[Monuments.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Pauls.]141

[Monuments.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Pauls.]

Ecce ut defuncti     
cineres mirere beatos,
Ecce in tantillo     
tempore quantus honor?
Dudum vita mihi fuerat,     
quæ patria mundus,
Sed mihi jam Cœlum     
Patria, Vita, Deus.
Dudum mortis eram     
peccato victima, sed jam
Justitiæ Christo victima;     
quantus honor?

Hic requiescit in pace Roberti Brett, Civis & Mercatoris Scissoris London, filii & hæredis Roberti Brett, de Whitstanton, in Com. Somerset, Armigeri. Qui uxorem duxit Elizabetham filiam Reginaldi Highgati, Armigeri. Ex ea genuit 11 filios, & 3 filias. E quibus 4 filii & 1 filia superstites sunt. Idem Robertus & Elizabetha in sancto conjugii statu 31 Annos vixerunt. Et obiit 9 Aprilis, Anno Domini 1586. Ætatis 63.

A small Monument in the East end of the Quires South Ile.

Hunc Tumulum propriis sumptibus fieri fecit Elizabetha uxor ejus, 10 die Septemb. Anno Domini 1596. Cum jam post obitum mariti prædicti, decem annos viduam vixisset, atque hic etiam sepeliri decrevit, quandocunque Deo, eam placuerit ex hac naturali vita tollere.

Here resteth the Body of Edward Wiat, late of Tillingham, in the County of Essex, Esquire, who deceased the 24. of August, 1571. He had one onely Wife, Mary, the Daughter of Sir William Waldegrave, of Smalbridge, in the Connty of Suffolke, Knight. By whom he had Issue three Sonnes and foure Daughters; but all his Children dyed young, except one Sonne, named Edward, whom he left behind him alive, about the Age of Eleven yeeres. His said Wife, his Executrix, caused this Monument to be made.

A fair plated stone at the entrance into the Quire.

Hic jacet Richardus Warner, dum vixit, Civis Civitatis London, ac quondam, Magister Fraternitatis Sancti Joannis Baptistæ, Scissorum in Civitate prædictâ; & Margareta uxor ejus. Qui quidem Richardus obiit 18 die Mens. Januarii, Anno Domini 1476.

One fair Monument for both these, in the Body of the Church.

Here lieth Richard Coxe, sometime Citizen and Skinner of London, which deceased the 8th day of March, Anno Domini 1467. And Agnes his Wife; the which deceased the 13th day of April, Anno Dom. 1472.]

There is a flat Stone, in the South Ile of the late built Church, with flourish'd Work about it, different from our Country Work. It is laid over an Armenian Merchant. Of which Foreign Merchants, there be divers that lodge and harbour in the Old Change, in this Parish.

Modern Monument.

J. S.

The Inscription is in the Armenian Character: And underneath, in English, we are given to understand his Name to be Tavakoll de David, departing 1696/7.



The Benefactors towards the finishing of this new Church, as appears by a Table hanging up therein, were these.


Thomas Holbech, D.D. late Rector of this Parish, gave to the Pewing1000000
And to the Poor of the Parish100000
Dame Margaret Ayloff gave to the Pewing likewise1000000
With many other Benefactors of the Parish of St. Faiths, united to this. Whose Names and Gifts amounting to are recorded in their Register-Book, Anno Dom. 1683.7000000

Jonathan Robinson,
Peter Wright.

Gift-Sermons belonging to this, and St. Faith's Parish, are these; with the Days allotted for Preaching them.


The Lady Hart's Sermon, for St. Austin's Parish, is to be preached on the 14th day of May, annually.

Mr. Trussel's Sermon, for St. Faiths Parish, on the 5th of November.

Mr. Richard Hassel's Sermon, for St. Austin's, on the 1st of August.]

The Cathedral Church of St. PAUL.


Then is the North Church yard of St. Pauls.

St. Pauls.

As well the Tusks of Boars, Horns of Stags and of Oxen, as the Representation of Deer, and even of Diana herself, upon the Sacrificing Vessels digged up near St. Pauls Church, import, that there was thereabouts, antiently, a Temple of that Goddess; as hath been indeed the common Tradition and Opinion. Nor assuredly would that very Learned Writer, Bishop Stillingfleet, (in his Discourse of the Antiquities of London) who lately called this into Question, ever have so done, had he known of these Things; that there was such Evidence there of Stags sacrificed; which he allowed to be the proper Sacrifice to Diana. This is the Argumentation of the learned Dr. Woodward, Professor of Physick in Gresham College. The same exact and learned Writer, shewing with satisfactory Evidence, that from the Places where Pateræ. Simpula, Præfericula, and other Vessels of Sacrifice have been turned forth of the Earth and Rubbish, judgment may be made of the Scite of the Temples of the City. And by the Figures and Insignia exhibited upon some of these Vessels, of the Deities that they were used in the Worhsip of, and those Temples dedicated to.]

Horns of Stags, Boars Tusks, Sacrificing Vessels found here.

J. S.

Antiq. Lond. p. 147. and 542.

Letter to Sir Christopher Wren.

In this Church yard, standeth the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, first founded by Ethelburt King of Kent, about the Year of Christ 610. He gave thereto Lands, as appeareth. Aedelbertus, Rex, Deo inspirante, pro animæ suæ remedio, dedit Episcopo Melito terram quæ appellatur Tillingeham, ad Monasterii sui solatium, scilicet, S. Pauli, & ego Rex Aedelbertus ita firmier concedo tibi præsuli Melito potestatem ejus habendi & possidendi, ut in perpetuum in Monasterii utilitate permaneat, &c. Athelstan, Edgar, Edward the Confessor, and others also, gave Lands thereunto.

Doctoris Gentium.

[The Gifts of which Kings, and other Benefactors, were these. King Etheldred gave the Manor of Tillingham in Essex. Erkenwald, the fourth Bishop of London from Mellitus, bestowed great Cost in the Fabrick of the Church; and augmented the Revenues much with his own Estate; and besides, procured divers ample Privileges thereto, from the Pope, and from the Kings that then reigned. Kenred, King of the Mercians, granted this Church, that it

Gifts to this Church, by antient Kings and others.
