[St. Faiths.] Faringdon Ward within. [Benefactors.]147

[St. Faiths.] Faringdon Ward within. [Benefactors.]

A very fair Marble Stone in the Chancel under the Communion Table, with these Words about it.


Under this Stone lie buried the Bodies of John and Francis Astley, the Sonnes of Sir John Astley of Allington Castle in the County of Kent, Master of the Revels, and a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber in Ordinary to Charles the First.

Upon it.

In obitum immaturum Johannis & Francisci Astley, Filiorum Domini Joh. Astley, Equitis Aurati. Quorum his undecim, alter Duo de viginti Annos Natus, ad Superos migravit. Utrique vero sub eodem Marmore tumulantur.

Sic rebar, solum spes tantas     
invida Fata
Ostendisse viris, &     
Rapuisse simul.
At Pater omnipotens,     
& qui dedit, abstulit, aptos
Vidit quippe Astris,     
asseruitque sibi.
Illi autem Humanis exempti     
Rebus, Olympum
Nunc habitant, ubi pax,     
& sine fine quies.
Uno hoc Felices: quod cum     
unus venter utrosque
Foverat, una etiam     
nunc capit urna duos.

A fair Monument on the North side of the Chancel, with this Inscription.

Hic juxta situs est Richardus Ironside, vir summa prudentia, industria, vitæque integritate, una cum duabus Lectiss. uxoribus. Quarum posteriorem, morum, suavitate, Elegantia., & Amore Conjunctam, Fato sibi Raptam, non ita multo post sequutus est. Quibus hoc Monumentum in opprobrium mortis, quæ has tam pias Animas eripuit à 13 liberis, qui se ipsos pœne quærunt in illarum desiderio, Consecravit.
E. I. Filius & Hæres.

A fair Monument at the upper end of the Chancel, with this Inscription.

Here lieth buried the Body of Katherine, (third Daughter of Edward Lord Nevill, Baron of Abergaveny) Wife of Sir Stephen Lessieur, of Chiswicke, in the County of Middlesex, Knight. She was brought from her said House to this Parish, in hope to recover her bodily Health, by the help of God and Physicians. But the same God knowing, and having ordained that which was best for her pious Soul, hath been pleased to take her from the Miseries of this vain World, and to receive her Soul with his Saints in Heaven. As she did profess in all the time that she lived in the state of a Maid, and of a Wife, to be a true and obedient Child of God; even so she did behave herself in her Sickness, bearing her Affliction with a true Christian Patience; much delighting to read, or to hear the Word of God read unto her, hoping and trusting to be saved by the only Merits and Passion of Jesus Christ. And recommending her Spirit into the Hands of Almighty God, she exchanged her mortal Life for the Immortal, the 4th of August, 1630.

Revel. xiv. 13.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, yea, saith the Spirit, that they rest from their labours, and their works follow them.

Quid aliud est Mors vitæ hujus mortalis, quam finis mortis hujus vitalis, & Janua vitæ immortalis.

Vive diu, sed vive Deo, nam vivere Mundo Mortis opus: viva est vivere vita Deo.

A Table hanging about the middle of the South Ile of St. Faith's Church, Anno Dom. 1630.

Benefactors, and their Gifts, to the Poor of this Parish.


1586.David Smith, Embroiderer, gave 20 Shillings a year for ever.
1592.The Lady Allington gave 5 Pounds to be distributed.
1598.John Payne, Esq; gave 12 Pence a Week in Bread, for ever.
1600.Justinian Kidd, Gent. gave 10 Pounds to be imployed for ever.
1605.Francis Lamplow, Clothworker, gave 10 Pounds to be imployed for ever.
1610.George Bishop, Stationer, Alderman, gave 10 Pounds to be distributed.
1611.William Evans, Tallow-Chandler, gave 40 Pound to be imployed for ever.
1612.John Norton, Stationer, Alderman, gave 150 Pounds, for Twelve poor People to receive 3 Pence a piece every Wednesday, weekly for ever.
1613.Mary Bishop, the Wife of George Bishop, gave 10 Pounds to be distributed.
1614.John Law, Proctor of the Arches, gave 10 Pounds to be imployed.
1620.Thomas Adams, Stationer, gave 10 Pounds to be distributed.
1623.Jasper Underwood, Vintner, gave 10 Pounds to be distributed.
1624.John Sanderson, Draper, gave 150 Pounds for Twelve poor Men to receive three Pence a Week, every Sunday weekly, for ever.
1625.Elizabeth Underwood, Widow, gave 10 Pounds to be distributed, and 60 Pounds towards a Lecture for ever.
1626.John Beliall, Slikman, gave 10 Pounds to be distributed.
1628.Ally Mercer, gave 5 Pounds to be distributed.
1629.John Speed, Merchant-Taylor, gave 5 Pounds to be distributed.

Benefactors to this Parish.

Ex dono Jacobi Trussell.]

Then was there on the North side of this Churchyard, a large Charnel House for the Bones of the Dead; and over it a Chappel of an old Foundation, such as followeth.

Charnel House with a Chappel.

In the year 1282. the 10th of Edward I. it was agreed, that Henry Walleis, Maior, and the Citizens, for the cause of Shops by them builded, without the Wall of the Churchyard, should assign to God, and to the Church of St. Paul, ten Marks of Rent by the year, for ever, towards the new building of a Chappel of the blessed Virgin Mary; and also to assign five Marks of yearly Rent to a Chaplain, to celebrate there.

There was also in this Chappel two Brotherhoods.
