The SPIRITUAL GOVERNMENT. [Charity Schools.]46

The SPIRITUAL GOVERNMENT. [Charity Schools.]

A short ACCOUNT of some Charities of the like Nature in other Parts of the KINGDOM.


AberguillyCarmarthenshire. EIGHT Boys taught: The School endowed with 6l. per Annum.
AshwellHertfordshire.Fourteen Boys and 11 Girls taught at the Expence of a private Person.
BrighthelmestonSussexFifty Boys taught to Read, Write, Cast Account, and the Art of Navigation: The Subscription is about 47l. per Ann. There is also a School for 20 Girls.
BurtlowSurreyThe Curate of the Parish teacheth gratis, all the Children of the Poor to Read, Write and the Catechism, &c.
BrackleyNorthamptonsh.Six Boys taught to Read and the Catechism, &c. and Cloathed at the Expence of a private Person.
CAMBRIDGE.Here are Schools for teaching 260 poor Children, the Knowledge and Practice of the Christian Religion, and such other things as are suitable to their Condition. The Orders of these Schools are approved by the Diocesan (who hath liberally subscribed thereto). The Care and Oversight whereof is left to the Ministers and Lecturers, who unanimously join in this Matter, and have agreed amongst themselves, to Catechise the Children once a Month, and are pleased to take the Trouble of Directing and Managing all Things belonging thereto. The Body of the University and Town have shewn a great Readiness to assist and encourage the Design. It is hoped, the Subscriptions, when compleated, will amount to above 200l. per Ann. No Children will be Cloathed this first Year.
CHESTER.Forty Boys Cloathed and taught to Read, Write, cast Account, and the Catechism, &c. To which there is 80l. per Ann. subscribed.
CheadleStaffordshire.A School endowed with 20l. per Ann. for instructing poor Boys in Religion, &c.
DeverelWiltshire.About 30 Girls taught, to which the Offertory is applyed. Thereunto, is added 4l. per Ann. by a private Person.
DentonLincolnshireFifteen Boys taught to Read, Write, and the Catechism, &c. whereto is subscribed 8l. per Ann.
HertfordHertfordshire.Twenty poor Children taught.
HagborneBerkshire.Twenty Boys and Girls taught to Read, Write, and the Catechism, &c. toward which 7l. per Ann. is subscribed for one Year.
KempstonBedfordshire.Two Men there teach the Poor gratis.
KilmersdonSomersetshire. A School wherein 33 Boys are taught to Read, Write, cast Account, and the Catechism. The designed Number is 40. The Master's Salary is 20l. per Ann. with Books for the Children, at the Expence of a private Person. A School House is building.
LockoDerbyshire.A School built and endowed with 3l. per Ann. for 6 Boys, the Master hath good Lodgings, and teacheth between 40 and 50.
LewesSussex.A School for 50 Boys, they are all Cloathed, and another is there setting up for Girls.
ManchesterLancashire.Forty poor Children are there taught to Read, Write, and the Catechism, &c. the Master has 1d. per Week for each Child and his School Rent paid.
NewlandGloucestershire.Sixty Boys and Girls are taught: the Subscription is 16l. per Ann.
PrestonLancashire.Thirty Boys are taught to Read, Write, and the Catechism, &c. for which there is 400l. given to be settled.
} Gloucestershire.A School for 20 Girls, to which there is 14l. per Ann. subscribed.
Twenty Children taught, 3 Cloathed by one Person: the Subscription is 10l. per Ann.
ReadingBerkshire. A School for about 30 Boys: the Subscription is about 20l. per Ann. And it arises by each Subscriber's contributing 2d. per Week.
SALISBURYWiltshire.Two Schools for 30 Boys and 20 Girls: they are Cloathed and taught to Read, Write, cast Account, and the Catechism, &c. and to spin and card Wool; so that some of the Children earn 1s. others 1s. 6d. and 2s. per Week; for which there is 40l. per Ann. paid by the Bishop.
Spilsby and
15 Towns

} Lincolnshire
Twenty Children taught to Read, and instructed in the Catechism, &c.
About 150 Children taught, for which there is about 75l. subscribed.
StroudGloucestershire.Fifty poor Children taught, to which is subscribed 22l. per Ann. they are provided with Bibles, and have received a Gift of 6l.
WORCESTER.1. St. Peter's Parish, Are 30 Boys and Girls taught, to which 8l. per Ann. is given by a private Person.
2. In St. John's Suburbs, Are 12 Children taught at 1s. 6d. per Week, which is given by a private Person.
3. In St. Helen's } In each of these Schools are taught 20 Boys.
4. In St. Nicholas's }
YarmouthHampshire.Fifty poor Children taught: The Master hath a Salary of 35l. per Ann.
KiderminsterWorcestershire.A School for 30 Boys.
DeaneBedfordshire.Between 20 and 30l. per Ann. settled by a private Person, for teaching poor Children of 3 Parishes.
StamfordLincolnshire.Here are 100 poor Children taught to read, and the Catechism. They are all Cloath'd, and all set to work, and about 50 of them can earn 3d. a Day; tho' the School was opened but the beginning of this Month: And every Week since, besides the 100, they have taken 3 more, and so will continue to do till they shall have taken in about 150, in all 250. The Coporation hath settled 20l. towards the Support of the School for 3 Years.