And also, one other List, to the best of his or their Knowledge, of all and every the other Housholders within the said respective Wards only, apart and by themselves, to the intent that such Freemen, Housholders within the respective Wards only, as often as there is or shall be occasion, may nominate Aldermen, and elect their Common-Council-Men.

And they, together with the other Housholders of the said Wards, may choose their Constables, Scavengers, Inquest and Beadles.

And for the preventing all Errors and Mistakes touching the Premises for the future, and that this Act be duly put in Execution for the time to come, Be it also Enacted, and it is hereby Enacted, That to all and every Precept, and Precepts hereafter to issue, and to be sent out for Summoning any Wardmote or Wardmotes, this present Act be annexed and affixed.

And that before any Nomination or Election as aforesaid be made, at any of the aforesaid Court or Courts of Wardmote, the same shall be publickly and distinctly read and declared to the Persons, who then shall be and appear at such Court or Courts, and by duly put in execution and observed.

Commun' Concilium tentum in Camera Guihald' Civitatis London, die Sabati sexto die Decembris, Anno Regni Dominæ nostræ ANNÆ, Dei Gratia Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, Reginæ, Fidei Defensoris, &c. undecimo, Annoq; Dom' 1712. Coram Richardo Hoare, Mil' Majore Civit' pred', Francisco Child, Mil', Willielmo Withers Mil', Samuele Garrard Bar' Aldermannis ejusdem Civitatis, & Willielmo Lewen Armigero Aldermanno ac uno Vicecomitum ejusdem Civitatis, necnon majore parte Communiariorum dictæ Civitatis in eodem Communi Concilio tunc & ibidem assemblatis.

An ACT for further Regulating the Nominations and Elections of Aldermen and Common-Council-Men; and also for Regulating the Elections in Common Halls, and for obliging the Aldermen to Nominate and Appoint Common-Council-Men to be their Deputies.


FOR preventing several Abuses that have lately happened in the Nominations and Elections of Aldermen and Common-Council-Men of the City of London, by long and unnecessary Adjournments of Polls and Scrutinies upon such Nominations and Elections, and making undue Declarations of Persons to be Nominated and Elected, who have no Right to the same, to the great Vexation and Disquiet of the Freemen inhabiting in the several Wards of the said City; and also for the further and better Regulating the several Nominations and Elections herein after mentioned for the future:

Be it Enacted, Ordained and Established by the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, Aldermen and Commons in this Common-Council assembled, and by Authority of the same, That if in any Nomination or Election hereafter to be made of an Alderman or Common-Council-Man, or either of them, of any of the Wards of the said City, a Poll be lawfully demanded, the same shall be begun the same Day such Poll is demanded, or the next Day then following at furthest, unless it be Sunday, and then on the next Day after, and so duly and orderly proceeded in from day to day as aforesaid, Sundays, publick Fast-days, or Holy-days excepted, until such Poll be finished; and if a Scrutiny upon such Poll shall afterwards be lawfully demanded, the Electors of the respective Candidates in Nomination then present, shall immediately out of themselves, or others, duly qualified to Vote in such Nomination or Election, nominate to the Lord Maior, Alderman or other Person holding the said Court of Wardmote, any Number of Persons not exceeding Six, for and on behalf of the Candidate and Candidates on each side (which Persons so nominated, shall be deemed and taken to be the Scrutineers for such Nomination or Election, whether of Aldermen or Common-Council-Men) to whom the said Lord Maior, Alderman or other person holding the said Court of Wardmote, shall within four days next ensuing the finishing the said Poll, upon Request of the Candidate or Candidates, or any other person or persons appointed to make such Scrutiny on his or their behalfs, and at the charges of such Candidate or Candidates, or other person or persons appointed to make such Scrutiny, requiring the same, deliver, or cause to be delivered to him or them, one or more true Copy or Copies (accessed by him under his Hand) of the Poll taken in the said Nomination or Election; and the persons so nominated by the said Electors, for each of the said Candidate or Candidates, shall within Ten days next after the Receipt of the said Copy or Copies, deliver or cause to be delivered to the Lord Maior, Alderman, or other person holding the said Court of Wardmote, the Names in writing of the several persons who have polled in the said Nomination or Election, against whose Votes they shall object, with the particular Heads or Reasons against each respective Name for such their Objections; who shall thereupon within Three Days then next following, at the request of the said Candidate or Candidates, or some other person or persons appointed to make the said Scrutiny, on his, or their behalfs, and at the charges of such Candidate or Candidates, or other person or persons appointed to make such Scrutiny requiring the same, deliver or cause to be delivered to him or them, one or more true Copy or Copies (accessed by him as aforesaid) of the Paper containing such Names and Objections as aforesaid; and the Lord Maior, Alderman, or other person holding the said Court of Wardmote, shall within Ten days then next following (exclusive of such days as are before excepted) upon full hearing the said Parties, touching the same in the said Court of Wardmote (which shall be adjourned from Time to Time, and kept on foot for that purpose) openly and publickly declare which of the said Candidate or Candidates are duly Nominated and Elected, and at the same time deliver to the respective Candidates, or other persons appointed to make such Scrutiny, a true List in Writing, signed by such Lord Maior, Alderman, or other person holding such Court of Wardmote, of the Names of all such persons as he shall allow or disallow to have good Votes, and who were objected against as aforesaid on either side upon such Scrutiny, that is the Candidates contesting, may know which of the Electors objected against are allowed, and which of them are disallowed, in every such Nomination or Election.

And be if further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That in all Elections of Maior, Sheriffs, Chamberlain, and other Officers of the said City, usually chosen at Common-Halls, where a Scrutiny upon a Poll is lawfully demanded and granted, for determining the Elections of such Officers or any of them, the Sheriffs of the said City for the Time
