Suburbs. Lincolns Inn Chapel. 73

Suburbs. Lincolns Inn Chapel.
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The Prospect of Lincoln's Inn
  The Prospect of Lincoln's Inn ]

our Lady Chapel, and St. Dunstans Chapel. You enter Lincolns Inn under a fair antienr Gatehouse, on which are the Arms of England: And on the Right side thereof this Coat within the Garter, Or, a Lyon Azure or Purpure, belonging to Lacy, Earl of Lincoln; on the sinister side another Coat within the Garter born quarterly, being the Bearing of the Lovels. Underneath is the Date, A.D. 1518. These Arms are of late new painted and refreshed. By whom they were done appeareth by an Inscription there added underneath, viz.

The Gatehouse of Lincolns Inn.

J. S.

Insigna hac refecta & decorata Johanne Hawles, Armig. Solicitatore Generali, Thesaurario, 1695.

A fair Chapel for the Use of this Inn of Court was built in the first Court Anno 1623. and Consecrated upon Ascension Day that Year, by the Lord Bishop of London.]

Lincolns Inn Chapel.

This Lincolns Inn, sometime pertaining to the Bishops of Chichester, as a part of the said great House, is now an Inn of Court, retaining the name of Lincolns Inn, as afore; but now lately encreased with fair Buildings, and replenished with Gentlemen, studious in the common Laws. In the Reign of Henry the Eighth, Sir Thomas Lovel was a great Builder there. Especially, he builded the Gatehouse and forefront towards the East, placing thereon as well the Lacies Arms, as his own. He caused the Lacies Arms to be cast and wrought in Lead, on the Lover of the Hall of that House, which was in three Escutcheons, a Lyon Rampant for Lacie, seven Mascules voided for Quincie, and three Wheat Sheaves for Chester. This Lover being of late repaired, the said Escutcheons were left out.

Lincolns Inn an Inn of Court.

This House greatly encreased with new Buildings.

Sir Thomas Lovel a Builder here.

About the Year 1622. or 1623. the Chapel was built with an Ambulatory, or Walk, underneath paved with Free Stone, very convenient for standing or walking in wet Weather; and where the Gentlemen of this Inn are buried: For whom there be numerous Inscriptions. Over the Arch at the East End of the South Walk under the said Chapel is placed the Coat of Arms of the Bishop of London, who Consecrated this Chapel; and these Words underneath.

The Chapel and Walk.

J. S.

GEORGIUS LONDON. Episcopus Consecravit in Festo Ascensionis Domini Anno 1623.

It is a fair Chapel, built without any Pillars. The Windows all finely painted, with Apostles, Kings and Prophets. Under which are many Shields with Coats of Arms of such as either were honourable Members of this Inn, or as gave the Windows, with Inscriptions under each. As on the North side there be twelve Windows with the Figures in the Glass at large, of David, Daniel, Eli, Esaias, Jeremias, Ezechiel, Amos, Zacharias, Abraham, Moses, John Baptist, St. Paul. And on the South side the Twelve Apostles. The Inscriptions under these Twelve, on the North side, are as follow:

Adorned with painted Glass Windows.

1. Jacob. Ley, Miles & Baronettus, Capitali Justitiarius Domini Regis ad placita coram ipso Rege tenenda assignatus; & quondam Capitalis Justiciarius Capitalis Banci in Hibernia.

2. Humfridus Winch, Miles, unus Justiciariorum Domini Regis de Banco, ac quondum Capitalis Baro Scaccarii in Hibernia, & postea Capitalis Justiciarius Capitalis Banci in Hibernia.

3. Johannes Denham, Miles, unus Baronum Curia Scaccarii in Anglia; & quondam Capitalis Baro Scaccarii in Hibernia, & unus Dominorum Justiciariorum in Hibernia.

4. Willielmus Jones, Miles, unus Justiciariorum Domini Regis de Banco, ac nuperrimè Capitalis Justiciarius Capital. Banci in Hibernia.

5. Ranulphus Crew, Miles, Sereniss. Dom. JACOBI Regis Serviens ad Legem.

6. Thomas Harrys, Baronettus & Serviens ad Legem.

7. Thomas Richardson, Miles, Serviens ad Legem, & Conventionis Parliamenti inchoati & tem. tricesimo die Jan. Ann. Dom. 1620. & ibidem continuat. usque octavum diem Februarii Ann. 1621. & tunc dissolut. Prolocutor.

8. Johannes Darcie, Serviens ad Legem.

9. Christophor. Brook, & Thomas Sanderson, Magri. de Banco. Quorum Fidei hujus sacræ Fabricæ Cura credita fuit, fieri fecerunt, 1626. And under their Arms, Sans Dieu rien.

10. Roland Wandesford, Eboracensis Armig. & unus Magistrorum de Banco, sumptu proprio fieri fecit, 1626.

11. Gulielmus Noye de S. Buriens. Comit. Cornub. Armig. unus Magistrorum de Banco, fieri fecit, 1626.

12. Johannes Took, Armig. hujus Hospitii ad Bancum Associatus, & Regi Curiæ suæ Pupillorum a rationibus, fieri fecit, 1626.

The Inscriptions under the twelve Apostles on the South side of the Chapel, are as follow.

1. Henrici, Com. Northamptoniensis.

2. Gulielmi, Com. Pembrociæ.

3. Johannis, Com. Bridgwater.

4. Jacobi, Com. Carlisle.

5. Georgii Baronis de Abergavenny, & Mariæ fil. Edwardi Ducis Buckinghamiæ.

6. Bartholom. Henrici Baron. Abergaveny & Franciscæ fil. Tho. Comit. Rutland.

7. Thomas Fane, Eq. aurat. & Maria Uxor ejus Baronissa Le Dispenser.

8. Franciscus Fane, unus sociorum hujus Hospitii, Eques Balnei, Com. Westmorland. Baro Le Dispenser & Burgherst. Cujus Impensis, &c. hæc quatuor Lumina vitreis adornantur depictis: & Mariæ filiæ & hæredis Antho. Mildmay, militis An. Dom. 1626.

9. Robert Le Spencer, of Wormleighton.

10. Sir Henry Compton, Kt.

11. Thomas Spencer, of Claredon, Esquire.

12. John Spencer, of Offley, Esquire.

The East Window hath the Arms of England painted large with the Ineschotcheon of King William III. with the Royal Supporters, and the Word, Je meintiendray: and divers other Coats.

The West Window also full of Coats of Arms with the Names subscribed.

Lincolns Inn Hall also had divers Coats of Arms in the Windows, pertaining to Noble or Eminent Persons formerly of that House, or Benefactors to it, viz.

Lincolns Inn Hall MS. Hutton in Offic. Armor.

Henry Hobert, Kt. John Puckering, Keeper of the Great Seal. Christopher Wray, Kt. L. Chief Justice of England. Who had there two Shields. 1. Az. on a Chief Or, 3 Martlets Gul. 2. Arg. a Chevron Sable 3 Mullets of the first, pierced, between as many Eagles Heads erazed. Spencer, Stanley, Earl of Darby, Radcliff Earl of Surrey, Russel Earl of Bedford, Egerton Viscount Brackley, &c.]

Lincolns Inn hath a considerable Part in the Parish of St. Clements; another Part in the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields; another part in the Parish of St. Andrews Holborn; and a Fourth in the Liberty of the Rolls.

Lincolns Inn in four Parishes.

R. B.

Of late Years it hath been much encreased by the additional Buildings, taken out of Little Lincolns Inn Fields: Consisting of three very good Rows, all taken up by Gentlemen of the Society, having fair and commodious Apartments; the said three Rows encompassing three Sides of the Court: Which is spacious and neatly kept, and covered with Gravel, raised towards the middle, to cast off the Rain Water, when it falls. In the midst

Much encreased and improved.
