[S. Dunstanes in the West. Gifts.] Faringdon Ward without. [Cliffords Inn.]262

[S. Dunstanes in the West. Gifts.] Faringdon Ward without. [Cliffords Inn.]

Wife of Edward Marshal, Esq; died August the 25th, 1675.

D. O. M. S. Quis es, unde venis, quo vadis?
Sum Patria Cornubiensis, Sacro fonte Matthæus Gente Carew, Studio J. V. Doctor. Dignitate Miles, Abaviæ largitione de Antony, &c.

Hic juxta situs est Gulielmus Atkinson, Armiger, generosa & antiqua familia in agro Eboracensi natus, &c. 1678. Anno Ætat. 84.

Anthony Low, Gent. of the antient Family of that Name at Alderwalley in Derbyshire; Gentleman Pensioner to Charles II. and James II. And one of the four Lieutenants. 1685.

South Ile. Henry Jones, Clockmaker, 1695.

Toward the end of the Church, under the Organ Loft, Alexander Layton, Master of Defence, 1679.

Body of the Church. Henry Axe. 1699.

North Ile. Giles Campion, 1697.

Will. Morecroft. Eliz. North.

Mary Colclough, Daughter of Coll. Blagge, Governor of Yarmouth.

Anne, the Wife of Edw. Marshal, Esq.

Tables, for John Dickins, Gent. 1674.

Joh. Ross, of the Inner Temple, de Portero, in Comitat. Downe, in Regno Hiberniæ, Esq. 1678.

Chancel. Elizabeth Moor, sometime Wife of Mr. Moor, of Maids and Moorton of Bucks. 1668.

Richard Hutton, Kt. one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. 1638.

Concerning the Parsonage or Vicaridge House and Glebe belonging to this Parish, the Presentment given in, in the Parochial Visitation An. 1636. was, of the Parsonage House to be in Value 50l. per Ann. And the Glebe, 53l. 6s. 8d.

Parsonage and Glebe.

J. S.

The Presentment in the Parochial Visitation, An. 1693. was thus. There was a Parsonage or Vicarage House, and not burnt; but some Years since pulled down; and now built, and let to a Vintner: And it is generally reported to be sold outright.

The Vicarage is an Impropriation.

There be these Gift Sermons belonging to this Parish.

Gift Sermons.

A Sermon on the 22d of March, the Gift of Katharine Tyrrel.001000
On the 28th of October, the Gift of Otho Mauditt.001000
On the 14th of March, of Henry Webb.001000
On the 16th of April, of William Creuch.001000
On the 2d of December, of Rob. Jenkinson.001000
On the 28th of July, of Mr. Morley 000608
On St. Peter's Day, of Adams.001000
On the first Sunday every Term, given by the said Mr. Adams, 10s. a Sermon.020000
There is to be Preaching every Sunday and Thursday Afternoon,
for three Quarters of a Year; Viz. From Michaelmas Term, to the end
of Trinity Term; the Gift of Dr. White. To be paid to the Lecturer
that preacheth,
A Sermon on Christmas Day, the Gift of Mrs. Lowman.001000
On the 29th of May, the Gift of Dr. William Bell.001000
On the 30th of January, by the same.001000
On the 5th of November, by Mr. Grinsel.001000]

In this Church and Parish of St. Dunstans, in Fleetstreet, was founded a Fraternity or Guild of St. Mary and St. Dunstan, 18 H. VI.

A Fraternity here.

And the Rector of this Church, and his Successors, had the Benefit of a Mess pro mansione, for his own dwelling, for celebrating Service for the Soul of David de Wellore. Granted the 36th of Edw. II.

A Chauntry for Willore.

Another Benefit accrued to this Church, the 10th of Edw. II. for a Chauntry to be founded for Rob. Bradelby; viz. of six Marks, 6s. 8d. to be issuing out of his Tenements in Fleetstreet.]

Next beyond this Church, is Clifford's Inn, sometime belonging to Robert Clifford, by Gift of Edward II. in these Words.

Clifford's Inn.

The King granteth to Robert Clifford, that Messuage, with the Appurtenances, next the Church of St. Dunstane in the West, in the Suburbs of London. Which Messuage was sometime Malculines de Herley; and came to the Hands of Edward I. by reason of certain Debts, which the said Malculine was bound at the time of his death, to our said Father, from the time that he was Escheator on this side Trent. Which House, John Earl of Richmond did hold at our Pleasure, and is now in our Possession.

Patent the 3d of Edward II.

After the Death of this Robert Clifford, Isabel his Wife let the same Messuage to Students of the Law, as by the Record following may appear.

Isabel, quæ fuit uxor Roberti Clifford, Messuagium unipartitum, quod Robertus Clifford habuit in Parochia S. Dunstani, West. in Suburbio Londini, &c. tenuit, & illud dimisit post mortem dict. Roberti Apprenticiis de Banco, pro 10l. Annuatim, &c. Anno 18 Edvardi tertii, inquisitis post mortem Roberti Clifford.

This House hath since fallen into the King's Hands, as I have heard, but returned again to the Cliffords; and is now letten to the said Students for four Pounds by the Year.

Somewhat beyond this Clifford's Inn, is the South end of New street, (or Chancelar lane) on the Right hand whereof is Serjeants Inn called, in Chancery lane.

New street, or Chandelar lane.

And then next was sometime the House of the Converted Jews, founded by King Hen. III. in Place of a Jews House to him forfeited, in the Year 1233. and the 17th of his Reign. Who builded there for them a fair Church, now used, and called The Chappel for the Custody of Rolls and Records of Chancery. It standeth not far from the Old Temple, but in the mid-way between the Old Temple and the New. In the which House, all such Jews and Infidels as were converted to the Christian Faith, were ordained and appointed (under an honest rule of Life) sufficient Maintenance. Whereby it came to pass, that in short time there were gathered a great Number of Converts, which were baptized, instructed in the Doctrine of

House of Converts.
