[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]168

[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

Hic Saxeam, Ille Ligneam sensit Crucem,
Hic intus, Ille bajulans extra suam:
Dolorum, utriq; Lux posuit una & modum.
Quin ipsa Lux hæc masculum robur dedit,
Ut nil tremendum Mortis, incuteret metus;
Sed Pascha verum, Transitus potius foret,
Æternitati Prodromus. Marmor loquax
Spirat Resurgam, Mysticis candens Notis:
Nec ipse Sadducæus apparet Lapis.
Conditq; tantum, non premit Corpus: grave
Spes ista superat pondus, & summum petit;
Nec detinebit mole Depositum suâ;
Sed sponte ruptus Exitum tandem dabit.
Cum Triduanum dormierit. Ipsus tulit
Hanc, Christus olim, Tertiæ Lucis moram.
(Nec mille Sæcla Triduum excedunt Dei.)
Sic tota demum, juncta Primitiis, Seges
Egerminabit. Hæc Via ad Patriam, Mori.
Calcata Mors est, Surget ad Patriam vigil.
Hanc spem fovebat Ille: quod sculptum hic legis,
Sed Corde fixum fuerat, & Cœlo ratum.
Anagram: Nominis, & Chronogr, Ætatis 62. currentis.

Chronogramma Anni Domini 1621.
Philip. i. 23.

Pauli hoc dissolvi, repeti non desiit, ante
Quam, quæ protulerat, Lingua soluta fuit.


Non his Pyramides; non sculpta Panegyris ambit
Hos Cineres; lapidum nec pretiosa strues.
Quod frugale magis, Tibi Te committimus unum:
Si jaceas aliter, vilior Umbra fores.
Nam Tibi qui similis vivit, moriturq; Sepulcrum
Ille sibi vivax, & sibi Marmor erit.

Valentine Cary, sometimes Dean of St. Paul's Church, and after Bishop of Exeter, lies buried on the South side of the Quire, under a plain Stone, with this Inscription about it.

Hic jacet Valentinus Carey, Sacræ Theologiæ Doctor, olim Decanus hujus Ecclesiæ, qui obiit Episcopus Exon. Cujus Monumentum ibidem erectum patet. 1626.

In the South side of the Quire of St. Paul's Church, stands a white Marble Statue on an Urn, with this Inscription over it.

Joannes Donne
Sac. Theol. profess.
Post varia studia, quibus
ab Annis tenerrimis Fideliter,
nec infæliciter incubuit,
Instinctu, & Impulsu Spir. Sancti,
Monitu, & Hortatu Regis Jacobi.
Anno sui Jesu 1614. & suæ Ætat. 42.
Decanatu hujus Eccles. indutus
27. Novemb. 1621.
Exutus morte ultimo die
Martii. An. 1631.
Hic licet in Occiduo Cinere,
Aspicit eum
Cujus Nomen, est Oriens.

The Stone bearing this Inscription, is in the middle Ile of this Church, not far from the Steps to the Chancel.

Spe Resurgendi
Hic jacet
Thomas Raymond
Sacræ Theologiæ
Sancti Albani
Hujusque Ecclesiæ
Obiit 4 die Novembris.
Anno { Ætatis 47.
{ Salutis 1631.

Not far from this, a Stone with these Words about it.

Hic jacet Gulielmus Bonham, nuper Civis, & Vinitarius London, Filius Thomæ Bonham, de Stanway, in Comitatu Essex, Arm. Qui obiit duodecimo Februarii, Anno Dom. 1628.

Not far from the other, over against the little North Door, in the same Ile, under a fair Marble Stone, without any Inscription upon it, lieth buried the Body of Dr. Houson, late Bishop of Durham.

In this Cathedral Church, besides these Monuments erected to eminent Men, deceased, were, in former Times, Sculptures, Statues, and Images of worthy Men, set up in Tables. Among such, was that of Thomas Earl of Lancaster, a Plantagenet, Grandson of K. Henry III. He was one of the chief of the Barons and Nobility that opposed King Edward II. in his Misgovernment, by reason of Gaveston, and the Spencers. But afterwards he was overthrown by the King's Party, and Beheaded at Pomfret. But so beloved he was of the Citizens, that they had his Effigies set up in St. Pauls; which they offered Prayers and Oblations to, and supposed that he did Miracles: And this notwithstanding the King's hatred of him. Who hearing of this, was exceeding angry, and wrote a Letter from York, to Stephen Bishop of London, declaring his Resentment of it, and commanding him to restrain the People from doing this any more; considering, not only that he was his Rebel, but that it was done without Authority of the Church of Rome. The King's Letter had several Things in it, that it may deserve to be exemplified; as communicated to me out of the Tower Records.

Statues and Images set up in this Church of St. Pauls

J. S.

Rex venerabili patri Stephano, &c. The King, &c. to the venerable Father Stephen, by the same Grace Bishop of London, greeting. "It hath come to our Ears, which we learn heavily, that very many of the People commited to your Charge, by a diabolical Fraud deceived, foolishly repairing to a certain Table being in the Church of St. Paul, London, in which are painted the Statues, Sculptures, or Resemblances of divers Persons, and among the rest, the Effigies of Thomas sometime Earl of Lancaster, our Enemy and Rebel; and do worship and adore it as some sanctified Thing, without the Authority of the Church of Rome, asserting Miracles to be done there; to the Disgrace of the whole Church, the Dishonour of Us and You, and the manifest Danger of the Souls of the People beforesaid, and the pernicious Example of "

Rot. claus. 16. E. 2. in 2. dors.

Geo. Holmes.
