XX. Edstanus, Bishop of London, Witness to a Charter of Crowland, 860.


XXI. Ulfius [Wulfius, or Wolfius,] Bp. of London.


XXII. Ethelwardus, Bishop of London.


XXIII. Elstanus, Bishop of London, died in the Year 900, saith Asser; and all these, saith the Author of Flores Historiarum, were buried in the old Church of St. Paul, but there remaineth now no Memory of them.*


*But there remaineth Memories there. Fisrt Edit.

XXIV. Theodoricus, Bishop of London: This Man confirmed King Edred's Charter made to Winchester in the Year 947, whereby it seemeth, that he was Bishop of London of a later time than he is here placed.


XXV. Welstanus, [Wulstanus] Bishop of London.


XXVI. Brithelme, Bishop of London.


XXVII. Dunstanus, Abbot of Glastonbury, then Bishop of Worcester, and then Bishop of London; he was afterwards translated to Canterbury, 960.


XXVIII. Ealsstanus, Bishop of London, the 28th in number.


XXIX. Edgare, Bishop of London; he confirmed the Grants made to Winchester and to Crowland, 966, and again to Crowland 970; the Charter of Etheldred, concerning Ulfrunhampton, 996.


XXX. Elphinus, Bishop of London.


XXXI. Alwinus, Bishop of London.


XXXII. Alfhune, Bishop of London; he was sent into Normandy in the Year 1013, saith Asser.


XXXIII. Robert, seven Years a Monk of Gemerisins † in Normandy, afterward translated from London to Canterbury.


†Gemet, 1st Edit.

XXXIV. Specgasius elected, but rejected by the King.


XXXV. William, a Norman, Chaplain to Edward the Confessor, was made Bishop of London in 1051, sate seventeen Years, and deceased 1070. He obtained of William the Conqueror the Charter of Liberties for the City of London, as I have set down in my Summary, and appeareth by his Epitaph in Paul's Church.


XXXVI. Hugh de Orwell, [or Orivall] Bishop of London; he died of a Leprosie, when he had sitten fifteen Years.


XXXVII. Mauricius, Bishop of London, in whose time (to wit, in the Year 1086) the Church of St. Paul was burnt, with the most part of this City; and therefore he laid the Foundation of a new large Church, and having sitten twenty two Years, he deceased 1107, saith Matthew Paris.


XXXVIII. Richard Beames, or Beamor, [called by some Richard Bearvis] Bishop of London, did wonderfully increase the Work of this Church begun, purchasing the Streets and Lanes adjoining of his own Money. And he founded the Monastery of St. Osyth in Essex. He sate Bishop nineteen Years, and deceased 1127.


XXXIX. Gilbertus Universalis, a Canon of Lyons, elected by Henry the First; he deceased 1141, when he had sitten fourteen Years.


XL. Robertus de Sigillo, a Monk of Reading, whom Maud the Empress made Bishop of London, where he sate eleven Years. Jeffrey de Magnavile took him Prisoner at Fulham, and he deceased 1152.


XLI. Richard Beames, Archdeacon of Essex, Bishop of London ten Years, who deceased 1162.


XLII. Gilbert Foliot, Bishop of Hereford; from whence translated to London, sate three and twenty Years, and deceased 1186.


XLIII. Richard Fitz-Nele, the King's Treasurer, Archdeacon of Essex, elected Bishop of London at Pipwell 1189. He sate nine Years and deceased 1198. This Man also took great Pains about the building of Paul's Church, and raised many other goodly Buildings in his Diocese.


XLIV. William S. Mary-Church, a Norman [commonly called, William de Sancta Maria] Bishop of London, who was one of the three Bishops that by the Pope's Commandment executed his Inter- diction or Curse upon the whole Realm of England. But he was forced (with the other Bishops) to flie the Realm in 1208, and his Castle at Stortford in Essex was by Commandment of King John overthrown, 1210. This William, in Company of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and of the Bishop of Ely, went to Rome, and there complained against the King, 1212, and returned so, as in the Year 1215, King John in the Church of St. Paul, at the Hands of this William, took upon him the Cross for the Holy Land. He resigned his Bishoprick of his own Voluntary, in the Year 1221, saith Cogshall.


XLV. Eustachius de Faulconbridge, Treasurer of the Exchequer (saith Paris) Chancellor of the Exchequer (saith Textor and Cogshall) Bishop of London, 1223. Whilst at Chelmesford he was giving Holy Orders, a great Tempest of Wind and Rain annoyed so many as came thither; whereof it was gathered, how highly God was displeased with such as came to receive Orders, to the end, they might live a more easy Life, of the Stipends appointed to the Churchmen; giving themselves to Banqueting, and so with unclean and filthy Bodies, but more unclean Souls, presume to minister unto God, the Author of Purity and Cleanness. Falcatius de Brent was delivered to his Custody in the Year 1224. This Eustachius deceased in the Year 1228, and was buried in Paul's Church, in the South side, without, or above, the Quire.


XLVI. Roger Niger, Archdeacon of Colchester, made Bishop of London. In the Year 1230 (saith Paris) upon the Feast-day of the Conversion of St. Paul, when he was at Mass in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, a great multitude of People being there present, suddenly the Weather waxed dark, so as one could scantly see one another, and an horrible Thunder-clap lighted on the Church, which so shook it, that it was like to have fallen; and therewithall out of a dark Cloud proceeded such a Flash of Lightning, that all the Church seemed to be on Fire; whereupon such a Stench ensued, that all Men thought they should have died; Thousands of Men and Women ran out of the Church, and being astonished fell upon the Ground void of all Sense and Understanding.


None of all the Multitude tarried in the Church, save the Bishop and one Deacon, which stood still before the high Altar, awaiting the Will of God; and when the Air was cleansed, the Multitude returned into the Church, and the Bishop ended the Service.

This Roger Niger is commended to have been a Man of worthy Life, excellently well learned, a notable Preacher, pleasant in Talk, mild of Countenance, and liberal at his Table. He admonished the Usurers of his Time, to leave such Enormities, as they tendred the Salvation of their Souls, and to do Penance for that they had committed: But when he saw they laughed him to scorn, and also threatened him, the Bishop generally excommunicated and accursed all such, and commanded strictly that such Usurers should depart farther from the City of London, which hitherto had been ignorant of such Mischief and Wickedness, lest his Diocese should be infected therewithall. He fell sick, and died at his Mannor of Bishops-Hall, in the Lordship and Parish of Stebunheth, in the Year 1241, and was buried in Paul's Church, on the North side of the Presbyterie, in a fair Tomb coped of grey Marble.

Matth. Paris.

XLVII. Fulco Basset, Dean of York, Bishop of London by the Death of Gilbert Basset, possessed his Lands, and was then made Bishop of London, deceased on the 21st Day of May, in the Year 1259, (as saith John Textor) and was buried in Paul's Church.


XLVIII. Henry de Wingham, Chancellor of England, made Bishop of London, deceased in the Year
