Suburbs. Holborn. Hospital of St. Giles. 74

Suburbs. Holborn. Hospital of St. Giles.

the Court is a curious Stone Pillar artificially wrought; on which is a Dyal Clock, with four Boys spouting out Water out of Tritons Shells; and at the Bottom is a Fountain that receiveth the said Streams of Water falling down from the Shells: all encompassed with handsome Iron Bars. The North side lieth open to the Gardens, which are now exceedingly improved with curious Walks, Grass Plots, fine Rows of Shady Trees to walk under, and a Tarras Walk or Mount, which gives the Prospect of Lincolns Inn Fields.]

Here within the Bounds of Lincolns Inn, was lately propounded by Mr. Weedon, the erection of a beautiful Range of Building, to be only one Story, without Chimneys, and to be covered flat with Lead, all along by the dead Wall, on the East side of Lincolns Inn Garden, upon the waste Ground between the said Wall and the Gravel Walk, for the use of some, or all the Offices in Chancery, viz.

Buildings propounded by Lincolns Inn Garden.

The Six Clerks
The Cursitors
The Masters in Chancery
The Examiners
The Petty Bag
The Registers
The Affidavit
The Hamper and
The Subpœna

The Reasons offered for this Erection, were, that the said Building would be much more secure and ornamental to the said Garden and all the Chambers in the same; defending them from Robbery, and the Dust and Noise of the next adjoining Street. And a Row of fine, regular Sash Windows would be a much pleasanter Sight on the Garden side; than an old dirty black Wall. And it might yield a very considerable Ground Rent to the Society. And these Offices would be most conveniently situated, almost in the Centre of the Inns of Court, and Chancery. And the same Offices being thus joined together would be of very great Ease to all the Officers: and also to all Attorneys, Solicitors and Practisers; as well as all other People that should have occasion to resort to the same. Whereby all the Officers might have a mutual Correspondency one with another. And the Situation being healthful, it might contribute not only to the great Ease, but the Health also of the several Officers and their Clerks: Especially those of the Six Clerks Office; who, the greatest Part of the Year, write by Candle Light in the Day time, annoyed with the Smoak and Smell of Candlegrease: and are so many and so near crowded up together in little Boxes.]

The Reason for such a Building.

The rest of that side of the Street even to Fleetstreet is replenisht with fair Buildings.

Now the High Oldborn Street, from the North End of New Street stretcheth on the left Hand (in building lately framed) up to St. Giles in the Fields. [But the Way leading from the Bars in Oldborn Westward towards the said St. Giles, was very foul and full of Pits and Sloughs, and very perilous, and noysome to all that repaired and passed that Way, as well on Foot, as on Horse-back, or with Carriages. And so were other Lanes and Places that led out of, or into Holborn: as Shoe Lane, Feuter Lane, New Street, or Chancery Lane, Grays Inn Lane. Upon Complaint whereof, an Act was made in the 32 H. 8. An. 1542. to pave all those Places with paving Stones; as also on the East of the City, the Way from Aldgate to Whitechapel Church, which had the same ill Passage. All to be paved and made convenient for Passengers, by the Feast of St. John Baptist, 1542. in Manner and Form as the Cawsey or Highway leading from Strandbridge to Charing Cross had been made and paved.

High Holborn Street.

High Holborn paved, and Shoe Lane Fetter Lane. &c. 32. H. 8.

J. S.

The Extent of this Pavement in Holborn Street was unto the far End of it, unto St. Giles in the Fields.

Hospital of St. Giles.

Which St. Giles was an Hospital, founded by Matilda the Queen, Wife to Henry the First, about the Year 1117. This Hospital, saith the Record of Edward III. the nineteenth Year, was founded without the Bar Veteris Templi London. & Conversorum.

Moreover, saith the same Record, in the 20 of Edward III. the said King sent Commandment under his Great Seal, to the Maior and Sheriffs of London, willing them to make Proclamation in every Ward of the City and Suburbs; That all leprous Persons within the said City and Suburbs should avoid within fifteen Days; and that no Man suffer any such leprous Person to abide within his House, upon Pain to forfeit his said House, and to incurr the King's farther Displeasure. And that they should cause the said Lepers to be removed into some out-Places of the Fields, from the Haunt and Company of all sound People. Whereupon it followed, that the Citizens required of the Gardian of St. Giles's Hospital, to take from them, and to keep continually the Number of fourteen Persons, according to the Foundation of Matilda the Queen; which was for Leprous Persons of the City of London, and the Shire of Middlesex. All this Paragraph is omitted in the later Editions of Stow.

Founded for Lepers in London and Middlesex.

J. S.

The Kings Order for Leprous Persons.

William Dunthorn.

This Hospital of St. Giles for Lazars was confirmed by King Edward III. in the fourth of his Reign.

In this Hospital was a Chapel: Wherein King Edward I. in the first of his Reign, founded a Chauntry ('tis like, for his Father and Ancestors) For which this Hospital took Yearly at the Exchequer, for the Maintenance of it 60s. and 20s. more at the Hand of the Sheriff of Surrey.

A Royal Chauntry here.

There were Alms due and accustomably paid toward this Hospital, in the City of London. And there was a Patent 15 R. 2. for the requiring and confirming them.]

Alms due to this Hospital.

This Hospital was founded, as a Cell to Burton Lazar, of Jerusalem in Leicestershire, as may appear by a Deed dated the twenty fourth of Henry the Seventh in these Words:

Thomas Norton, Kt. Master of Burton Lazar of Jerusalem in England, and the Brethren of the same Place, Keepers of the Hospital of St. Giles, without the Bars of the Old Temple of London, have sold to Geffery Kent, Citizen and Draper of London, a Messuage or House, with two Sollars above edified, in the Parish of Alhallows Hony Lane, in West Cheap, adjoyning to the West Part of a Tenement, called the Goat on the Hope, pertaining to the Drapers of London, for 31l.

Burton Lazar, an Hospital in Leicestershire.

At this Hospital the Prisoners, conveyed from the City of London towards Tyburn, there to be executed for Treasons, Felonies, or other Trespasses, were presented with a Bowl of Ale, thereof to drink [at their Pleasure] as their last refreshing in this Life.

St. Giles Bowl.

Now without Ludgate, lieth the South End of the Old Baily. Then down Ludgate Hill by Fleet Lane, over Fleet Bridge, up Fleet Street, by Shoe Lane, Fewters Lane, New Street, or Chancery Lane, and to Shear Lane, by the Bar on the Right Hand. And from Ludgate, on the left Hand or South side, by Bride Lane, Water Lane, Crokers Lane, Serjeants Inn, and the New Temple by the Bar, all which is of Faringdon Ward, as is afore shewed.

Suburb without Ludgate.