[Bounds.] Aldersgate Ward. [Modern State.]123

[Bounds.] Aldersgate Ward. [Modern State.]

hind some of them. Red Cross Alley, a small and ordinary Place. Carpenters Yard, a pretty open Place, which hath a passage into Townditch, being an open Place, belonging to Christ's Hospital; which hath good Houses on the side fronting the Hospital. Pelican Court, a large Place, with good Houses, well inhabited. At the upper end it divides its self into two Courts, and both bear the same Name. On the West side it hath a passage into Fryers Court, which is but small and ordinary. Fryers Rents hath a narrow passage into a small and ordinary Court. Axe Yard, or Court, long and narrow, with pretty good Houses at the upper end. Great Mountague Court, a good handsome Place, with a Free stone Pavement, pretty well built and inhabited. Little Mountague Court, but narrow, with a Free stone Pavement.

Red Cross Alley.

Carpenters Yard.

Town Ditch.

Pelican Court.

Fryers Court

Fryers Rents.

Axe Yard, or Court.

Great Montague Court.

Little Montague Court.

There are to watch at Aldersgate, and other Stands in this Ward, every Night, One Constable, the Beadle, and Forty four Watchmen. And in the Liberty of St. Martins le Grand, which is in this Ward, Twelve. In all Fifty six.

The Watch.

The Jury-men which are returned by the Wardmote Inquest, are to serve in the several Courts in the Guild Hall, in the Month of August.]


And thus an end of this Ward, which hath an Alderman, two Deputies, one within the Gate, and one without. Common Councilmen, 8. Constables, 8. Scavengers 9. For the Wardmote Inquest 19, and a Beadle.

It is taxed to the Fifteen in London, 7l. and in the Exchequer, 6l. 19s.

The Alderman of this Ward, is Sir Samuel Garrard, Bart.