coming of Augustine the Monk, and others from Rome, in the Reign of the Saxons.

The Archbishops Names I find only to set down by Joceline of Furnes, in his Book of British Bishops, and not elsewhere. Thean (saith he) was the first Archbishop of London, in the Time of Lucius, who builded the said Church of St. Peter, in a Place called Cornhil in London, by the Aid of Ciran, chief Butler to King Lucius.

Joceline of Furnes.

British Bishops of London.

2. Elvanus was the Second, and he builded a Library to the same Church adjoining, and converted many of the Druides (learned Men in the Pagan Law) to the Christian Faith.

3. Cadar was the Third: Then followed,

4. Obinus.

5. Conan.

6. Paludius.

7. Stephen.

8. Iltute.

9. Dedwin, [or Theodwin]

10. Thedred.

11. Hillary.

[12. Restitutus.]

13. Guidelium, [or Guiteline.]

[14. Fastidius.]

15. Vodimus, slain by the Saxons.

16. Theanus, the fourteenth [or the 16th] and last; for he fled with the Britains into Wales, about the Year of Christ, 587. Thus much out of Joceline of the Archbishops: the Credit whereof I leave to the Judgment of the Learned. For I read of a Bishop of London (not before named) * in the Year of Christ 326, to be present at the second Council, holden at Arles, in the Time of Constantine the Great, who subscribed thereunto in these Words:


Ex Provincia Britanniæ Civitate Londinensi Restitutus Episcopus, as plainly appeareth in the first Tome of the Councils. He writeth not himself Archbishop, and therefore maketh the Matter of Archbishops doubtful, or rather overthroweth that Opinion.

Tom.I. Concil.

The Saxons being Pagans, having chased the Britains with the Christian Preachers into the Mountains of Wales and Cornwal, and having divided this Kingdom of the Britains amongst themselves; at length, to wit, in the Year 596, Pope Gregory, moved of a godly Instinction (saith Bede) in the 147th Year, after the Arrival of the Angles (or Saxons) in Britain, sent Augustine, Melitus, Justus and John, with other Monks, to preach the Gospel to the said Nation of the Angles in Britain.

Conversion of the Saxons.

These landed in the Isle of Thanet, and were first received by Ethelbert, King of Kent, whom they converted to the Faith of Christ, with divers other of his People, in the 34th Year of his Reign. Which Ethelbert gave unto Augustine, the City of Canterbury.

[The Metropolitane See being established at Canterbury, these that follow, were successively Bishops of London, to this present Time.]

This Augustine in the Year of Christ 604, Consecrated Melitus and Justus, Bishops; appointing Melitus to preach unto the East Saxons, whose chief City was London. And their King Sebert, Nephew to Ethelbert, by preaching of Melitus, received the Word of Life.

Saxon Bishops of London.

I. And then Ethelbert, King of Kent, builded in the City of London, St. Paul's Church, wherein Melitus began to be Bishop, in the Year 619, and sate five Years. Ethelbert by his Charter gave Lands to this Church of St. Paul: So did other Kings after him.

St. Paul's Church in London first founded.

Melitus first Bishop of London, Ann. 619.

King Sebert, through the good Life, and like Preaching of Melitus, having received Baptism, to shew himself a Christian, builded a Church to the Honour of God and St. Peter, on the West-side of London, which Church is called Westminster: but the Successors of Sebert, being Pagans, expelled Melitus [out of their Kingdoms.]

II. Justus the Second, Bishop for a time, and then Melitus again; after whose decease, the Seat was void for a time. At length Sigebert (Son to Sigebert, Brother to Sebert) ruled in Essex: He became a Christian, and took to him a holy Man, named Cedde, or Chadde, who wan many, by Preaching and good Life, to the Christian Religion.

Justus 624.

III. Cedde (or Chadde) was (by Finan) Consecrated Bishop of the East Saxons, and he ordered Priests and Deacons in all the Parts of Essex, but especially at Ithancaster, and Tilbury.

Cedde Bishop of London, 658.

This City of Ithancaster (saith Raphe Cogshall) stood on the Bank of the River Pante, that runneth by Maldum in the Hundred of Danesey; but now that City is drowned in Pante, so that nothing remaineth, but the Ruin of the City in the River. Tilbury (both the West and East) standeth on the Thames side, nigh over against Gravesend.


Raphe Cogshall.


IV. Wina, expelled from the Church of Winchester by Cenewalche the King, was adopted to be the fourth Bishop of London, in the Reign of Wolserus, King of Mercia, and sate nine Years.

Wina, 666.

V. Erkenwald, born in the Castle or Town of Stallingborough in Lindsey, first Abbot of Crotesey, was by Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, appointed to be Bishop of the East Saxons, in the City of London. This Erkenwald, in the Year of Christ 677, before he was made Bishop, had builded two Monasteries, one for himself, (being a Monk) at Crotesey, in the Isle of Crote in Surrey, by the River of Thames, and another by his Sister Edilburga, being a Nun, in a certain Place called Berching in Essex: He deceased at Berching, in the Year 697, and was buried in Paul's Church; and was from thence translated into the new Church of St. Paul, on the 18 Kalends of Decemb. in the Year One Thousand, One Hundred Forty Eight.

Erkenwald, 680.

Crotesey, or Chartesey.

VI. Waldhere, [or Walthere] was Bishop of London: Sebba, King of the East Saxons, came to this Waldhere, Bishop of London, and at his Hands received the Habit of a Monk: For at that time there were Monks at Paul's Church, as writeth Radulphus Diceto, and others. To this Bishop he brought a great Sum of Money, to be bestowed and given to the Poor, reserving nothing to himself; but rather desired to remain poor in Goods, as in Spirit, for the Kingdom of Heaven, when he had reigned thirty Years: He deceased at Paul's, and there buried, and lieth now in a Coffin of Stone, on the North Side of the Isle next the Quire.

Waldhere, 697.

King Sebba became a Monk in Paul's Church.

VII. Ingwaldus, Bishop of London, was at the Consecration of Tatwine, Archbishop of Canterbury; and he confirmed the Foundation of Crowland, in the Year Seven Hundred and Sixteen, (saith Ingulfus) and deceased in the Year 744, as saith Hoveden.

Ingwaldus, 716.

VIII. Engulfe. [called also Egwolfe, or Egnaldus] Bishop of London.


IX. Wichet, or Wigerus, Bishop of London.


X. Eaderightus, or Edbrithe, Bishop of London.


XI. Eadgain, or Eadgarus, Bishop of London.


XII. Kenewalth, Bishop of London.


XIII. Eadbaldus, Bishop of London.


XIV. Heatbright, or Hutbright, [Hethobert] Bishop of London, deceased 802, saith Hoveden.


XV. Osmundus, [or Oswin] Bishop of London; he was Witness to a Charter made to Crowland, in the Year 833, saith Engulfus.


XVI. Ethelnothe, Bishop of London.


XVII. Elbertus, or Celbertus, Bishop of London.


XVIII. Caulfe, [Renulfe, or Ceorulfe] Bishop of London.


XIX. Swithulfus, Bishop of London; he likewise was Witness to a Charter of Crowland, 851.


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