two Persons and no more, viz. one Alderman and one able and sufficient Citizen and Freeman of this City, not being an Alderman; which said Alderman so to be nominated and presented, shall and may remove to, accept and take such Ward, by the Inhabitants whereof, qualified as aforesaid, he shall be so nominated, elected and presented, if present when the Report of the said Nomination and Election shall be made, to the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, and shall declare his Intention so to do. In which Case, there shall be a Wardmote holden, and the like Nomination and Presentment made to the said Court, by the Inhabitants of that Ward whereof he was an Alderman, within four Days then next ensuing: But in case such Alderman so nominated and presented, shall be absent at the Time of making the said Report, or being present shall declare his Refusal to remove; then, in every such Case, the other Person nominated and returned with the said Alderman, shall by the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen be accepted, admitted and sworn, well and truly to execute the said Office of Alderman; as by the said several Acts or Ordinances, relation being thereunto severally had, may more fully appear.

Which several Ways of Electing and Presenting more than one Person to the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, upon a Vacancy of an Alderman, have been found to be very inconvenient, and to create unnecessary Difficulties in settling such Elections in Cases where Contests do arise.

Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, the Aldermen and Commons in this Common-Council assembled, and by Authority of the same, that the said several recited Acts or Ordinances of Common-Council, and every of them, and all other Acts and Ordinances of Common-Council, so far only as they or any of them oblige and require the Inhabitants of the several Wards of this City, in Elections of Aldermen, to nominate, elect and present more than one Person to the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, shall be and are hereby repealed, and made absolutely null and void.

And for reviving the said ancient Custom, and restoring to the said Inhabitants their ancient Rights and Privileges of chusing One Person only to be their Alderman; Be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That from henceforth, in all Elections of Aldermen of the said City, at a Ward- mote to be holden for that purpose, within the Time by the Laws of the said City limited for holding the same, there shall be elected, according to the said ancient Custom, by the Housholders of that Ward which shall be void of an Alderman, being Freemen of the said City, and paying Scot, and bearing Lot, only One able and sufficient Citizen and Freeman of the said City, not being an Alderman: Which Person so Elected shall be returned by the Lord Maior, or other Person duly authorized to hold such Wardmote, to the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, within the Time for that purpose by the Laws of the said City limited and appointed, and shall be by them admitted and sworn, well and truly to execute the said Office of Alderman; and in case of his Refusal to take the same Office upon him (unless he can discharge himself therefrom, according to the Laws of the said City) he shall be subject and liable to all Pains and Penalties which may be inflicted on him by the Laws and Customs of the said City, or otherwise, for such his Refusal.

Provided always, and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Acts of Common-Council heretofore made, relating to the Time of Electing, or the Method or Manner of taking Polls and Scrutinies upon, or making Returns of such Elections, and every Article and Thing in them, and every of them contained, which are not by this or some former Act repealed or altered, shall stand and be in force, and be truly observed by all Persons therein concerned; Any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Provided also, That nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to alter the Manner of Constituting or Electing an Alderman of the Ward of Bridge-Without, whenever the same shall become vacant; but that the Method of Constituting and Electing an Alderman of the said Ward, shall be continued and observed, as in and by the said Act made the Twentieth of September, One thousand seven hundred and eleven, is directed and appointed.

And here it may not be improper to subjoyn a Doubt about a Clause in the ACT of Common-Council, concerning the Election of two Aldermen in the Wardmote. As follows:
