[Benefactors.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Augustines.]140

[Benefactors.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Augustines.]

ter of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Gouge. He had Issue Anne and Thomas, that dyed before him. By his second, Jane, Daughter of Richard Clotterbuck, Esq; he had two Children that survived him. Jane married to Maynard Colchester, of Westbury on Gloucestershire, Esq; And Sir Thomas Clark, of Brickendonbury in Hertfordshire, Kt. who in pious memory of his dear Parents buried underneath, erected this Monument.



Benefactors to this new built Church of St. Matthew Friday street, and that contributed to the Ornaments, and other Things necessary or convenient to it, were these.


James Smith, Esq; gave the Altar-piece, Table, and Rails.

Edward Clark, and Thomas Sandford, gave the Front of the Gallery, and the King's Arms.

Miles Martin, and John Shipton, gave the two Branches and Irons.

John Prat laid out liberally towards the Charges of Adorning the Church.

This Parish was to have 240l. out of the Chamber of London, or Cole-money, for the Use of the Parish or Poor: As a Recompense of a Piece of Ground belonging to the said Parish or Poor thereof, added to the Scite of the late Church, for the inlarging of the Church new built; and whereby the same is inlarged, and made more uniform.

Mrs. Cole left a Legacy of 5l. a Year to the Poor.

There was a Parsonage House before the Fire, but consumed. The Ground was leased out for Forty Years, at the Rent of 5l. 10s. per Ann.


In this Parish of Friday street, were three Houses standing together, all pertaining to Religious Houses. The middlemost was a Tenement inhabited by Robert Harding, Citizen and Goldsmith of London, and sometime Sheriff; let to him for Thirty Years, by the Prioress and Convent of St. Helens, London, for Five Marks Rent yearly, in the 9th Year of King Edward IV. Dame Alice Ashfield then Prioress. Another House on the East of it, belonged to the House of St. Mary Overies in Southwark: That on the West, to the Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls.

Three Tenements in Friday street, belonging to Religious Houses.

J. S.

This Church was finished Anno 1685. and opened November the 29th, the same Year.]

From this Friday street, West to the Old Exchange, a Street so called, of the King's Exchange there kept, which was for the receipt of Bullion, to be coined. For Henry III. in the 6th Year of his Reign, wrote to the Scabines, and Men of Ipre, that He and his Council had given prohibition, that none, Englishmen, or other, should make change of Plate, or other Mass of Silver, but only in his Exchange at London, or at Canterbury. Andrew Bokerell then had to farm the Exchange of England, and was Maior of London in the Reign of Henry III. John Somercote had the keeping of the King's Exchange over all England. In the 8th of Edward I. Gregory Rokesley was Keeper of the said Exchange for the King. In the 5th of Edward II. William Hansted was Keeper thereof. And in the 18th, Roger de Frowicke, &c.

Old Change.

Former Kings Exchange there.

These received the old Stamps, or Coining-Irons, from time to time, as the same were worn; and delivered new to all the Mints in England, as more at large, in another Place, I have noted.

This Street beginneth by West Cheap in the North, and runneth down South to Knight Rider street, that part thereof which is called Old Fish street. But the very Housing and Office of the Exchange and Coinage, was about the midst thereof, South from the East Gate that entreth Pauls Church-yard; and on the West side, in Baynards Castle Ward.

On the East side of this Lane, betwixt West Cheap, and the Church of St. Augustine, Henry Walleis, Maior, (by Licence of Edward I.) builded one Row of Houses; the Profits rising of them, to be employed on London Bridge.

The Parish Church St. AUGUSTINES.


The Parish Church of St. Augustine, and one House next adjoining, in Watheling street, is of this Ward called Faringdon. This is a fair Church, and lately well Repaired.

St. Augustines.

And again in part Rebuilded, Leaded, and in every part of it richly and very worthily Beautified, at the proper Cost and Charges of the Parishioners, in the Years of our Lord 1630, and 1631.



Ralph Tonstel,
Daniel Hallingworth,
Samuel Langham.

The Charge of this great and costly Repair, amounted to the Sum of 1200l.]

This Church was destroyed by the great Fire, but Rebuilt 1682. finished and opened September the 23d, 1683. and the Steeple finished 1695. There is fine Altar-piece with Columns, and curious graving in Wood, that cost, they say, 200l.


J. S.

Here was a Fraternity founded An. 1387. called, The Fraternity of St. Austins in Watlingstreet, and other good People dwelling in the City. They were, on the Eve of St. Austins, to meet at the said Church; and in the Morning, at High Mass, and every Brother to offer a Peny. And after that, to be ready al mangier ou al revele; i.e. to Eat, or to Revel, according to the Ordinance of the Master and Wardens of the said Fraternity. They set up in the Honour of God, and St. Austin, one Branch of sixe Tapers, in the said Church, before the Image of St. Austin; and also two Torches: With the which, if any of the said Faternity were commended to God, he might be carried to the Earth. They were to meet at the Vault at Pauls, [perhaps St. Faiths,] and to go thence to the Church of St. Austins: And the Priests and the Clerks said Placebo and Dilige; and in Matins, a Mass of Requiem, at the High Altar.]

A Fraternity of St. Austins.



In this Church (before the Desolation of it by Fire) were Monuments remaining of


Henry Read, Armourer, one of the Sheriffs, 1450.

Robert Bellesdon, Haberdasher, Maior, 1491.

Sir Townley.

Will. Dere, one of the Sheriffs, 1450.

Robert Raven, Haberdasher, 1500.

Thomas Apleyard, Gentleman, 1515.

William Moncaster, Merchant-Taylor, 1524.

Will. Holt, Merchant-Taylor, 1544.

Hic jacet Magister Robertus Bursted, Baccalaureus Juris Civilis, & hujus Ecclesiæ quondam Rector. Qui obiit 16 die mensis Augusti, An. Dom. 1417. Cujus, &c.

A plated stone under the Communion Table.

Hic jacet Magister Johannes Battaill, quondam Rector hujus Ecclesiæ. Qui obiit Anno Domini, 1426. sexto die Mensis Augusti, Cujus, &c.

The like stone by the other.

A. M.
