[Monuments.] Breadstreet Ward. [Monuments.]203

[Monuments.] Breadstreet Ward. [Monuments.]

of, about the year 1300. And Odde Cornish, Gentleman, 1312.

William Palmer, Blader, a great Benefactor also, 1356.

John Shadworth, Maior, 1401. who gave the Parsonage House, a Vestry, and Churchyard, in the Year 1428. Notwithstanding his Monument is pulled down.

Stephen Bugge, Gentleman: His Arms be three Water-Bugges, 1419.

[Henry Budge founded a Chauntry there, 1419.]

Roger Forde, Vinter, 1440.

Thomas Barnwell, Fishmonger, one of the Sheriffs, 1434.

Sir John Hawlen, Clark, Parson of that Church, who built the Parsonage House newly, after the same had been burned to the Ground; together with the Parson and his Man also burned in that Fire, 1485.

Parson of St. Mildred, and his Man, burned.

John Pranell, 1510.

William Hurstwaight, Pewterer to the King, 1526.

Christopher Turner, Chirurgeon to King Henry VIII. 1530.

Ralph Simonds, Fishmonger, one of the Sheriffs in the Year 1527.

Thomas Langham gave to the Poor of that Parish four Tenements, 1575.

Thomas Hall, Salter, 1582.

Thomas Collins, Salter, Alderman.

Sir Ambrose Nicolas, Salter, Maior, 1575. was buried in Sir John Chadworth's Vault.

An Obit Consecrated to the happy Memorial of Sir John Chadworth, or Shadworth, Knight, sometime Mercer, and Lord Maior of this City of London; who gave a Vestry to this Church, an House for the Pastor to dwell in, and a Churchyard for the Parishioners, wherein to bury their Dead. He deceased the 7th day of May, An. Dom. 1431.

A very antient Tomb in the North side of the Chancel.

A. M.

John Shadworth, Citizen and Mercer of London, buried in the Church of St. Mildred Breadstreet, near the Altar of St. Mary there, made by him. By his Will dated Feb. 1429. he gave to Nic. Overton, Rector of St. Mildreds, and to the Parishioners, one Tenement, with the Houses, &c. and one Placca terræ, on the South side of the said Church, containing, &c. to be held by the said Rector and Parish for ever, for the Habitation and Mansion of the Rector and his Successors.

St. Mildred Breadstreet.

Regist. Lond.

J. S.

Item, To the Abbess and Convent of the House of St. Clare, of the Minoress without Aldgate, a Tenement in the Parish of St. Bartholomew the Less, London, for ever, to pray for the Souls of Bartholde Bozan, and Johan his Wife. And by a Codicil, he gave to the Rector of St. Alban Wodestreet, three Tenements in Basing lane, in the Parish of St. Mary Aldermary, and St. Mildred Breadstreet, for ever, to find yearly one Chaplain in the said Church, daily to celebrate for the Soul of John Wodecocke, &c. Robert Chichely, &c. his Executors. This Shadworth was Lord Maior 1401.]

Here lieth a Man, that     
Faith and Works did even
(Like fiery Chariots)     
mount him up to Heaven.
He did adorne this Church.     
When Words were weake,
And Men forget, the     
living Stones will speak;
He left us Land: This     
little Earth him keepes,
These black Words Mourners,     
and the Marble weepes.

A fair Inscription on the Wall.

Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Copynger, the which deceased the 14th day of November, in the Yeere of our Lord God, 1513. On whose Soule, &c.

A plated stone before the Communion Table.

Here lieth buried Thomas Clivelod, of Warmoster, in the County of Wiltshire, Ceothier; who deceased the 24th day of June, Anno Domini, 1558.

The like stone by the other.

Here lieth Sir Cuthbert Barne, Knight, who deceased the 16th day of October, in the Yeere of our Lord God 1521. On whose, &c.

One fair stone plated, for both these, by the Communion Table.

Here lieth Roger Forde, Vintner of London, with Joane and Margaret his Wives. The which Joane deceased the eighth day of August, Anno Domini 1467. And Margaret deceased the eleventh day of June, Anno Domini 1492. And the foresaid Roger deceased, &c.

Here lye buried the Bodies of John Ireland, Citizen and Salter of London, and Elizabeth his Wife; who were married together about Nine and forty or fifty Yeeres. And hee had issue by her sixe Sonnes and sixe Daughters; and hee lived in this Parish sixty Yeeres. He was Deputie of this Ward fifteene Yeere, and was the first Master of the Company of Salters. She deceased the second day of April, 1613. being of the Age of Seventy and five Yeeres. And hee deceased the five and twentieth day of June, being aged 83 Yeeres.
So rest they both here in the Bed of Death, in hope of a joyful Resurrection.
Respice & prospice finem.

A fair plated stone in the South Quire.

This Stone openeth upon the Stairs of a Vault, made by Captain Nicolas Crispe, Anno 1628. Wherein lieth buried his Grandfather, Master John Ireland, late Deputy of this Ward. He was buried the 29th of June, 1614. And Mistress Eliz. Ireland his Wife, buried the 13th day of April, 1613. And his Father Ellis Crispe, late Alderman; and died Sheriff. He was buried the 10th day of November, 1625. And his Son Nicolas Crispe; who was buried the 23d day of January, 1626.

A fair stone in the South side of the Chancel.

J. S.

} Children of Captain Nic. Crispe,
buried Anno Dom. 1632.

A fair Monument belonging to this Stone, standing over it, with this Inscription.

Ere his Worth was fully known,
London lost him, once her own.
Let that Year ly buried here,
In which London two did gain,
Sheriffs good, and lost again,
City, Church, Wife, Children, weep;
Reason good, though he but sleep.
Ill can London not lament,
Spoil'd of one chief Ornament.
Pity, Death had him oregrown,
Ere his Worth was fully known.
