Order, on the twentieth Day of the same Month, sent to the Marshalsea, and deprived from his Bishoprick.

LXXXI. Nicolas Ridley, Bishop of Rochester, elected Bishop of London, was installed in Paul's Church on the twelfth of April.


This Man, by his Deed dated the twelfth Day after Christmas, in the fourth Year of Edward the Sixth, gave to the King * the Mannors of Branketry and Southminster, and the Patronage of the Church of Cogshall in Essex, the Mannors of Stebunheth (otherwise called Stebinhith) and Hackney, in the County of Middlesex, and the Marsh of Stebunheth, with all and singular Messuages, Lands, and Tenements to the said Mannors belonging: and also the Advowson of the Vicarage of the Parish Church of Cogshall in Essex aforesaid. Which Grant was confirmed by the Dean and Chapter of Paul's, the same Day and Year, with Exception of such lands in Southminster, Stebunheth and Hackney, as only pertained to them.

*But in Exchange for other Lands of like or better Value.

J. S.

The said King Edward, by his Letters Patents dated the sixteenth of April, in the said fourth Year of his Reign, granted to Sir Thomas Wentworth, Lord Wentworth, Lord Chamberlain of the King's Houshold, for and in Consideration of his good and faithful Service before done, a part of the late received Gift, to wit, the Lordships of Stebunheth and Hackney, with all the Members and Appurtenances thereto belonging, in Stebunheth, Hackney-Way, Shorditch, Holiwell-street, White-Chapel, Stratford at Bow, Poplar, North-street, Limehouse, Ratcliff, Cleve-street, Brock-street, Mile-end, Bleten-hall Green, Old Ford, Westheth, Kingsland, Shakelwel, Newington-street alias Hackney-street, Clopton, Church-street, Well-street, Humbarton, Grove-street, Gunston-street, alias More-street, in the County of Middlesex, together with the Marsh of Stebunheth, &c.

The Mannor of Hackney was valued at 61l. 9s. 4d. by Year; and the Mannor of Stebunheth at 140l. 8s. 11d. ob. by Year. To be holden in chief, by the Service of the twentieth part of a Knight's Fee.

This is erroneous; for in an authentick Instrument among some Original Manuscripts in my Hand, of the Exchange made by King Edward the Sixth, by Indenture dated April 12. Ann. Reg. 4to. with Nicholas Bishop of London, are these Words: Et idem Rex per literas suas patentes dat' eisdem die & anno, dedit Thomæ Wentworth Militi, Dom' Wentworth, Dom' Camerario Hospitii sui, & hæredibus suis, prædict' maneria de Stebunhuth & Hackney, cum eorum pertinentiis in Com' Middlesex, & mariscos suos de Stebunhuth in dict' Comit' Middlesex: Quod quidem manerium de Hackney, cum pertinentiis, extenditur ad clarum annuum valorem lxil. ixs. iiijd. Et prædict' manerium de Stebunhuth, cum pertinentiis, extenditur ad clarum annuum valorem C iiijxxiiijli. viijs. xjd. ob. di. q.

K. Edward's Patent granting these 2 Mannors.

J. S.

That is,61 :09 :04
 184 :08 :11 ob. di. q.
 245 :18 :03 ob. di. q.]

This Bishop Nicolas Ridley, for preaching a Sermon at Paul's Cross, on the sixteenth of July, in the Year 1553, was committed to the Tower of London, where he remained Prisoner till the 10th of April in the Year 1554, and was thence sent to Oxford, there to dispute with the Divines and Learned Men of the contrary Opinion; and on the 16th of October, 1555, he was burned at Oxford, for Opinions against the Romish Order of Sacraments, &c.

Edmund Bonner aforesaid, being released out of the Marshalsea, was restored to the Bishoprick of London, by Q. Mary, on the fifth of August, in the Year 1553. And [having been a bloody Persecutor] was again deposed by Queen Elizabeth in the Month of July, Anno 1559, and was eftsoons commited to the Marshalsea, where he died on the fifth of September 1569, and was at Midnight buried amongst other Prisoners in St. George's Churchyard.


LXXXII. Edmund Grindall, Bishop of London, being Consecrated the 21st of December 1559, was translated to York in the Year 1570, and from thence removed to Canterbury in the Year 1574. He died blind 1583, on the sixth of July, and was buried at Crodowne in Surrey, [being aged 63.]


LXXXIII. Edwine Sandys, being translated from Worcester to the Bishoprick of London, in the Year 1570, was thence translated to York in the Year 1576, and died in the Year 1588.


LXXXIV. John Elmere, [or Ælmer, or Aylmer] Bishop of London, deceased in the Year 1594, on the third of June, at Fulenham, [or Fulham] and was buried in Paul's Church before St. George's Chapel.


LXXXV. Richard Fletcher, Bishop of Worcester, was on the 30th of December, in Paul's Church, elected Bishop of London, and deceased on the 15th of June 1596. He was buried in Paul's Church without any solemn Funeral.


LXXXVI. Richard Bancroft, Doctor of Divinity, [brought up first in Christ's College, and afterward in Jesus College in Cambridge,] was Consecrated Bishop of London at Lambeth on Sunday, being the 8th Day of May, 1597] enstalled at London [and translated to Canterbury, in December 1604.]


A. M.

LXXXVII. Richard Vaughan, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop first of Bangor, next of Chester, was translated to London in January 1604, and died in March 1607.


A. M.

LXXXVIII. Thomas Ravis, Doctor of Divinity, and Dean of Christ-Church in Oxford, was first Bishop of Glocester, and then removed to London the 19th of May, 1067, and died the 14th of December 1609.


LXXXIX. George Abbot, Doctor of Divinity, having been little above one Month Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, was called to London towards the latter end of January 1609, and removed to Canterbury in Anno 1611.


XC. John King, Doctor of Divinity, and Dean of Christ-Church in Oxford, where he was brought up, and Archdeacon of Nottingham, was Consecrated Bishop of London the eighth Day of September, 1611, and worthily remained long in the same Dignity. His Grandfather was Brother unto Robert King, sometime Bishop of Oxford. Died 1618.


XCI. George Mountaine, Doctor of Divinity, Lecturer in Gresham-College, afterward Master of the Savoy, and Dean of Westminster, then Bishop of Lincoln, and thence removed to be Lord Bishop of London, and Almoner to his Majesty; last of all removed again to be Lord Archbishop of York.


XCII. William Laud, Doctor in Divinity, President of St. John Baptist's College in Oxford, Dean of Glocester, next Bishop of St. David's, next Bishop of Bath and Wells, next Bishop of London, and Dean of his Majesty's Chapel Royal, and lastly Archbishop of Canterbury, and one of his Highness's most Honourable Privy Council. Beheaded.


XCII. William Juxon, Doctor in Divinity, President of St. John Baptist's College in Oxford, Dean of Worcester, next Clerk of the Closet to his Majesty, next Bishop elect of Hereford, next Dean of his Majesty's Chapel Royal, and Bishop of London, and Lord High Treasurer of England.]


XCIV. Gilbert Sheldon, Consecrated at Westminster in Henry the Seventh's Chapel, translated to Canterbury.


J. S.

XCV. Humphry