being (to whom the Right of granting and taking the Poll and Scrutiny, or either of them, both properly belong) shall, upon full hearing the Objections against any person voting in the said Elections, to disqualifie his Vote, and the Answer made thereto, or before they make Return of such Officer as shall be chosen, openly and publickly declare, in the place where the Scrutiny shall be made, whether the person or persons so objected against, have or hath a Right, and be well intituled, according to the Laws and Customs of the said City, to Vote in the said Election or not, and be allowed or disallowed by him accordingly; that so the Candidates contesting may know which of the Electors objected against are allowed, and which of them are not allowed in the said Elections.

And whereas several of the Aldermen of the said City that now are, have appointed persons to be their Deputies, who are not of the Common-Council, whereby great Inconveniencies do many times happen:

Be it therefore further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every such Deputy and Deputies, shall, at the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle next ensuing, be Removed and absolutely Discharged from their several Places of Deputies; and that from and after the said Feast, no Alderman of the said City, shall at any Time or Times nominate or appoint any person to be his Deputy, but such as shall be of the Common-Council of the said City, for that Ward whereof he is Alderman; and that every Nomination, Election or Appointment of any other person shall be void to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, any Law, Custom or Usage of the said City to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

And be it also Enacted, That no Common-Council-Man, so to be nominated and appointed as aforesaid, shall continue in the said Place or Office of Deputy, any longer than for the Time that he shall be and remain of the Common-Council of the said City, for the Ward wherein he was Deputy: And that upon his Removal from, or not being chosen of the Common-Council for that Ward, for any succeeding Year, every such Nomination and Appointment to be Deputy, shall be void: and in such case every Alderman shall nominate and appoint some other Person, being of the Common-Council of the said City, for the Ward whereof he is Alderman, to be his Deputy, in his Room and Stead.

And be it further Enacted, That to all and every Precept and Precepts hereafter to issue, and be sent out for the Summoning any Court of Wardmote, for the Nomination and Election of an Alderman and Common-Council-Men, or any of them, this present Act be annexed.

And that before any Nomination or Election be made, as aforesaid, at any Court of Wardmote, so much of this present Act, as relates to the Nomination and Election of Aldermen, and Common-Council-Men, shall be publickly and distinctly read and declared to the Persons who shall then be and appear at such Court, and be duly put in Execution and observed.

Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guihaldæ Civitatis London, die Jovis decimo quinto die Aprilis, Anno Regni Dominæ nostræ ANNÆ, Dei Gratia Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, Reginæ, Fidei Defensoris, &c. Decimo tertio Annoq; Domini 1714. Coram Samuele Stanier, Milite Majore Civitatis predictæ, Thoma Abney Mil', Willielmo Withers Mil', Samuele Garrard Baronet', Gilberto Heathcote Mil', Ricardo Hoare Mil', Aldermannis ejusdem Civitatis, Petro King, Mil', Recordatore Civitatis pred', Willielmo Humfreys Mil', Carolo Peers Mil', Johanne Ward Armigero, Georgio Thorold Mil' & Bar' Johanne Fryer Armig', Johanne Cass Mil', Willielmo Stewart Mil', Gerardo Conyers Armig', Petro Delmé Armigero, Georgio Merttins Mil', Josepho Lawrence Armig', Aldermannis ejusdem Civitatis, & Francisco Forbes Mil' Aldermanno, ac uno Vicecomitum dictæ Civitatis, necnon majore parte Communiariorum dictæ Civitatis in eodem Communi Concilio tunc & Ibidem assemblatis.

An ACT for Reviving the ancient Manner of Electing ALDERMEN.


WHereas by the ancient Usage and Custom of the City of London, when any Ward of the said City became vacant and destitute of an Alderman, the Inhabitants of that Ward, having a Right to Vote in such Elections, were wont to chuse one Person only, being a Citizen and Freeman of the said City, to be Alderman of the same Ward.

And whereas several Acts and Ordinances of Common-Council have been heretofore made to alter the said ancient Way and Method of Election, as particularly on the First of August, in the twenty first Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second, It was Ordained, That for the future in the Elections of Aldermen, Two at least, hones and discreet Men, by the Men of the Ward which should be destitute of an Alderman, should be chosen and presented to the Maior and Aldermen, so that either of them whom they would chuse might be admitted and sworn; and on the twentieth of September, in the Third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fourth, it was agreed and ordained by the Maior and Aldermen, That in the Elections of Aldermen thenceforwards to be made, there should be named and chosen Four of the most honest and sufficient Citizens of the City, One of which most fit to support the Honour and Charge of the City, according to the Discretion and sound Consciences of the Maior and Aldermen for the Time being, should be admitted and sworn to execute the same Office: Which said Ordinance in the Common-Council, holden the twenty third day of November then following, was approved.

And whereas by an Act of Common-Council made the twentieth day of September, in the Tenth Year of her Majesty's Reign, in the Maioralty of Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Kt. Intituled, An Act to Regulate the Elections of Aldermen,the said last recited Ordinance is repealed and made void to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever: And it is thereby (amongst other things) Enacted, That from thenceforth, in all Elections of Aldermen of this City, there should be named, elected, and presented to the Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen for the Time being, by the Housholders of that Ward which should be destitute of an Alderman, being Freemen of the said City, and paying Scot, and bearing Lot,
