the King pleased. And they had sometimes extraordinary Powers over the City granted them, to chastise it. In 25 Edw. I. John Breton was made Custos. And the Record saith, Habet potestatem amerciandi & castigandi Aldermannos, & Vicecomit' ibid. & ministros suos immorigeros: i.e. He had a power of amercing and chastising the Aldermen and Sheriffs of the City, and their Servants, if they were disobedient. And Richard II. in the sixteenth of his Reign, by the Consent of his Great [that is his Privy] Council, constituted Baldwin de Radington Knight, Custos of the City, donec aliter duxerit ordinand'. i.e. until he shall think fit otherwise to appoint.

In Honour of the Maior of London, King Edward III. indulged by his Letters, that Maces carried before the Lord Maior of London, might be of Silver; but Maces of that Metal to be carried in no City in England besides. For this Command was given out 20 Edw. III. That no Man within the City or Town or elsewhere do carry Maces of Silver, except the King's Sergeants only. But to carry Maces of Copper, and no other Mettal, except the Sergeant of London: who may carry their Maces of Silver within the Liberties of London before the Maior, in presence of the King.

Maces of Silver allowed to be carried before the Maior.

Abridgment of the Rec. revis. by W. Prin. 1657.

Maiors have been absent from the City and gone beyond Sea at the King's Command. Such a thing happened 2 Edw. I. when that King commanded the City to appoint two Citizens to officiate in his Place. By his Letters to the Sheriffs and Commonalty directing them to provide two discreet Citizens among themselves, to keep the said City loco Majoris, and them to obey as Maior, the Maior at the King's Command being about to go beyond Sea.

A Maior sent from the City.

The Maior's Seal was sometime set to Deeds, for the better Witnessing and Confirmation of them. Thus I find 20 Richard II. the Common Seal of the Maior set to the Deed of one J.S. for the better witnessing of the matter (as the Record runs) and for that the same was better known than the proper Seal of the said J.S.

The Maior's Seal.

The Maior pro tempore was constituted Custos and Protector of the Hermitage near Cripplegate, in 3 Ed. I.

The Maior Custos of an Hermitage.

The Maior's Person is inviolable, and 'tis an high Crime to assault him, or make any Resistance to him. Once such a thing happened about the Year 1339. Andrew Aubrey being Maior. When in a popular Tumult, headed chiefly by two, Haunsart and Brewere, an assault was made upon the said Maior, and some of his Servants wounded. But this was lookt upon as such an hainous Deed, that these two were presently tryed and convicted at Guild-hall, and thence carried forth to Cheapside, and beheaded. This was about 15 Edw. III. Which Justice that King allowed of, and sent the Maior and City a special Indemnity for what they had done. This being somewhat remarkable, I shall, from the Record it self, set down the Occasion of the Tumult, the Affront offered the Maior, the Tryal and Execuon, with the King's Approbation and Justification of the Judgment done.

The Maior's Person assaulted.

The Letters Patent set forth, that the King, disposing to go to the Parts beyond Sea, and willing to provide as securely as he could, for the safe Custody of the City of London, and the Conservation of the Peace thereof, had required and charged the Maior, Sheriffs, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City, that he being abroad out of the Kingdom, they should keep the said City and King's Peace there as far as they were able; and that, if there should be in the said City any Malefactors and Disturbers of the said Peace, the King being thus abroad, they should cause due and speedy Punishment to be done upon them: And that the said Maior, Sheriffs, &c. had so taken upon them at their peril the Custody of the City, and Conservation of the Peace, and to inflict Punishment, according to the King's Desire and Command.

Now in pursuance of this Commandment, there happening suddenly to arise in the City, Fights and Differences between the Fishmongers and the Skinners of the City, they the Maior, Sheriffs, &c. went to pacify the said Fight and Dissension, and did attach Malefactors and Disturbers of the Peace, being their found, as it was incumbent upon them in respect of their Office to do. But Thomas the Son of John Haunsard and John le Brewere, and some other Malefactors and Disturbers of the Peace, not permitting the said Attachment to be made, made an Insult upon the said Maior, Sheriffs, and other Ministers of the City, there performing the Duty of their Office, for the Conservation of the King's Peace, and rescued the Malefactors attached by the Maior and Sheriffs. And the said Thomas, with his Sword drawn, laid his Hand upon Andrew Aubrey then Maior of the said City, rushing upon him with all his Force to overthrow him. And the said John grievously wounded one of the Servants of the said City, then obeying the said Maior and Sheriffs, in contempt of the King, and danger of the Commotion of the said City. The said Thomas and John being presently taken for this, and led to the Hall of the Pleas of the said City, called Guildhall, were there indicted and charged before the said Maior and Sheriffs; and for these things by their own Acknowledgments convicted, for that Cause. And by the Consideration of the Maior, Sheriffs, Aldermen and Commonalty aforesaid, in the Hall aforesaid, were adjudged to Death, and in a certain Street called Le Chepe, were beheaded.

We considering (as the Record goes on) if so great Rashness of the foresaid Thomas and John had been passed over unpunished, it had yielded Boldness to others of doing the like things; and so thinking the said Punishment very seasonable, for the Conservation of our Peace, and to be well done; and willing by the Consideration aforesaid, that the said Maior, Sheriffs, Aldermen and Commonalty be secure: and to provide that they may not be troubled by reason hereof in future times. What hath been done by the Maior, Sheriffs, &c. as much as belongs to Us, We approve and confirm. And so forbad that hereafter they should be sued neither by himself, his Heirs or Justices on occasion of their Death. Teste Rege apud Turrim London 4. Jun.

It was reckoned the Privilege of one that had been Maior and Alderman of London, not to serve the King, without his Will, in any other Part of the Kingdom. Such a matter happened once in Henry VI. his Reign. Nicolas Wotton, sometime Maior and Alderman of London, living in Kent, stood upon this Privilege, and refused to serve, when he was impannelled with others before the Judges of Assize in the said County, to enquire upon Articles touching the King's Peace: and refused to swear prætextu Libertatis Civitatis London; i.e. on pretence of the Liberty of the City. But yet this was lookt upon in Wotton as a Contempt. For which he afterwards had a Pardon in 17 Henry. VI.

Wotton sometime Maior impannelled on a Jury.

Henry de Waleis, Maior, removed the Sellers that came to London with their Wares and Provisions from one Place, where it seems they used to stand, to another. For which the Sworn Men of one of the Wards presented him to the King's Justices; and knew not Quo Warranto he did so.]

A Maior removes the Market.
