[S. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]164

[S. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

In honour of thy life,     
and latter dayes,
To number thee     
among the blessed dead.

A pure regard     
to thy Immortall Part,
A spotlesse Minde,     
a Body prone to paine,
A giving Hand,     
and an unvanquisht Heart,
And all these Vertues     
void of all disdaine.
And all these Vertues     
yet not so unknowne,
But Netherlands, Seas,     
Indies, Spaine, and France,
Can witnesse that these     
Honors were thine owne;
Which they reserve,     
thy Merit to advance:
That Valour should not     
perish void of Fame,
Nor Noble Deeds,     
but leave a Noble Name.

Eustacius de Fauconbridge, Regis Justiciarius, una atque altera Legatione perfunctus in Gallia, sub Joanne & Henrico 3. Regibus: Quibus ab intimis Conciliis, & supremus Angliæ Thesaurarius fuit: Post Concessionem Guil. de Sancta Maria hujus Ecclesiæ Antistitis. Electus est in Episcopum Londinensem, Anno Verbi Incarnati, 1221. Consecratus à Benedicto, Roffensi Episcopo, cum jam abesset Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis. Quumq; sedisset Annos 7. Menses 6. obiit diem pridiè Cal. Novemb. Anno Salutis, 1228.

Buried in the South Ile above the Quire, within the Wall.

Henricus de Wengham, Regi Henrico 3. à sacris, & Cancellarius, Decanus de Totenhale, & S. Martini London, Camerarius Gasconiæ; Vir (ut inquit Florilogus) curialis, discretus, & circumspectus. Electus Anno Christi 1259. Wintoniensis Episcopus, consentire noluit. Tandem, post mortem Fulconis Basset, hujus Ecclesiæ Pontificis, eodem anno in Episcopum Londinensem consecratus fuit, sed vix tribus annis sedet. Obiit Anno Salutis 1262.

He lies also buried in the same South Ile above the Quire.

He also lieth buried there.

At the East, and behind the high Altar.

Hoc in loco requiescit in Domino Erkenwaldus 3. post Anglo-Saxonum in Britannia ingressum Episcopus Londinensis. Cujus in Episcopatu, & ante Episcopatum, vita & conversatio fuit sanctissima; ex Nobili Prosapia oriundus. Offæ, Orientalium Saxonum Regis erat filius, ad fidem Christianam à Mellito primo London. Episcopo, Anno Domini 642. conversus.


1. Mellitus.

2. Wina.

3 Erkenwaldus.

4. Waltherus.

5 Ingualdus.

6 Egulphus.

7. Wigherus.

8. Edbrithus.

9. Edgarus.

Is priusquam Episcopus factus esset, duo præclara construxit Monasteria sumptibus suis, de bonis quæ jure hæreditario sibi obvenerunt; unum sibi in finibus Australium Saxonum loco, qui Certesey vocatur. Alterum Edelburgæ Sorori suæ feminæ laudatissimæ ad Berching in ditione Orientalium Saxonum.

10 Kinewalchus.

11. Edhaldus.

12. Edbertus.

13. Osmondus.

14 Ethelnothus.

15. Celbertus.

16. Rebulphus.

17. Swithulphus.

In Episcopatum vero Anno Salutis, 675. à Theodoro, Dorobernensium sive Cantuariæ Archiepiscopo sacratus est. Sebbam, Orientalium Saxonum Regem ad Christi fidem convertit, & salutari Baptismatis unda suis manibus perfudit; qui statim mundo renuncians, se totum Deo addixit, & in hac ipsa Ecclesia Arca Marmorea (quæ ad nostra usque tempora permanet) sepultus est. Idem Erkenwaldus celeberrimum hoc S. Pauli Templum novis ædificiis auxit, proventubus locupletavit, & eidem immunitates nonnullas à Regibus impetravit. Tandem, circiter Annum Domini 683. spiritum Deo reddidit, postquam Annis 11. in Pontificatu sedisset, & magnifico Sepulchro hic conditus est, quod nostra memoria circiter Annum Domini 1533. hoc loco visebatur.

18. Eadfinus.

19. Wilsius.

20. Ethelwardus.

21. Eadstanus.

Isti Episcopi in Margine notati, post Erkenwadum, seriatim in Cathedra Londinens. usq; in tempora Edwardi senioris Anglorum Regis successerunt.

Quorum omnium adeo obsolevit memoria, ut nec earum acta, nec mausolea sciantur.

Michael Norborow, Bishop of London, 1361.

Robert Brewer, Dean of Pauls, 1366.

Robert Breybrooke, Canon of Lichfield, Bishop of London, and made Lord Chancellour in the 6th Year of King Richard II. He sate Bishop twenty Years, and deceased An. 1404.

In the new Works of St. Dunstan's Chappel.

Some have noted, that in digging the Foundation of this new Work of Pauls, [namely of a Chappel on the South side of Paul's Church,] there were found more than an hundred Scalps of Oxen or Kine, [in the Year 1316.]

Chappel on the South Ile of Pauls builded.

N.B. About this new Work of Pauls, A.M. makes a double Mistake; for neither was it of a Chappel only, but rather of the whole Church. Neither were these Scalps found in the Year 1316. Since (as Stow here asserts) they were found in digging the Foundation of this new Work, which was 200 Years before. For Erkenwald's Body was removed into the new Work, 1140. J.S.]

Scalps of Oxen found in digging the Foundation.

Which thing, (say they) confirmeth greatly the Opinion of those which have reported, that (of old time) there had been a Temple of Jupiter, and that there was daily Sacrifice of Beasts.

And of this Judgment was Bishop Stillingfleet, sometime Dean of this Church, who supposed that here stood a Capitol, rather than Diana's Temple. Because most of the Colonies had Capitols erected in them, in imitation of Rome. And that the situation of the Place made it probable, being the highest Place in the City. And Vitruvin's Rule was, Capitols were to be erected in the highest and most conspicuous Place of the City. And the Sacrifice of Oxen was most proper for the Worship performed in the Capitol, being accounted the most Noble Sacrifices. And Servius observed, those that went up to the Capitol in Triumph, sacrificed white Oxen: So that it seem'd to him, rather to have been a Temple to Jupiter.]

A Temple of Jupiter.

Disc. Antiq. Lond.

J. S.

Other some, both Wise and Learned, have thought the Bucks Head, born before the Procession of Pauls, on St. Pauls Day, to signify the like. But true it is, that I have read an antient Deed to this effect: Viz.

Sir William Baud, Kt. the 3d of Edward I. in the Year 1274. on Candlemas-day, granted to Harvy de Borham, Dean of Pauls, and to the Chapter there, that in consideration of twenty two Acres of Ground or Land, by them granted, within their Manor of Westley in Essex, to be inclosed into his Park at Curingham; he would (for ever) upon the Feast day of the Conversion of Paul, in Winter, give unto them a good Doe, seasonable and sweet: And upon the Feast of the Commemoration of St. Paul, in Summer, a good Buck, and offer the same at the high Altar; the same to be spent amongst the Canons Residents. The Doe to be brought by one Man, at the Hour of Procession, and through the Procession to the high Altar; and the Bringer to have nothing. The Buck to be brought by all his Meyney in like manner; and they to have paid unto them by the Church, 12 Pence only, and no more to be required.

A Buck's Head born before the Procession at Pauls.
