Faringdon Ward without. [Present State.]284

Faringdon Ward without. [Present State.]

here are these Places: Foxes Court, but ordinary, hath a passage into George Inn. Nigh to this Court is White Lion Court, but small. Green Dragon Court, a pretty large and open Place, but ordinarily built. Bull head Court, very mean. St. John's Court, a pretty large Place, indifferently inhabited; with old Buildings, and hath a passage into Chick lane. Near unto this Court is Hand and Crown Court, which is but small. Pheasant Court, near unto Smithfield Sheep Pens, on the South side, which is but ordinary. And on the other Side is Red Cross Court, but small.

Foxes Court.

White Lion Court.

Green Dragon Court.

Bull head Court.

St. John's Court.

Hand and Crown Court.

Pheasant Court.

Redcross Court.

Hosier lane, comes out of Cow lane, and runs into Smithfield. A Place not over well built or inhabited, having all old Timber Houses. This Place is of a great Resort during the time of Bartholomew Fair. All the Houses generally being made Publick for Tipling, and leud Sort of People. In this Lane is Bell Alley, as also Three Diamond Court, both small and ordinary.

Hosier lane.

Bell Alley.

Three Diamond Court.

Chich lane, an ordinary Place, both for Buildings and Inhabitants. It comes out of Smithfield by the Sheep Pens, and runneth down to Field lane. In this Lane are several Courts and Alleys: As Newcastle Street, or Durham Yard, pretty open to receive Carts and Coaches; having at the lower end a Yard for Stabling. And at the upper end is a passage into Katherine Wheel Yard, which is none of the best. Blue Boar Court, is ordinary, and ascended up by Steps. Churchyard Alley, but narrow and ordinary. At the upper end is a Churchyard which belongs to St. Sepulchre's Parish. Hide's Rents, a small open Court, very ordinary. Over aganst this Place is Cross Keys Court, also small and mean. St. Martin's Court, a pretty open Place, but ordinarily inhabited. White Horse Alley, narrow and ordinary. Out of this is a passage into Sharp's Alley, which leads to Cow Cross. Sun Alley, over against St. John's Court, very small. Thatcht Alley, narrow, small and mean. Sharp's Alley, but indifferent, having turning Passages; and falls into the lower end of Cow Cross as aforesaid. Opposite to this Place, is the Old Brewers Yard, but indifferent; and hath a passage into Holbourn, through the Kings Arms Inn.

Chick lane.

Newcastle street, or Durham Yard.

Katherine Wheel Yard.

Blue Boar Court.

Churchyard Alley.

Hide's Rents.

Cross keys Court.

St. Martin's Court.

White horse Alley.

Sun Alley.

Thatcht Alley.

Sharp's Alley.

Old Brewers Yard.

Smithfield Pens, so called from the Sheep Pens placed in that Part, for the Sale of Sheep every Market Day in Smithfield. The North, West, and South Sides having Rows of Buildings, most inhabited by Inholders, and such as keep Publick Houses: Of which the North side is best, and hath these three Inns of a very good Trade; viz. The Katharine Wheel, the Rose, and the Ram. Near unto the Ram is Adam and Eve Alley, which is but ordinary, and hath a passage into Smithfield Bars, through the Boars head Tavern.

Smithfield Pens.

Smithfield Bars, so called from the Bars there set up, for the severing of the City Liberty from that of the County. This Place is generally inhabited by Butchers, who are great Dealers, as well by Retail, as Wholesale, for Sheep and Lambs to other Butchers. In this Place is Nags head Alley, both small and ordinary.

Smithfield Bars.

Nags head Alley

Long lane, may properly be so called for its length, coming out of Aldersgate street, against Barbican, and running into Smithfield. The Lane, or rather Street, is good; the Houses pretty good for Timber Buildings, and is very well inhabited by Shopkeepers who deal in Apparel, Linnen, and Upholsters Goods, both new and old; and for this Trade it is of very good Account.

Long lane.

This Lane goeth in this Ward from Smithfield unto the Red Lion Inn, the other Part being in Aldersgate Ward; but something further on the South side, even to the Golden Dragon Court. The Places in this Lane are Three Fox Court, but ordinary. Charter house street, a neat new built Place, with an open passage into the Charter house Yard; with very neat and genteel Houses, well inhabited. This Place, before its new building, was called Carpenters Yard. Three Horseshoe Court, but ordinary. Cat Alley, hath a narrow Entrance, but is pretty good. And on the back Side of this, is another Court so called. Red Lion Inn, hath a large Yard for Stabling and Coaches; and hath a passage into the Charter house Yard, and another into Goswel street. Golden Dragon Yard, also for Stabling.

Three Fox Court.

Charterhouse street.

Three Horse shoe Court.

Cat Alley.

Red Lion Inn.

Golden Dragon Yard.

Great St. Bartholomew's Close. This Close is open and large, with several good Houses, which generally are all well inhabited; as being a creditable Place to live in. Out of this Close are several passages into Duck lane, Little Britain, and two into Aldersgate street; of which one is through Northumberland Alley, and the other through Half Moon Allley; another passage into Cloth Fair, and another into Long lane.

Great St. Bartholomew's Close.

Places of Name in this Close, and near to it, are Westmoreland Court, a square Place, formerly a large House, now converted into Tenements. Out of this Court is Westmoreland Alley, by some called paved Alley, as paved with Freestone, and leads into Aldersgate street. Half Moon Alley, very narrow. Middlesex House, an old large Building, now severed into Dwelling Houses, with a Court Yard before it, inclosed within a Wall. Over against this Place is Parker's Yard, indifferent good. Passing Northwards is a Gate-way, the Bounds of this Close; where beyond there are some Streets and Buildings; as New street and Middle street, both indifferent; and Back Alley, which is but ordinary; all three falling into another Street, which hath a passage into Long lane.

Westmoreland Court.

Westmoreland Alley.

Half Moon Alley.

Middlesex House.

Parker's Yard.

New street.

Middle street.

Back Alley.

Cloth Fair comes out of Smithfield, a Place generally inhabited by Drapers and Mercers, and is of some Note.

Cloth Fair.

Duck lane cometh out of Little Brittain, and falls into Smithfield, a Place generally inhabited by Booksellers, that sell Second-hand Books. In this Lane is Blue Anchor Inn, which is but of an indifferent Trade; being the corner House, and part of it in Little Brittain, leading to the Hospital, which is in this Ward as far as Well Close. But the Part of Little Brittain, from St. Bartholomew Close, Southward, towards the Pump and so bending Eastward to Aldersgate street, is in the Ward of Aldersgate. This Part also is chiefly taken up by Booksellers; who formerly were much resorted to by learned Men, for Greek and Latin Books. But now the Station of such Booksellers is removed into Pater-noster Row and Paul's Churchyard. Well Close, a very handsome open Court, with good Houses, which are well inhabited. It hath another passage into King street, by St. Bartholomew's Hospital; this Street is short, and goeth from the said Hospital into the Long Walk, and so to Christ's Hospital.

Duck lane.

Blue Anchor Inn.


Well Close.

King street.

St. Bartholomew's Hospital, commonly called the Lame Hospital, for that the Lame, Wounded, and Diseased People, are hither sent for their Cure.

St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

From Kingstreet is a passage into Smithfield, through a fair Cloister, well paved with Freestone. On both sides of which are Rows of

The Cloisters.
