[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]159

[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

Diacono remansit intrepidus. Aere tandem purgato, Episcopus residuum rei divinæ explevit.

Epitaphium ejus super Tumulo.

Ecclesiæ quondam     
Præsul præsentis in Anno
M. bis C. quater X.     
jacet hic Rogerus humatus.
Hujus erat manibus     
Domino locus iste dicatus:
Christe suis precibus     
veniam des, tolle reatus.

Hic infra jacet corpus Magistri Thomæ de Evre, Legum Doctoris, istius Ecclesiæ S. Pauli quondam Decani, qui die nono mensis Octobris, Anno Domini Millesimo, quadringentissimo, & sui Decanatus Anno 12. diem suum clausit extremum. Cujus Animæ propitietur Deus, Amen.]

At the entring the middle Door of the Quire, a fair plated stone.

John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster, 1399. buried oin the North side of the Quire, by Blanch his first Wife; who deceased in tyhe Year 1368.]

J. S.

Hic in Domino obdormivit Johannes Gandavensis, vulgò de Gaunt, à Gandavo Flandriæ urbe loco natali, ita denominatus, Edwardi 3. Regis Angliæ filius, à patre Comitis Richmondiæ titulo ornatus. Tres sibi uxores in Matrimonio duxit: Primum, Blancham, filiam & hæredem Henrici, Ducis Lancastriæ, per quem amplissimam adiit hæreditatem: Nec solum Dux Lancastriæ, sed etiam Leicestriæ, Lincolniæ, & Derbiæ Comes effectus. E cujus sobole Imperatores, Reges, Principes, & Proceres propagati sunt plurimi. Alteram habuit uxorem Constantiam (quæ hic contumulatur) filiam & hæredem Petri, Regis Castiliæ & Legionis: cujus jure optimo titulo Regis Castiliæ & Legionis usus est. Hæc unicam illi peperit filiam Katharinam, ex qua ab Henrico Reges Hispaniæ sunt propagati. Tertiam vero uxorem duxit Katharinam, ex Equestri Familia, & eximia pulchritudine fÅ“minam, ex qua numerosam suscepit prolem: Unde genus ex Matre duxit Henricus 7. Rex Angliæ prudentissimus, cujus fÅ“licissimo conjugio cum Edwardi 4. filia, è stirpe Eboracensi, Regiæ illæ Lancastriensium & Eboracensium Familiæ, ad exoptatissimam Angliæ pacem coaluerunt.

A very goodly Tomb curiously framed of white Stone, having his Lance and Target hanging by it.

A. M.

Illustrissimus hic Princeps, cognomento Plantagenet, Rex Castiliæ & Legionis, Dux Lancastriæ, Comes Richmondia, Leicestriæ, Lincolniæ & Derbiæ, Locumtenens Aquitaniæ, Magnus Senescallus Angliæ; Obiit Anno 22. Regni Regis Richardi 2. Annoq; Domini 1399.]

Blanch his first Wife, died 1359. (according to Fabian's Chronicle.) She ordained for the said Duke her Husband, and for her self, four Chaunters for ever, and an Anniversary yearly; at which, (besides other great Things given to the Dean and Chapter of the Church) she appointed, that the Maior being present at the Mass, should offer a Penny, and take up 20s. the Sheriffs either of them a Penny, and to receive either of them a Mark; the Chamberlain of the City 10s. the Sword-bearer 6s. 8d. every Officer of the Maior, there present, 22d. to every Officer, to the number of eight; admitted for the Sheriffs, to each of them 8d. The which Obit is at this day holden, (that is, in Fabian's time that relates this.) But by Reason the Land was then decayed, these forenamed Sums were greatly diminished. So that the Maior had but 6s. 8d. and with the Sheriffs, between them, 6s. 8d. and other after that Rate.

Blanch, Duke of Lancaster, his first Wife, her Obit.

Fabian, fol. 253.

J. S.

Sir Simon Burley, Constable of Dover, and Chamberlain to King Richard II. Knight of the Garter, Beheaded, lieth buried in the North Walk against the Quire; and this Inscription.]

Sir Simon Burley Beheaded.

Hic requiescit Simon Burley, Banerettus, quinque Portuum Præfectus, Ordinis Garterii Miles, & Richardo 2. Consiliarius longè charissimus. Connubio sibi conjuctas habuit ex amplissimis Familiis duas uxores: alteram Staffordiæ, alteram Baronis de Roos filiam, Verum difficillimo illo tempore, cum inter Angliæ proceres omnia sub juvene Principe simultatibus agitarentur, in tantum nonnullorum odium incurrit, ut Parliamentaria authoritate capite plecteretur, Anno Domini, 1388. Posteri autem eadem postea authoritate sub Rege Henrico quarto sunt restituti. Obiit Anno Salutis, 1398.]

Under a fair Monument in the North Walk against the Quire.

A. M.

Sir Raphe de Hingham, Chief justice of both Benches successively, buried in the side of the North Walk against the Quire, 1308.]

J. S.

Per versus patet hos,     
Anglorum qui jacet hic flos,
Legum qui tuta     
dictavit vera statuta:
Ex Hengham dictus,     
Radulphus vir benedictus.     
Anno 1308.

Within the North Wall buried.

A. M.

In the North Walk, against the Quire, lie all these buried.

Sir John Poultney *, Citizen, Draper, and Lord Maior of London, in the Year 1348. lieth buried in a fair Chappel, builded by himself, on the North side of Paul's Quire; wherein he founded three Chaplains.

*Putteney, First Edit.

Hamond Chickwell, six times Lord Maior of London, 1328.

Henry Guildford, Clark, at the Altar of the Apostles, 1313.

Richard Newport, Bishop of London, 1318.

William Chatesteshunt, Canon, in the new Work, who had a Chauntry there.

Sir Nicolas Wokendon, Kt. at the Altar of St. Thomas, in the new Work, 1323.

John Cheshul, Bishop of London, 1279.

Robert Monden, and John Monden his Brother, both Canons, in the new Work, 1332.

Richard de Plesseys lieth in the North Walk, before St. George's Chappel, Anno 1361.

William Melford, and Richard de Placito, both Archdeacons of Colchester, 1345. lie buried before St. Thomas's Chappel.

Adam de Burie *, Lord Maior of London in the Year 1364. lies buried in a Chappel of St. Mary Magdalen, or the Holy Ghost, called Holmes's College, because Roger Holmes, Chancellor and Prebend of Pauls, was there buried, in the Year 1400. This was called Holmes's College.

*Berg, First Edit.

Holmes's College.

The Dutchess of Bedford, Sister to Philip Duke of Burgundy, Anno Dom. 1433.

Robert Fitz-Hugh, Bishop of London, in the Quire, Anno 1435.]

In the Quire.

Thomas Kemp, Bishop of London, in a proper Chappel of the Trinity, by him founded in the Body of the Church, on the North side, 1489.

J. S.

John Collet, Dean of Pauls, on the South side without the Quire, 1519.
