Bridge Ward without. Christ's Church. 6

Bridge Ward without. Christ's Church.

S. MARGARET's on the Hill.


St. Margaret's on the Hill, which now long since is ceased from being a Church. But when it was, it had Monuments for John Hough, Esq; Thomas Curson, Esq; Thomas Yard, Esq; Robert Barbet, Esq; William Sydney, Esq; Peter Saverey, Thomas Hever, Gayer Moreton.

St. Margaret's.

Monuments in this Church.

J. S.

This Church being put down is now a Court for Justice and called the Town-Hall, fronting the Street; lately burnt down, and rebuilt. On which standeth a fine Statue of King Charles II. with his Scepter in his Hand. Underneath thus inscribed, Combustum, An. 1670. Reædificatum annis 1685 & 1686. JACOBO SMYTH, Mil. & ROBERTO GEFFERY, Mil. Prætoribus. Impensis, S.P.Q.L.]

S. Thomas in the Hospital serveth for a Parish-Church, as afore. St. George a Parish Church, as before it did. So doth St. Olave, and St. Mary Magdalen, by the Abbey of Bermondsey.

There be also these five Prisons, or Goals.
The Clinke, on the Bank.
The Compter, in the late Parish Church of St. Margaret.
The Marshalsea.
The King's Bench.
And the White Lyon. All in Long Southwark.


HOUSES most notable be these.
The Bishop of Winchester's House.
The Bishop of Rochester's House.
The Duke of Suffolk's House, or Southwark Place.
The Tabard, an Hostery, or Inn.
The Abbot of Hyde his House.
The Prior of Lewis his House.
The Abbot of St. Augustine his House.
The Bridge House.
The Abbot of Battaile his House.
Battaile Bridge.
The Stews on the Bank of Thames.
And the Bear Gardens there.

Houses of Note.

Now to return to the West Bank: There were two Bear Gardens, the Old and New: Places wherein were kept Bears, Bulls, and other Beasts, to be baited: As also Mastives, in their several Kennels, are there nourished to bait them. These Bears, and other Beasts, are there baited in Plots of Ground scaffolded round for the Beholders to stand safe.

The Bear-Garden.

For the foulness of these rude Sights, and for that these beastly Combats were usually performed on Sundays, and that so much Money was idly thrown away, that might have been better given to the Poor, a Poet in the latter Time of Hen. VIII. made and printed these homely Verses, more commendable for his Zeal than his Poetry.

Certain Rhimes against these Sports.

Crowly the Printer his Epigram.

J. S.

What Folly is this to keep with danger
A great Mastive Dog, and a fowle ougly Bear?
And to this one End, to see them two fight
With terrible tearings; a ful ougly sight.
And yet methinks those Men be most Fools of al,
Whose store of Money is but very smal:
And yet every Sunday they wil surely spend
One Peny or two, the Bearward's Living to mend.
At Paris Garden each Sunday a Man shall not fail
To find two or three hundred for the Bearward's Vale.
One halfpeny a piece they use for to give,
When some have not more in their Purses, I believe.
Wel, at the last Day their Conscience will declare,
That the Poor ought to have all that they may spare.
If you therefore it give, to see a Bear fight,
Be sure God his Curse upon you will light.

Paris Garden is now become a Parish, and a Church is built there, called Christ's- Church. For the doing of which there was an Act of Parliament made under King Charles II. intitled, An Act for making the Mannor of Paris Garden a Parish; and calling it Christ-Church. Wherein may be seen some account of the building of the Church, and the occasion of making it a Parish. It sets forth; How John Marshal, of the Borough of Southwark, Gent. by his last Will dated the 21. of August, 1627. and proved in the Prerogative-Court of Canterbury, the 15. April 1631. did declare his Will and Meaning to be, That his Feoffees, or Trustees, (of whom Sir Samuel Brown, late one of His Majesty's Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, Westminster, was one, and the Survivor of all the rest of them) their Heirs and Assigns, should raise out of the Revenues of his Lands, mentioned in the same Will, the Sum of 700l, and with it erect a new Church and Church yard, in such Place as they should think fit. And that the said Sir Samuel, in pursuance of a Decree in Chancery, made 1663. in a Cause wherein the said Sit Samuel was Defendant, upon the Statute made in the 44th Year of Queen Elizabeth, touching Gifts to Pious and Charitable Uses, did convey all the Lands mentioned to be devised to the said Sir Samuel and other his Co-trustees, by the 'foresaid Will of the said John Marshal, unto Sir Edward Bromfield, Bar. Peter Scot, LL.D. Edward Woodward, James Reading, Richard How, Edward Cook, Edward Ball, Esquires, John Butler, William Sherlock, Samuel Hyland, Michael Hart, and William Apps, Gentlemen, in the said Decree nominated and appointed Trustees, or Feoffees, in that behalf, and their Heirs and Assigns for ever; To the intent to perform the several Trusts mentioned in the said Will of John Marshal. And that the said new Trustees raised the said 700l. out of the said Rents: And that Will. Angel, Esq; Owner of the said Lordship, Mannor, or Liberty of Paris Garden, by his Indenture dated April . 1670. did for Considerations therein mentioned, infeoffe, and by Fine assure unto the said Sir Edward Bromfield, and the other Trustees, their Heirs and Assigns for ever, a convenient Parcel of Land for the building of a Church, and for a Churchyard: And that the last mentioned Trustees had laid out the said Summ of 700l. and other Monies, upon the building of a Church on the Ground aforesaid, according to the Will of the said Marshal: And by the same Will the said Trustees were to allow to a Minister of the said new Church, out of the Rents of the Lands of the said Marshal, exprest in his Will 40l. per An. till out of the Residue of the Rents and Profits of his Lands, they can raise sufficient to purchase Lands and Tenements to the value of 60l. per Annum, over and above all Reprizes. And such Lands and Tenements to purchase, and to endow the said Chuch with the same.

An Act for Paris-Garden to be made a Parish.

Christs Church.

Dr. Barton.

And that after the building of a Church, and a Minister settled therein, the said Trustees were to dispose of, and pay the Rents, Issues and Profits of a certain Messuage or Tenement in Ax-yard in St. Saviour's Parish, of the yearly value of 20 Marks, unto the said Minister and his Successors for ever.

And that the choice of the said Minister is by the said Will, to be for ever in the said Trustees, and their Successors for the Time being.

And lastly, That the Inhabitants of the said Paris Garden had petitioned the Parliament to be made a distinct Parish, to the intent that these Things might be accomplished.

Upon all these Premisses it was enacted, I. That Paris Garden be a distinct Parish accordingly, subject to the same Orders as other Parishes, and called Christ's Church, according to Marshal's Will. And, II. That the said Trustees, viz. Sir Edward
