[S. Fosters.] Faringdon Ward within. {Monuments.]127

[S. Fosters.] Faringdon Ward within. {Monuments.]

ceased 1532. was a great Benefactor, and was there buried. William Trist, Selerar to the King, 1425. John Standelfe, and John Standelfe, Goldsmiths, lie buried there. Rich. Galder, 1544. Agnes, Wife to William Milborne, Chamberlain of London, 1500. &c.

John Standelf, Citizen and Goldsmith, gave by Will that Tenement in Fleetstreet, after the Death of John his Son, to the Rector of St. John Vedast, and to the Keepers or Wardens of the Goldsmiths for ever; to find a perpetual Lamp in the Chancel of the Church of St. Vedast; and to hold an Anniversary for his Soul, and of Matilda his Wife; and to distribute to Thirteen Poor of the Goldsmiths Trade, 21s. 8d. to pray for his Soul.]

John Standelf of St. Vedast.

E. A.



Hic jacet Dominus Thomas Baby, quondam Capellanus Aurifabrorum, London. Qui obiit 3 die mens. Novemb. An. Dom. 1452. Cujus, &c.

A fair stone in the Chancel.

A. M.

Here lieth buried the Body of John Lonyson, Esquire, Master of the Mint of England, Citizen and Goldsmith of London. Who most joyfully changed this miserable and wearisome Life, with the felicity anbd happinesse of Gods Kingdome, in good Religion and godly Charitie, in true feare and stedfast faith, with a full perswasion of remission in the Blood of Jesus Christ, the one and twentieth day of May, An. Dom. 1583. being about the 59th yeere of his Age.

A fair stone by the Communion Table.

Here lyeth interred the Body of Christopher Wase, late Citizen and Goldsmith of London, aged 66 yeeres; and dyed the 22d of September, 1605. Who had to Wife Anne, the daughter of William Prettyman; and had by her three Sonnes and three Daughters.

A Monument in the Wall, South of the Quire.

Reader, stay,     
and thou shalt know
What he was     
that here doth sleepe;
Lodg'd amidst     
the Stones below,
Stones that oft     
are seen to weep.
Gentile was his     
Birth and Breed,
His Carriage gentle,     
much contenting;
His Word accorded     
with his Deed,
Sweet his Nature,     
soone relenting.
From above     
he seem'd protected,
Father dead     
before his Birth,
An Orphane, onely     
but neglected,
Yet his Branches     
spread on Earth:
Earth, that must     
his Bones contain,
Sleeping till Christ's     
Trumpe shall wake them,
Joyning them     
to Soule againe,
And to blisse     
eternall take them.
It is not this rude     
and little heape of Stones,
Can hold the Fame,     
although't containes the Bones.
Light be the Earth,     
and hallowed for thy sake,
Resting in Peace,     
Peace that so oft didst make.

Under the Stone right against the Monument, lye buried the Bodies of Robert Marsh, Citizen and Grocer of London, and Florence his first Wife; by whom he had issue seven Sonnes. By Elizabeth, his second Wife, (left living) he had issue three Sonnes and a Daughter. He departed this Life the 7 day of October, Anno Dom. 1602. after he had lived 65 yeeres and three dayes.

A small Monument in the Wall, with a gilt Plate.

Here under lyeth buried the Body of Mistris Martha Prescot, the Wife of Alexander Prescot, Citizen and Alderman of London; whose Soule the Lord took to his mercy the 26 day of Novemb. 1616. When she had lived a married Wife just 23 yeeres that day; and 40 yeeres, 2 moneths, 3 weekes, and odde dayes, from the time of her birth. She had issue by her said Husband, six Sonnes and five Daughters; and her youngest of all, being a Daughter, named Elizabeth, lyeth here under interred, in the same Grave, on the same day of burial with her said Mother.

A fair plated stone under the Communion Table.

Lord of thine infinite     
Grace and Pitie,
Have mercy on me     
Agnes, sometime the Wife
Of William Milborne,     
Chamberlaine of this Citie,
Which took my passage     
fro this wretched life,
The yeere of Grace,     
one thousand, one * hundred and five,
The twelfth day of July,     
no longer was my space,
It pleased then my Lord     
to call me to his Grace.
Now ye that are living,     
and see this Picture,
Pray for me here     
while ye have time and space,
That God of his goodnesse     
would me assure,
In his everalsting Mansion     
to have a place.

A fair plated Gravestone in the middle Ile.

*It should be five hundred.

Here lyes the Bodies of Laurence Hawes, Citizen and Fishmonger of London, about 63 years of Age. And of Ursula his Wife, the Daughter of John Henrick, of Leicester, Esq; 82 years of Age. They had issue together four Sons and two Daughters; Edward, George, Humfrey, John; Dorothy, and Thomasin. He deceased the 10th of April, 1588. And she died the 24th of November, 1614.




Persons that have been buried in St. Vedasts Church since the rebuilding, or have Monuments there are these.

Modern Monuments.

J. S.

In the Chancel. Will. Hall, late of this Parish, Goldsmith; Common Council Man for Goldsmiths Row Precinct 20 Years and Deputy of this Ward 11 Years. Died 1680. Aged 75.

William Fuller, D.D. sometime Vicar of St. Giles Cripplegate, and Dean of Durham, deceased 1659. One that suffered Imprisonment, and great Indignities for his Loyalty in the times of the Rebellion.
