[The Compter.] Breadstreet Ward. [S. John Evan. S. Marg. Moyses.]205

[The Compter.] Breadstreet Ward. [S. John Evan. S. Marg. Moyses.]

Holly and Ivy, at the Feast of Christmas. The Ladder served for the decking of the May-pole, and Roof of the Hall. Thus much for Gisors Hall, and for that side of Breadstreet, may suffice.

Every Man's House of old time was decked with Holly and Ivy in the Winter, especially at Christmas.

Now on the West side of Breadstreet, amongst divers fair and large Houses for Merchants, and fair Inns for Passengers, had ye one Prisonhouse pertaining to the Sheriffs of London, called the Compter in Breadstreet. But in the Year 1555. the Prisoners were removed from thence, to one other new Compter in Woodstreet, provided by the Cities purchase, and builded for that purpose. The Cause of which remove was thus: Richard Husband, Pastelar, Keeper of this Compter in Breadstreet, being a wilful and head-strong Man, dealt (for his own Advantage) hard with the Prisoners under his Charge; having also Servants, such as himself liked best for their bad Usage, and would not for any Complaint be reformed. Whereupon, in the Year 1550. Sir Rowland Hill being Maior, by the assent of a Court of Aldermen, he was sent to the Goal of Newgate, for the cruel handling of his Prisoners. And it was commanded to the Keeper, to set those Irons on his Legs, which are called the Widows Alms. These he wore from Thrusday, till Sunday in the Afternoon; and being by a Court of Aldermen released on the Tuesday, was bound in an Hundred Marks, to observe from thenceforth an Act made by the Common Council, for the ordering of Prisoners in the Compters. All which notwithstanding, he continued as afore, whereof my self am partly a Witness. For being on a Jury, to inquire against a Sessions of Goal Delivery, in the Year 1552. we found the Prisoners hardly dealt withal for their Achates and otherwise; as also that Thieves and Strumpets were there lodged for 4d. the Night, whereby they might be safe from Searches that were made abroad. For the which Enormities, and others not needful to be recited, he was Indighted at that Sessions; but did rub it out, and could not be reformed, till this remove of the Prisoners: For the House in Breadstreet was his own by Lease, or otherwise, so that he could not be put from it. Such Jailors buying their Offices, will deal hardly with pitiful Prisoners.

Compter in Breadstreet.

Prisoners removed from the Compter in Breadstreet, to a new Counter in Woodstreet.

Keeper of the Compter sent to Newgate.

Quest of Inquiry Indight the Keepers of the Goals for dealing hardly with their Prisoners.

They Indighted the Bowling Allies, &c.

An ABSTRACT of an Act of Common Council, held Septemb. 19. in the 3d and 4th Years of Philip and Mary, for the removing of the Compter Prison out of Bredstreet into Great Woodstreet.


BY Reason of divers Hindrances, Injuries, Extremities, and Displeasures, done unto the Prisoners in Bredstreet Compter, by the Keepers of the same; who hiring the House of the Goldsmiths Company, would not many times suffer the Sheriffs of London, who stand charged with the Prisoners, to use them so well as they had purposed. Whereby the City hath been slandered, Law and good Orders broken, and poor Prisoners too much abused. Therefore was the Prison removed to a House belonging to the City, situate in Great Woodstreet; where the Sheriff and his Officers were to keep their Courts, &c. as they had before used in Bredstreet. At which time it was also enacted, that the said Compter in Woodstreet should never hereafter, for any Cause whatsoever, be letten out to any other Use or Person, &c.]

The Parish of St. JOHN Evangelist.


Now in Friday street, so called of Fishmongers dwelling there, and serving Fridays Market; on the EastSide is a small Parish Church, commonly called St. John Evangelist.

Friday street.

St. John Evanglelist, some ime of St. Werbridge.

This Church was Repaired and Beautified at the sole and only Cost of the Parishioners, in the Year of our Lord 1626.



James Barnard,
Richard Malbone.

In the same Year a Gallery was new built and beautified, at the only Cost of Tho. Goodyeare, Citizen and Draper of London, and here a Parishioner.]



The Monuments therein, be of John Dogget, Merchant-Taylor, one of the Sheriffs in the Year 1509.


Sir Christopher Askew, Draper, Maior, 1533.

William de Avinger, Farrier, was buried there, in the 34th of Edward II.

The Parish Church of St. MARGARET MOYSES.


Then lower down is one other Parish Church of St. Margaret Moyses, so called, as seemeth, of one Moyses, that was Founder or new Builder thereof.

St. Margaret Moyses.

This Church was very worthlily Repaired and Beautified; at the proper Cost and Charge of the Parishioners, in the Year of our Lord 1627.



Simon Price,
John Whitcomb.



The Monuments there, be of Sir Richard Dobbes, Skinner, Maior 1551.


Here was also buried Mr. Buss, [or Briss] Skinner, one of the Masters of the Hospital. There attended all the Masters of the Hospital, with green Staves in their Hands; and all the Company in their Liveries; with Twenty Clerks singing before. The Sermon was preached by Mr. Juel, afterwards Bishop of Salisbury. And therein he plainly affirmed there was no Purgatory. Thence the Company retired to his House to Dinner. This Burial was An. 1559. Jan. 30.]

J. S.

William Dane, Ironmonger, one of the Sheriffs, 1569.

Sir John Allot, Fishmonger, Maior, 1591.

There was of elder Time buried, Nicolas Stanes, and Nicolas Bray; they founded Chauntries there.

Beati mortui qui in Domini moriuntur.
Apoc. 14.

To William Dane that sometime was
An Ironmonger; where, each Degree
He worthily (with Praise) did passe.
By Wisdome, Truth, and Head, was he
Advanc'd an Alderman to be:
Then Sheriffe; that, he with Justice prest,
And Cost, performed with the best.
In Almes franke, of Consicence cleare;
In grace with Prince, to People glad:

A Monument in the South Wall of the Chancel.

A. M.
