdon within; and all the rest of the West side, is in the Liberty of St. Martins le Grand, as far as Bell Court: So that only part of the East side is in this Ward. In this Lane are these Places; Adam's Court, but small, seated over against the Church. Priest's Court, or Alley, very long and ordinary, with a passage into Gutter lane, through the Half Moon Tavern. Rose and Crown Court, pretty good, with a Free stone Pavement. Dark Entry, very ordinary, gives a passage into St. Martins le Grand. On the North side of this Entry, was seated the Parish Church of St. Leonard Foster lane; which being consumed in the Fire of London, is not rebuilt, but the Parish united to Christ Church; and the Place where it stood, is inclosed within a Wall, and serveth as a Burial Place for the Inhabitants of the Parish.

Foster lane.

Adam's Court.

Priest's Alley or Court.

Rose and Crown Court.

St. Leonard Foster lane Church.

Sir John Trott, of Laverstock in Flintshire, Baronet, gave 200l. towards the rebuilding of three Tenements for the use of the Poor of St. Martins le Grand, in this Parish.

Three Tenements for the Poor of St. Martins.

Carey lane, falls into Gutter lane, a Place of some trade for Silver Smiths. Bell Court, a large open place, with good Houses, well inhabited; hath a passage with a Free stone Pavement into St. Martins le Grand. Three Crown Court, both small and ordinary, seated near unto Bell Court. Goldsmiths Hall, seated at the corner of this Lane, turning into Maiden lane, the back part being in Gutter lane; a very handsome new Brick Building, with an open square Court within. Before its rebuilding it was not so large. Over against this Hall is a fair large House, now made use of for refining of Silver.

Carey lane.

Bell Court.

Three Crown Court.

Goldsmiths Hall.

Maiden lane, formerly Engain lane, a good handsome well built and inhabited Street; the East end falleth into Woodstreet, but hath no more in this Ward, than unto Staining lane. At the North West Corner, over against Goldsmiths Hall, stood the Parish Church of St. John Zachary, which since the dreadful Fire is not rebuilt, but the Parish united unto St. Anns Aldersgate; and the Ground on which it stood inclos'd within a Wall, serving as a burial Place for the Parish.

Maiden lane.

St. John Zacharys Church.
