

KATERYNE on the Towrehill, Maister, and Colege, the Kinge Patrone.

Kateryne Chapell beside Charingcrosse, an Hermitage.

Kateryne Chyrch within Algate, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Crychyrch in London. The decims .

Kateryne Colman within Algate.



LEONARD in Estchep, diocis Canterbury, Patrone the Priour of Crychyrche in Canterbury. The decims .

Leonard in Fostyrlane, diocis London, Patrone Dean of Saint Martins graunde. The decims xvii.s. iiiid.

Leonard in Shordych, diocis London, belonging to the Archdeken of London. The decims .

Laurence Pulteney, diocis London, Patrone Duke of Suffolke. The decims xxs.

Laurence in the Iury, diocis London, Patrone Bayly Colege of Oxeford. The Decims .



MARY at BOW, diocis Canterbury, Patrone Bysshop of Canterbury. Decims .

Mary Aldyrmary Churche in Watlingstrete, diocis Canterbury, Patrone Bysshop of Canterbury. The decims .

Mary Bothhowe by the Erber, diocis Canterbury, Patrone Priour of Crychyrch of Canterbury. The decims .

Mary Colchyrche, diocis of London, Patrone Maister of St. Thomas of Acres. The decims .

Mary Staning-lane, diocis London, Patrone Prioures of Clerkenwell.

Mary in Aldyrmanbury, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Elsinge spitell. Decims xviis. iiiid.

Mary Wolnothe in Lumbardstrete, diocis London, Patrone Prioures of S. Heleyn. The decims xxiiiis.

Mary Abchyrche, diocis London, Patrone Maister of Saint Laurence Pulteney. The decims vs. iiiid.

Mary Wulchyrche, diocis London, the Abbot of Saint Iohns Colchester Patrone. The decims xxiiiis.

Mary Foundchyrche, diocis London, Priour of Crichyrche Patrone in London. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Mary Somerset, diocis London, Patrone Dean and Chapiter of Poules. The decims .

Mary on the Hill, diocis London, Patrone Page of Dortford in Kent, Gentylman. The decims xxiiiis.

Mary at Ax, diocis London, Patrone Prioures of Saint Helyns. Decims .

Mary Mounthawe, diocis London, Patrone the Bysshop of Herford. The decims .

Mary Matfelow, diocis London, Patrone Bysshop of London. The decims .

Mary at the Stronde crosse, diocis London, Patrone Bysshop of Wurceter. The decims .

Mary in Fletstrete, a priory of white Freers.

Mary Chapell by Berking chirche.

Mary de grace, an Abbey of Monks by the Towre of London.

Mary Priory of Elsing spitel within Crepelgate.

Mary the new Hospitall without Bysshopsgate.

Mary salutacion Chartyrhous, by West Smitfelde in London.

Mary Hospitall of Bedleem without Bysshopsgate.

Mary ouer the Ree in Southwerke, a Priory of Chanons.

Mary, called S. Mary Spitell, without Bysshopsgate.

Mary Magdalenen in Milkstrete, diocis London, Patrone Deane and Chapiter of Poules. The decims xxs.

Mary Magdalenen in old Fishstrete, diocis London, Patrone Deane and Chapiter of Poules. Decims xiiis. iiiid.

Mary Magdalenen by Bermonsey, diocis Winchester, Patrone Abbot of Bermonsey.

Mary Magdalenen by Saint Mary ouer the Ree, diocis Winchester, Patrone the Priour of Saint Mary ouer the Ree. The decims .

Mary Magdalenen at Tuthill, called Lawlesse.

Martin Otyrwich, diocis London, Patrons Wardens of Taylours. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Martin Pomers in Irmonger lane, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Saint Bartilmews. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Martin in the Vintre, diocis London, Patrone the Abbot of Glouceter. The decims xxvis. viiid.

Martyn by Ludgat, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Westminster. Decims xxvis. viiid.

Martin Orgar in Candilwykstrete, diocis London, Patrone Deane and Chapiter of Poules. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Martin in the felde beside Charingcrosse.

Magne by London bridge, diocis London, Patrone the Abbot of Westminster and Bermonsey. The decims xxvs. viiid.

Mathew in Frydaystrete, diocis London, Patrone the Abbot of Westminster. The decims xxs.

Margret in Lothbury, diocis London, Patrones Abbeys of Berkinge in Essex. The decims .

Margret in Brydgstrete, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Winchester. The decims .

Margret Moyses in Frydday strete, diocis London, the Kinge Patrone. The decims xxvis. viiid.

Margret patens, diocis London, Patrone Maior and Aldermen of London. The decims .

Margret in Southwerk, diocis Winchester, Patrone the Priour of Saint Mary ouer the Ree. The decime

Margret at Westminster.

Mildredys in bredstrete, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Saint Mary ouer the Ree. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Mildrede in the pultry, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Saint Mary ouer the Ree. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Mihell in Cornhyll, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Eyuesham. The decims liiis. iiiid.

Michell in Bassingys hawe, diocis London, Patrone Dean and Chapytur of Poules. The decims xiiis. iiiid.

Mighill by Queenhyth, diocis London, Patrone Dean and Chapytur of Powles. The decims xxs.

Michell Querene by Powles gate, diocis London, Patrone Deane and Chapyter of Powles. The decims .

Michell in Woodstrete, diocis London.

Michell in Crokelane, diocis Canterbury, Patrone Bysshop of Canterbury. Decims .

Michell pater noster Whittyngton College, diocis Canter. Patrons Wardens of Mercers. The decims .



NICHOLAS Colde Abbey, diocis London.

Nicholas Oluff in bredstrete, diocis London, Patrone Deane and Chapytur of Powles. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Nicholas Acon by Lumbardstrete, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Malmesbury. The decims xxs.

Nicholas in Fleshhamels, diocis London, Patrons the King and the Abbot of Westminster. The decims xls.