[The Societies.] The SPIRITUAL GOVERNMENT.39


Mr. Thomas at Hempsted50
Mr. Mackenzie at Staten Island 50
Mr. Bridge at Rye50
Mr. Neau, Catechist at New York50
Mr. Cleator, Schoolmaster at Rye15
Mr. Taylor, Schoolmaster at Staten Island15
Mr. Bondet at New Rochell50
Mr. Huddlestone, Schoolmaster at New York15
Mr. Andrews among the Indians150
Mr. Lawrence Clausen, Interpreter to Mr. Andrews 50
Mr. Oliver, Schoolmaster among the Indians20
Mr. Gildersleve, Schoolmaster at Hempsted10
New Jersey. 
Mr. Talbot at Burlington60
Mr. Vaughan at Amboy60
Mr. Holiday at Elizabeth Town50
Mr. Ellis, Schoolmaster at Burlington20
Mr. Walker at New Bristol60
Mr. Ross at Newcastle70
Mr. Humphreys at Chester60
Mr. Marsden, Schoolmaster at Chester6
South Carolina. 
Mr. Hassel at St. Thomas's50
Mr. Bull at St. Paul's60
Mr. Jones at Christ Christ50
North Carolina. 
Mr. Urmston80
Mr. Taylor50

N.B. The Society allow Ten Pounds Worth of Books to each Missionary for a Library, and Five Pounds Worth of small Tracts to be distributed among their Parish; and several other Parcels of Books, as the Society think them wanting.

We must not omit the great Assistance this Society, together with the Former, hath given to the Propagation of the Gospel in Malabar, on the Coast of Coromandel in the East Indies: Begun by some Danes in the Town of Tranquebar, belonging to the King of Denmark, about the Year 1705. For when in the Year 1710, Letters sent from thence by their Missionaries to their Correspondents in Germany, concerning their Progress made in this Christian Work, being translated in English, and Dedicated to this Corporation, they were very assistant to them, who wanted Helps and Means to carry them on in the Conversion of these Heathen Idolaters. And herein, the other Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, employed themselves more particularly, as not foreign to their own Concernments. And first, they drew up a Proposal in Sept. 1710, with a View chiefly of procuring an Impression of the New Testament in Portuguese, for the Use of the Missionaries, together with a Supply of Money, for the enabling them to set up Charity Schools among these Malabarians. These Proposals succeeded very well within two or three Months. And because of the vast Labour and Charge of getting School Books, and other Treatises for instructing the Heathen in the Doctrines of Faith, they supplied the Missionaries with a Printing-Press, and all the necessary Utensils, six hundred lb{query} of Roman and Italian Types, one hundred Ream of Paper; and procured one Jonas Fink, a Native of Silesia, a Printer, to go over with the said Press. And before his setting out, they supplied him with a good Number of Practical Books in Latin, English, and High Dutch, both to disperse, and see them translated into such Languages as might be most useful in India. And the New Testament in Portuguese, was now also in the Press, to be sent over to the Missionaries with all speed. The Gospel of St. Matthew being printed already, 250 Copies were sent by the East India Fleet, as a present Help for the Children of the Portuguese-School. This was accompanied with a Present of Money in foreign Silver, together with some Sums in Bills of Exchange, to enable the Missionaries to carry on more effectually their Design. And all these Goods, together with the Person attending them, were embarked Freight-free on one of the Ships of the Honourable East India Company, who have all along granted a free Passage to such Persons and Goods as were designed for a Support to this Work.

The Assistance given for the Conversion of the Heathen in Malabar.

Anno 1711, The New Testament in Portuguese was printed off, amounting in all to 1250 Copies. And a competent Number of them was transmitted to the Missionaries the next Fleet. There was a brief Instruction in Portuguese, containing the first Principles of Christianity, drawn up by Plutscho, one of the first Missionaries, which might serve instead of a Primer in the School of Tranquebar. The Company ordered a Thousand Copies of this Book to be immediately printed off, and half of them to be sent by the first Fleet, going to India.

Anno 1712, The Printer that was sent the Year before dying in his Voyage, three young Men of Hall, an University in Saxony, were by the Society sent over; whereof Two were to be Printers, and the Third a Schoolmaster. They carried with them a Font of Malabaric Types, brought over from Germany; and being recommended to the Assistants of the Society, they obtained the Favour to have Passage in the East India Fleet; and had 70 Rheme of Paper given them for the Service of the Mission, with some Portuguese Books. They embarked about the latter End of January 1713.

The said Printing Press was immediately set up at Tranquebar. And a Primer was Printed in Portuguese, and a Specimen about the Method of Salvation, of which they have sent some Copies to England. They call this Treatise The First Fruits of the Word of God, bestowed on the Heathen by Benefactions in England, with several other Books printed there; Copies whereof they have sent over to the Society. The Titles whereof may be seen in the Tract called, The Propagation of the Gospel in the East Indies. Part III.

What hath been further done for the Assistance of these Missionaries at Malabar, and what good Progress hath been since made, will be shewn hereafter in this Chapter.

And here also we must not pass without the mention of another laudable Society, entred into and set on foot more lately, by divers well-disposed Persons in and about London, for the Relief and Maintenance of poor Proselytes that are Converts from the Popish Religion. The Rise and Occasion of this Charitable Purpose was, to prevent the Discouragement of such as were convinced of the dangerous Errors of that Religion, and were minded to come into the Bosom of this Protestant Church; but were like to starve if they should: Especially Foreigners, not knowing how to subsist, being rejected by their Popish Friends and Relations: and coming into a Country where they neither undestand the Language, nor have any way of procuring to themselves a Living. There is an Account set forth in Print, this Year 1718, of this Affair, and of the Establishment of Commissioners for the Relief of these poor Converts. Wherein is thus related the Occasion of this Undertaking: "That the want of a regular Method in Great Britain for relieving sincere Converts from the Church of Rome, had been too justly complained of ever since the Reformation, &c. But the happy Settlement of the "

Care by a Society, for Converts from Popery.
