[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]165

[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

This Grant he made, and for performance, bound the Lands of him and his Heirs to be distrained on: And if the Lands should be evicted, that yet he and his Heirs should accomplish the Gift. Witnesses, Richard Tilbery, William de Wockendon, Richard de Harlowe, Knights, Peter of Stanford, Thomas of Waldon, and some others.

Sir Walter Baude, Son to William, confirmed this Gift in the 30th of the said King; and the Witnesses thereunto, were Nicolas de Wockendon, Rich. de Rokeley, Thomas de Mandevile, John de Rochford, Knights; Richard de Broniford, William de Markes, William de Fulham, and others. Thus much for the Grant.

Now, what I have heard by report, and have partly seen, it followeth.

On the Feast day of the Commemoration of St. Paul, the Buck being brought up to the Steps of the High Altar in Paul's Church, at the Hour of Procession, the Dean and Chapter apparelled in Coaps and Vestments, with Garlands of Roses on their Heads, they sent the Body of the Buck to baking, and had the Head fixed on a Pole, born before the Cross in their Procession, until they issued out at the West Door; where the Keeper that brought it, blowed the death of the Buck, and then the Horners that were about the City, presently answered him in like manner. For the which pains, they had each Man of the Dean and Chapter, 4 Pence in Money, and their Dinner. And the Keeper that brought it, during his abode there (for that Service) Meat, Drink, and Lodging, at the Dean and Chapters Charges, and 5 Shillings in Money at his going away; together with a Loaf of Bread, having the Picture of St. Paul upon it, &c.

There was belonging to the Church of St. Paul, for both the Days, two special Suits of Vestments, the one imbroidered with Bucks, the other with Does, both given by the said Bauds (as I have heard.) Thus much for that Matter.

The finding of Scalps of Oxen and Kine near this Church of St. Paul, mentioned before, may move a Question, Whether it denoted not a Religious Place of the Heathen Saxons? Since they at their Festivals sacrificed Oxen, and perhaps, after they became Christians too. Which appears from the direction that Pope-Gregory gave to St. Austin the Monk, for propagating Christian Religion among them. Where he speaks of their sacrificing abundance of Oxen to Devils. But he [Austin] should no abolish that Custom, but appoint new Festivals, either in Honour of the Saints, to whom their Churches were dedicated, or whose Relicks were deposited therein. And that making Arbours with Branches of Trees, round their Churches, (according as those Pagan Saxons used in their Religious Worship) they should be allowed to kill their Oxen, and feast and enjoy themselves as they did before in their former Pagan State; only they should offer their Thanks and Praises unto God.

The Heathen Saxons sacrificed Oxen.

J. S.

Vid. Dr. Innet's Origin. Anglican. p. 23.

But the late very Learned Prelate, Bishop Stillingfleet, (in a Tract he wrote Of the true Antiquity of London, and its State in the Roman Times) confutes the Assertion that any Temple of Diana stood here, from the Consideration by whom she should be worshipped: Since neither Britains, Romans, nor Saxons did; or if either of them did, Would they have worshipped her in that manner? Britains and Saxons had no such Deity. Cæsar mentioning the Gods that were worshipped both by the Gauls and the Germans, made no mention of Diana. Or if they had worshipped her, how came a Temple to be built her, when the Druids, their Priests, performed all their Superstitious Worship in Groves; which were all the Temples in use among them? That it is true, among the Romans Diana was in great request. But Stags were proper Sacrifices to her, or Sheep were allowed; but not Oxen. And whereas Camden said Tauropolia were kept in honour of Diana, these had no relation to Oxen, (as the Word seems to signify) but to the Worship of Diana, who was called Taurica, as Mr. Selden hath learnedly observed: And that she a Seythian Deity, and worshipped with human Sacrifices. So that learned Man. Yet others say, it is very certain she was worshipped in Britain; as appears by an Image of her, digged out of the Ground in Monmouthshire, An. 1602. girt about, and short trussed, bearing a Quiver.]

Conjectures that Pauls was not a Temple of Diana.

J. S.

Lib. 6.

De Synedr. Lib. 3.

Samm's Britann. Antiqua. p. 135.

Now to the residue of the Monuments, which are beneath the Stairs, in the Sides and Body of the Church.

Henry Guilford, Lord Marshal, was buried in the Apostles Chappel, 1313.

Richard Newport, Bishop, 1318.

Sir John Beauchamp, Constable of Dover, Warden of the Ports, Knight of the Garter, the Son of Sir Guy Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, and Brother to Thomas Earl of Warwick, lieth buried in the Body of the Church, on the South side, 1358. within a proper Chappel purposely made for him, where a fair Monument remaineth of him.

In a comely Chappel in the Body of the Church, on the South side.

He is by ignorant People misnamed, to be Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, who lieth honourably buried at St. Albans, twenty Miles from London. And therefore such as merrily profess themselves to serve Duke Humphrey in Pauls, are to be punished here, and sent to St. Albans to be punish'd again, for their Absence from their Master, as they call him.

Divers fond Peoples Opinion concerning Duke Humfrey buried in Pauls Church.

In idle and frivolous Opinion of whom, some Men, of late times, have made a solemn meeting at his Tomb, upon St. Andrews Day in the Morning (before Christmas) and concluded on a Breakfast or Dinner; as assuring themselves to be Servants, and to hold diversity of Offices under the good Duke Humfrey.

A. M.

Likewise on May-day, Tankard bearers, Watermen, and some other of like quality beside, would use to come to the same Tomb early in the Morning, and (according as the other) have delivered serviceable presentation at the same Monument, by strewing Herbs, and sprinkling fair Water on it; as the duty of Servants, and according to their degrees and charges in Office. But as Master Stowe hath discreetly advised such as are so merrily disposed, or simply profess themselves to serve Duke Humfrey in Pauls; if punishment of losing their Dinners daily there, be not sufficient for them, they should be sent to St. Albans, to answer there for their disobedience, and long absence from their so highly well deserving Lord and Master, because in their merry Disposition they please so to call him.]

A due and fit Penance for fond Duke Humfrey's idle Servants.

Margaret, Countess of Shrewsbury, in the Crowds, or Jesus Chappel, as appeareth by an Inscription on a Pillar there.

A. M.

Here before the Image of JESUS, lyeth the Worshipfull and right noble Countesse of Shrewsbury, late Wife of the true and victorious Knight, and redoubtable Warriour, J. Talbot, Earle of Shrewsbury: Which Worshipfull Man dyed in Guien, for the Right of this Land. Shee was the first Daughter, and one of the Heyres of the right famous and renowned Knight, Ri-

Margaret, Countess of Shrewsbury, her Monument painted over the entry of Jesus Chappel.
