[Structure.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Pauls.]144

[Structure.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Pauls.]

Order taken, in the 18th of Edward III. that it should be made with all Splendor imaginable. Which was accordingly done; having the Image of an Angel pointing to the Hour both of the Day and Night.]

The height of the Steeple was 520 Feet, whereof the Stone-work was 260 Feet, and the Spire was likewise 260 Feet. The length of the whole Church was 240 Taylors Yards, which made 720 Feet. The breadth thereof was 130 Feet: And the height of the Body of that Church, was 150 Feet.

Height of the Steeple.

Length of Paul's Church.

Concerning these Dimensions of the Steeple and Church, let me add what a former very accurate Observer hath noted of the same, in these Words. Hoc tempore, (scil. 7 Edw. II.) Campanile Ecclesiæ S. Pauli London, reparatur. Hæc Ecclesia continet infra limites 626 virgas quadratas, quæ faciunt tres Acras & dimid. unum ped. & dimid. In longitudine 690 pedes, quæ faciunt 42 virgas. Altitudo corporis Ecclesiæ 150 pedes. Altitudo fabricæ lapideæ Campanilis à plana terra 260 pedes; fabricæ Ligneæ Campanilis 274. Et tamen in toto non excedit 500 pedes. That is, "About this time, (to wit, the 7th of Edward II.) the Steeple of St. Paul's Church, London, was repaired. This Church contains within the Limits, 626 Yards square, which make three Acres and an half, one Foot and an half. In length 690 Feet, which make 42 Yards. The height of the Body of the Church is 150 Feet. The height of the Stone-work of the Steeple, from the Ground is 260 Feet; and of the Wood-work of the Steeple, 274 Feet. And yet in the whole it doth not exceed 500 Feet.]"

Sir Wil. Cecyl, in a MS. of his own.

J. S.

In this Steeple, were solemn Anthems sung in former times. When on some Saints Days, and some special Times of the Year, the Quire went up into the Steeple; and at a great height chaunted forth their Oraisons. Which Practice, a Writer in those Times thus sharply animadverted upon. "For their climbing up to the top of the Steeple, to sing their Anthems, I demand of them to shew a Reason, if there be any, why it is done there, rather than on the Ground? And why on such Saints Days, rather than on others? And why that Time of the Year, rather than others? When Baals Priests began to call on their Gods, and he would not hear them; Elias said, Cry louder, Peradventure your God is busy. He is chasing his Enemy, from home, or asleep. So until ye find a better Argument, I am content freely to lend you this. That ye may frankly say, ye go up to the top of the Steeple, to call on your God, that he may the more easily hear you, standing so high, &c.]"

Anthems sung in the Steeple.

J. S.

Bishop Pilkingt confutat.

This Church hath a Bishop, a Dean, a Precentor, Chancellor, Treasurer, and five Archdeacons; to wit, London, Middlesex, Essex, Colchester, and St. Albans: It hath Prebendaries Thirty, Canons Twelve, Vicars Choral Six, &c.

Governors of this Church.

The College of Petty Canons there, was founded by King Richard II. in honour of Queen Anne his Wife, and of her Progenitors, in the 17th of his Reign. Their Hall and Lands were then given unto them, as appeareth by the Patent; Master Robert Dokesworth then being Master thereof.

Petty Canons of Pauls.

In the Year 1408. the Petty Canons then building their College, the Maior and Communalty granted them their Water-courses, and other Easements.]

There was also one great Cloister, on the North side of this Church, invironing a Plot of Ground, of old time called Pardon Churchyard; whereof Thomas More, Dean of Pauls, was either the first Builder, or a most especial Benefactor; and was buried there.

Great Cloistry of Pauls.

About this Cloister, was artificially and richly painted the Dance of Machabray, or Dance of Death, commonly called the Dance of Pauls; the like whereof was painted about St. Innocent's at Paris in France. The Metres or Poesy of this Dance, were translated out of French into English, by John Lidgate, Monk of Bury; and with the Picture of Death leading all Estates, painted about the Cloister, at the special request and dispence of Jenken Carpenter, in the Reign of Henry VI. In this Cloister were buried many Persons, some of Worship, and others of Honour: The Monuments of whom, in number and curious Workmanship, passed all others that were in that Church.

Dance of Pauls.

Monuments in this Cloister.

Over the East Quadrant of this Cloister, was a fair Library, builded at the Costs and Charges of Walter Sherington, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in the Reign of Henry VI. which hath been well furnished with fair written Books in Vellum; but few of them now do remain there.

Library of Pauls.

In the midst of this Pardon Churchyard, was also a fair Chappel, first founded by Gilbert Becket, Portgrave, and principal Magistrate of this City, in the Reign of King Steven; who was there buried. Thomas More, Dean of Pauls, before-named, re-edified this Chappel, and founded three Chaplains there, in the Reign of Henry V.

Chappel in Pardon Churchyard.

In the Name of God the Fader, Sonne, and Hooly Gost, three Personys and one God, Amen. I John Hotersal, Notary and Stationer of London, holle of Mynde, thanked be Almighty God; vandering and labouring in this wretched World, whos end is Deth temporal, the which is very certeyn, and nothing more uncerteyn then is the Owre of Deth. Wylling therefore to dispose suyche Goodis, &c. make therefore and ordeyn and constitute this my present Testament, &c. First, I bequeth my Soulle unto Almighty God my Creator, Savyour and Redeemer, to his most blessid Moder, St. Mary Virgin, Quene of Heven, Ladye of al the World, and Empresse of Helle; and to al the Angelis and Saintis of Hevyn: And my Bodie to be buryed in Pardon Chirch Howe, of the Cathedral Chirch of St. Pawle, London, &c. Also I wil, as soon conveniently as it may be, &c. That there be ordeyned a Marble Stone of two Foot square, or threreabouts, &c. the which Stone I wil that there be graved the Ymages, Signes, and Scripturies, drawn and written in Paper, involved and lapped within this my present Testament. Yeven this last Day of Jan. 1492.]

One wills to be buried in Pardon Church hawe.

J. Worthing.

J. S.

Walter Caketon, Citizen and Sector, London, by his Will, dated Decemb. 1. 1429. gives to John Croxton, Chaplain, Richard Pepyn, Chaplain, and John Lombe, Chaplain of the Chauntry in the Chapel in the Churchyard if St. Pauls, called Pardon Church hawe, in Honour of St. Anne and St. Thomas the Martyr, lately built by Thomas More, Clerk, those his three Tenements, with Shops, &c. in the Parish of St. Martins Ludgate, &c. to have the three said Tenements, to the three said Chaplains of the foresaid Chauntry and their Successors for ever, to maintain one other fit Chaplain, viz. a fourth Chaplain, to colebrate Divine Offices in the said Chappel.]

Pardon Church hawe in Pauls.

Regist. Lond.

In the Year 1549. on the10th of April, the said Chappel, by Commandment of the Duke

This Chappel, with the Monuments, destroyed by the Duke of Somerset.
