The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]146

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]

A.D. 1656.}{ Tempest Milner, Merchant-Taylor.
8 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Nathanael Temse, Skinner. Died the next Year.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Dethick   ]
MAIOR, John Dethick, Mercer,
Son of John Dethick of West Newton, Son of Edward Dethick of Middleton in Norfolk.

A.D. 1657.}{ John Robinson, Clothworker.
 }{ Thomas Chandler, Draper. Died Sept. 2. And in his place
 } Sheriffs, { Richard King sworn Sept 3. to hold Sheriff till Michaelmas
9 Car' II.}{ Next ensuing.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Robert Titchborne   ]
MAIOR, Robert Titchborne, Skinner,
Son of John Titchborne of Cowden in Kent. Committed to the Tower with others, Anno 1660. Tried and convict of High Treason.

A.D. 1658.}{ Anthony Bateman.
10 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ John Lawrence.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Richaod Chiverton   ]
MAIOR, Richaod Chiverton, Skinner,
Son of Henry Chiverton of Trehousie in Cornwal.

A.D. 1659.}{ Francis Warner, Leatherseller.
11 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ William Love, Draper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Ireton   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Ireton, Clothworker,
Son of German Ireton of Cittenborow in the County of Nottingham, Esq;

A.D. 1660.}{ William Bolton, Merchant Taylor.
12 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Will. Peake, Clothworker.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Thomas Alleyne   ]
MAIOR, Sir Thomas Alleyne, Grocer.
Son of William Alleyne of Hatfield Peveret in Essex; third Son of Thomas Alleyne of Hatfield aforesaid.

This Year 1660, King Charles II. was restored to his Kingdoms, and came over out of the Low-Countries, with his Brother James Duke of York, and Henry Duke of Glocester: Which Duke of Glocester died of the Small-Pox the 13th of September, 1660.

After King Charles II. was peaceably seated in his Throne this Year, these Aldermen following were restored to their Places; viz. Thomas Soame, Knt. Thomas Adams, Knt. and Bar. Abraham Reynardson, Knt. John Langham, Knt. and Bar. James Bunce, Knt. and Bar. Richard Brown, Knt. and Bar. And these Aldermen displaced, viz. Isaac Penington, Thomas Foot, Thomas Vyner, Knt. Christopher Pack, John Dethick, Robert Titchburn, John Ireton. All these had been Lord Maiors in the Time of the Usurpation.

A.D. 1661.}{ Francis Menhil, Goldsmith.
13 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Samuel Starling, Brewer.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Richard Browne   ]
MAIOR, Sir Richard Brown, (a Woodmonger) Merchant Taylor,
Son of John Brown, alias Moses, of Okingham, Berks, and London, who was Son of Richard Brown, alias Moses, of Oakingham.

A.D. 1662.}{ Sir Thomas Bludworth, Kt. Vintner.
14 Car' II.} Sheriff,{ Sir William Turner, Kt. Merchant Taylor.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Frederick   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Frederick, Grocer,
Son of Christopher Frederick, Citizen of London, Barber Surgeon. He was translated to the Grocers in 1661, when he came to be Lord Maior.

This Maior is said to have been bred up at Christ's Hospital.
