[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.125

[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.

King EDWARD V. began his Reign the 9th of April, in the Year 1483.

RICHARD III. began his Reign the 22d of June, in the Year 1483.

A.D. 1483.}{ Thomas Newland. *
1 Rich' III. } Sheriffs,{ William Martin.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Robert Billesdon   ]
MAIOR, Sir Robert Billesdon, Haberdasher,
Son to Alexander Billesdon, of Queeningborough in the County of Leicester.

A.D. 1484.}{ Richard Chester.
 } Sheriffs, { Thomas Britaine.
2 Rich' III.}{ Raphe Austrie.
  [ Click here to view  Image of coat of arms, Sir Thomas Hill; Sir William Stokes and John Ward   ]
MAIOR, Sir Thomas Hill, Grocer; Sir William Stoker, Draper; and John Ward, Grocer.

*Norland, First Ed. and Sum.

Thomas Hill was Son to William Hill of Hilston in the County of Kent. William Stoker was Son to Thomas Stoker of Eaton in the County of Bedford. And John Ward was Son to Richard Ward of Howdon in the County of York.

Three Sheriffs and three Maiors this Year, by reason of a Sweating Sickness.

Thomas Hill appointed by his Testament the Water Conduit in Grasse-street to be builded.

HENRY VII. began his Reign the 22d of August, in the Year 1485.

A.D. 1485.}{ John Tate.
1 Hen' VII. } Sheriffs, { John Swan, or Swans.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Hugh Brice   ]
MAIOR, Sir Hugh Brice, Goldsmith,
Son to Richard Brice of Dublin in Ireland.

This Hugh Brice was Keeper of the King's Mints at London.

A.D. 1486.}{ John Percival.
2 Hen' VII. } Sheriffs,{ Hugh Clopton.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Henry Collet   ]
MAIOR, Sir Henry Collet, Mercer,
Son to Robert Collet of Wendover in the County of Buckingham.

This was Father to him that builded Paul's School.

This Year the Cross in Westcheap was new builded in beautiful manner.

A.D. 1487.}{ John Fenkel.
3 Hen' VII. } Sheriffs,{ William Remington.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir William Horne   ]
MAIOR, Sir William Horne, Salter,
Son to Thomas Horne of Snaylewell, in the County of Cambridge.

This William was made Knight in the Field by King Henry VII. He gave to the repairing of Highways betwixt London and Cambridge, five Marks; and bountifully to the Preachers at Paul's Cross, &c.

A.D. 1488.}{ William Isaac.
4 Hen' VII. } Sheriffs,{ Raphe Tilney. *
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Robert Tate   ]
MAIOR, Sir Robert Tate, Mercer,
Son to Thomas Tate of the City of Coventry.

*Tinley, Sum.

A.D. 1489.}{ William Capell.
5 Hen' VII. } Sheriffs, { John Brooke.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir William White   ]
MAIOR, Sir William White, Draper,
Son to William White of Tickhill in the County of York.
