[Disbusements Faringdon Ward within. for Pauls.]152

[Disbusements Faringdon Ward within. for Pauls.]

Receiver's Account, as it was cast up the 25th of October, 1639. in the 15th of King Charles I. together with a Scheme of the several Sums of Money, as they were brought into the Chamber of London, for each particular Year.
October the 29th, 1639.

An Account of the Receipts, Disbursments, and the Remainders in Cash, for the Repairs of St. Paul's Cathedral, at the Time abovesaid, as in the following Account set forth.


The Chamber of London hath received, for the Repairs of the
Body of the Church and Quire
More received by the said Chamber, for the Repairs of the West end,
being his Majesty's Gift out of the Ecclesiastical Fines
Received by the Chamber of London, towards the Steeple001500000
Total of Reciepts894890405
Paid by the Chamber of London unto several Persons, for
Houses demolished, and other necessary Charges
Paid by the said Chamber to Mr. Griggs, to be paid by him for
several Houses demolished
The Total110801608
Received by Mr Grigg, from the Chamber of London, for the Repair
of the Body of the Church, Quire, and West end,
Reciev'd by the said Mr. Grigg, of Sir Paul Pinder, for the Repair
of the South end
Total of the Reciepts720000000
The Charge of the Repair of the East end, North and South sides,
with the Money imprest upon Debenters, not yet entred into
the Book
The Charge of the Repairs of the West end, with the imprest Money
upon Debenters, not yet entered into the Book
Total of this Charge 652691405
Remaining in Cash in the Chamber of London, for the Repairs of the
Body of the Church and Quire
Remaining also in Cash in the said Chamber, for Repair of his
Majesty's Work of the West end
Total of Cash remaining in the Chamber104080709
Remaining in Cash in the Hands of Mr. Griggs, towards the Repair
of all the Church
The Total Sum, by this Account, remaining in the Chamber of London,
and in the Hands of Mr.Griggs, is

The total Sums received in these Years, towards the Repairs of the Cathedral of St. Pauls, as doth appear by the Accounts taken at the Feast of St. Michael, in these Years.

Anno Dom. Whereof from the King.From the Counties.
 l. s. d.l. s. d.l. s. d.
1631670 00 00  
16326574 19 05500 00 00 
163310678 12 05 3428 18 3
163412683 06 061900 00 004491 12 9
163515927 11 092320 00 007153 02 0
16369392 05 031135 00 061401 17 5
163710444 19 102860 00 00259 11 5
163815931 11 10710 00 003751 06 0
16396778 14 01360 00 00339 04 5
164010473 05 001186 10 08422 03 4
16411560 18 0610971 10 221237 15 7
16422000 00 00  
164315 00 00  
Tot.101330 04 08  

But more than the Sum of 35551l. 2s. 4d ob. doth not appear by the Books to have been laid out upon this Repair, since the 25th of October, 1639. that the Accounts were so Audited. For in October, 1642. the Flames of our Civil Dissensions broke violently out; so that there was only an unhappy period put to this good and praise-worthy Work, but by the Votes of Parliament, made September the 10th, Anno 1642. for the abolishing of Bishops, Deans and Chapters, (which Votes were confirmed by an Ordinance of that same Parliament, in January following;) the very Foundation of this famous Cathedral was utterly shaken in pieces. Which consisted of the Bishop, the Dean, Chanter, Chancellor, Treasurer, the five Archdeacons, the thirty Prebendaries, and the six Vicars Choral. So that the next following Year (Isaac Pennington being Lord Maior) the famous Cross in the Churchyard, which had been for many Ages the most solemn Place in this Nation for the greatest Divines, and most eminent Scholars to Preach at, was (with the rest of the Crosses about London and Westminster) by further Order of the said Parliament, pulled down to the Ground. And in the Month of March ensuing, the Houses and Revenues belonging to the Dean and Chapter of this Cathedral, were seized on by Order likewise of the said Parliament; together with all Money, Goods, or Materials, bought, or given, for repairing or finishing of this Church, in whose Hands soever they were, were seized on, and disposed of, by Order of the said Parliament. One Part of it went for Soldiers Pay; 400l. per Ann. to Cornelius Burges, one of the Assembly of Divines, (who afterwards stiled himself Minister of London) to preach a Weekly Lecture in part of the Quire. In other parts of the Church, Sawpits were digged, for the sawing out of the Scaffolding Timber, by them sold and given. Several Places, (even where some Reverend Bishops, and other Persons of Quality lay interred) and afterwards the Body of the Church was converted to a Horse Guard for Troopers to quarter in.

The Condition of this Church in the Civil War time, and after.

And in this deplorable Condition did this near finished sumptuous Structure continue, until the Year 1660. which was the Year of his Majesty, King Charles II. most happy Restauration. Who had a pious Intent to set upon the Repairs thereof again; but before such a Work could be brought to Form and Order for Reparation, it was all ruined by the

Consumed in the great Fire.
