[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.119

[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.

Raphe Holland, the Sheriff, gave to impotent Poor 120l. to Prisoners 80l. to Hospitals 40l. &c.

A.D. 1430.}{ Walter Chertsey.
9 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ Robert Large.
MAIOR, Nicolas Wotton, Draper,
Son of Thomas Wotton of London, Gentleman.

Walter Chertsey, Draper, gave to the Poor 100l. besides 20l. to the Hospitals, &c.

A.D. 1431.}{ John Aderley. *
10 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ Stephen Browne.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John de Welles   ]
MAIOR, Sir John de Welles, Grocer,
Son of John de Welles of the City of Norwich.

*Adyrlee, Sum.

This John de Welles was a great Benefactor towards the new building of the Chapel by the Guildhall. And of his Goods the Standard in West Cheap was made. Besides he builded the South Isle of the Quire at St. Antholin's Church, as by his Picture (strangely there found) his Motto and Arms, doth yet plainly appear.

A.D. 1432.}{ John Olney.
11 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs, { John Paddesley.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Pareveis   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Parveis *, Fishmonger,
Son to the John Parveis of Ersgeston in Barkeshire.

*Parneis, First Ed. and Sum.

A.D. 1433.}{ Thomas Chalton.
12 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ John King.*
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Brokle   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Brokle, Draper,
Son to William Brokle of Newport-Pannel in Buckinghamshire.

*Ling, First Edit.

A.D. 1434.}{ Thomas Barnewell.
13 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ Simon Eyre.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Roger Otley   ]
MAIOR, Sir Roger Oteley, Grocer,
Son to William Oteley of Ufford in Suffolke.

A great Frost of 14 Weeks long.

A.D. 1435.}{ Thomas Carworth.
14 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ Robert Clopton.
MAIOR, Sir Henry Frowick, Mercer,
Son to Henry Frowicke of Middlesex.

A.D. 1436.}{ Thomas Morsted.
15 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ William Gregorie.
MAIOR again, Sir John Michell, Stockfishmonger.

A.D. 1437.}{ William Hales.
16 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ William Chapman.
MAIOR again, Sir William Eastfield, Mercer.

This Sir William Eastfield was a great Benefactor to the Water Conduits.

A.D. 1438.}{ Hugh Dyker.
17 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ Nicolas Yoo.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Stephen Brown   ]
MAIOR, Sir Stephen Brown, Grocer.
Son to John Browne of Newcastle upon Tine.

Wheat was then sold for 3s. the Bushel; but this Man sent into Prusia, and caused to be brought from thence certain Ships laden with Rye, which caused great Relief in so extreme a necessity.

A great Dearth. Bread made of Fitches, Pease, Beans, and Fearne Roots.

A.D. 1439.}{ Philip Malpas.
18 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs,{ Robert Marshall.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Robert Large   ]
MAIOR, Robert Large, Mercer,
Son of Thomas Large, born in London.

Philip Malpas, at his Decease, gave 120l. to poor Prisoners: and every Year, for five Years, four hundred and three Shirts and Smocks, forty Pair of Sheets, and one hundred and fifty Gowns of good Frize, to poor People. To poor Maids Marriages, one hundred Marks. To repairing Highways, one hundred Marks. And to five hundred poor People in London, every one 6s. 8d. &c.

Bountiful Charity.

A.D. 1440.}{ John Sutton.
19 Hen' VI. } Sheriffs, { William Welinhale. *
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Paddesley   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Paddesley, Goldsmith,
Son to Simon Paddesley of Bury St. Edmond in Suffolk.] Master of the Works of Money in the Tower of London.

*Wetinhal, First Edit. and Sum.
