[Present State Faringdon Ward without. of this Ward.]276

[Present State Faringdon Ward without. of this Ward.]

Edward Coke, Kt, Chief Justice of England. Bore eight Shields. Julius Cæsar, Kt. Master of the Rolls. Laurence Tanfield, Kt. Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Thomas Littleton, Justice. John Crook, Kt. Justice. Edward Bromley, Kt. Baron of the Exchequer. Bore eight Shields. Edward Drue, Serjeant at Law. John Cowper, Serjeant at Law. John Heath, Serjeant at Law. John Carrel, Attorney of the Dutchy of Lancaster.

On the North Window.

Edmund Anderson, Kt. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Roger Manwood, Kt. Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Thomas Gawdy, Kt. Justice. Thomas Forster, Kt. Tho. Coventree, Kt. Fran. Beaumont, Kt. He bore twelve Shields.

In the little Temple.

William Dane, Ironmonger, and Alderman of London.

John Allot, Kt. Alderman of London.

Michael Fox, of London, Grocer, Anno 1500.

Towards the latter end of King Charles II. his Reign, a terrible Fire happened in the Temple. Whereby the Office of Chirographer of Fines of the Court of Common Pleas, there kept, was so burnt down, that several Records of Fines engrossed, of Trinity and Michaelmas Terms, were either consumed or lost. Wherefore an Act past 31 Car. II. for the re-ingrossing of those Records. And that Office is now built in an open wide Court of the Temple, near the Water side, not adjacent to any other Edifices, for the better Security of those Records for all time hereafter.

Fire in the Temple.

And thus much for the said New Temple, the farthest West part of this Ward, and also of this City, for the Liberties thereof.

All this for the antient State of this Ward. Now for the present State, take it as followeth.]

The present State of this Ward.

To begin at the South Parts, viz. Ludgate hill and Fleetstreet, taking notice, as we pass along, of all the Lanes and Alleys through which there lie Passages, in and out of the said Streets. As on the North side, beginning at Temple Bar, there is Bell Yard, Chancery lane, Fetter lane, Shoe lane, the Town Ditch. Then on the South side of the Street, White Friers, Water lane, Salisbury Court, Bridewel Precinct. Then the Street beginning near Ludgate, and passing from South to North called Old Baily: Which opens into the North part of this Ward, as Snow hill, down to Holbourn Bridge. Then more North is Cow lane, Hosier lane, Cock lane, Chick lane, West Smithfield, Long lane, St. Bartholomew's Close and Hospital, Pye Corner, &c. with all the smaller Courts and Alleys contained in each of these. And lastly, Publick Buildings, and Things worthy Remark.

Ludgate hill and Fleetstreet.

R. B.

Ludgate hill cometh down from Ludgate, and runneth Westwards to Fleetstreet; from which it is severed by a handsome large Stone Bridge, the breadth of the Street; which gives a passage over the new Canal, where Fleet Ditch was. Which since the Fire of London, was made so deep and wide, cut from Holbourn Bridge to the Mouth of the River of Thames, that it receiveth the Tides, and bringeth up Barges and Lighters to Holbourn Bridge; a great Conveniency to the Inhabitants thereabouts. Of this more hath been spoken in the first Book, of Brooks and Rivers.

Ludgate hill.

The new Canal.

Chap. V.

This Street, as also Fleetstreet (into which it falls) and so to Temple Bar, is a great Thorowfare for Coaches, Carts, Horse and Foot Passengers; being the great Way from London to Westminster, and the adjacent Parts. Both these Streets are therefore very spacious, graced with good Buildings of the first Rate, and well inhabited by Shopkeepers of the best Trades; as Woolen Drapers, Linnen Drapers, Grocers, Sadlers, Upholsters, Booksellers, and drive a very considerable Trade. A great part whereof comes from the Inns of Court and Chancery, which are planted hereabouts. And for the Accommodation of this great resort of People, here are divers noted Coffee Houses and Taverns: Of which last there be little less than a Score: Viz. beginning at Temple Bar. The Three Tuns, the Queens Head, the Old Devil, the Young Devil,. the Kings Head, the Fountain, the Bull Head, the Temple, the Crown, the Ship, the Rummer, the Horn, the Green Dragon, the Globe, the Greyhound, the Kings Arms, the Sun, the Castle, which hath a large Sign, and the Bush and Hoop curiously gilt; the Three Tuns, and the George, which is a very large House, with a curious Front and Sign, with neat Iron Work to support it.


To proceed to the Alleys, Courts, and Passages in Fleetstreet. And first on the North side is Shear lane, or Shire lane. This Lane gives passage into Little Lincoln's Inn Fields, formerly called Fickquet's Field; but this Lane being without the Freedom, is spoken of under St. Clement's Parish. The like is Bell Yard, near adjoining, except some small part on the East side, against Crown Court, in Chancery lane; which may be rather termed a Street, for its fairness and good Buildings: But there being but a little within the City Liberty, I shall not speak of it here, but in the Rolls Liberty, in which is the greatest Part. Flying horse Court, but small, with a Freestone Pavement; here is kept the Marshalsea's Office, for the making out Writs, &c. Clifford's Inn lane, hath on the West side Houses, and on the East side St. Dunstane's Church; it leadeth into Clifford's Inn, one of the Inns of Chancery. Which Place, of late Years, is much inlarged in new Buidlings, in the Garden; which is a pretty airy Place, and neatly kept; the Garden being severed in from the other part or passage, with a Pallisado Pail, with Rows of Lime Trees set round the Grass Plats, and Gravel Walks. It hath the Conveniency of two Doors, the one into Serjeants Inn in Chancery lane, and the other into Fetter lane. The Hall yet wants new building.

Shear lane.

Bell Yard.

Flying horse Court.

Clifford's Inn lane, and Clifford's Inn.

Adjoining to Clifford's Inn lane, and fronting Fleetstreet, is St. Dunstane's Church in the West, so called to distinguish it from St. Dunstane's in the East. It is a good handsome Freestone Building, with a fair Dial hanging over into the Street. And on the side of the Church, in a handsome Frame of Architecture, are placed, in a standing Posture, two Savages, or Hercules, with Clubs erect; which quarterly strike on two Bells hanging there.

St. Dunstan's Church in the West.

The Inside of the Church is neatly kept, and hath a pair of Organs used in Divine Service on Sundays; but not at the Prayers, which are every Day.

This Church received some Damage by the great Fire, but was soon Repaired at the Charges of the Parish.
