The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Common Serjeants.]162

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Common Serjeants.]

 In 1708 made a Baron of the Exchequer.
7 Annæ,
A.D. 1708.
Sir Peter King of the Inner Temple, in the room of Lovell.
In 1714 made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.
1 Georgij,
A.D. 1714.
Sir William Thompson of the Middle Temple, in the room of King.
In 1716 made the King's Sollicitor General.

THESE Gentlemen also bear Offices of special Respect in the City, as follow.

Master Chamberlain of London. He is an Officer of great Repute and Trust; and tho' annually chosen on Midsummer-day, yet not displaced, but continues during Life, if no just and great Crimes are made out against him. He had the keeping of the Monies, Lands and Goods of the City Orphans, or took good Security for the Payment thereof when the Parties came to Age. And to that end he was deemed in the Law a sole Corporation, to him and his Successors, for Orphans. And therefore a Bond, or a Recognizance made to him and his Successors, was recoverable by his Successors. This Officer hath a Court peculiarly belonging to him, which will be spoken of hereafter. His Office may be termed a Publick Treasury, collecting the Customs, Monies, and yearly Revenues, and all other Payments belonging to the Corporation of the City.] The present Chamberlain is George Ludlam, Esq;

Mr. Chamberlain.

R. B.

There was a Patent in Henry the Third's Reign, Wilielmo Jerner Chamberlaria. Pat. 7 H. III. m. 5.]

P. Le Neve, Norr.

Master Common Serjeant. He is to attend the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen on Court Days; and to be in Council with them on all Occasions, within and without the Precincts or Liberties of the City. He was to take care of Orphans Estates, either by taking account of them, or to sign their Indentures, before their passing the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen. And likewise he was to let, set and manage the Orphans Estates, according to his judgment, to their best Advantage. The present Common Serjeant is Duncan Dee, Esq;]

Mr. Common Serjeant.

R. B.

Master Town Clerk, or Common Clerk. He keeps the Original Charters of the City, the Books, Rolls, and other Records, wherein are registred the Acts and Proceedings of the City. So that he may not be improperly termed the City Register. He is to attend the Lord Maior and Aldermen at their Courts. The two last Town Clerks were Henry Ashurst, Esq; and James Gibson, Esq; The present is Randolph Stracy, Esq,

Mr. Town Clerk.

The Town Clerk and Common Serjeant take place according to their Seniority. The Fees of the Chamberlain, Common Serjeant, and Common Clerk, or Town Clerk, were anciently 10l. per Ann.]

But behold! a List of all the Common Serjeants, and another of the Town Clerks, found out by the diligent Search of the late Town Clerk, James Gibson, Esq; out of the many ancient Records and Registers in his Office, for some hundreds of Years past to this present time. Which were very obligingly communicated unto me by him, to be inserted in this Work for the Publick: As he also imparted the Catalogue of the Recorders before set down.

The Names and Times of all the Common Serjeants and Town Clerks.

Gibson, Town Clerk.

The Names of the COMMON SERJEANTS of London, beginning 41 Edw. III. and continued down to 12 Will. III. 1700.


Anno21Edw' III.William de Ford
Ante41John Wentbrigg.
Ante50 Ralph Strode.
16Hen' VI.John Wilton.
Anno20Hen'VI.Robert Danvers
20Richard Moyle of Grey's Inn.
21Thomas Bylling.
27John Nedeham, in the room of Bylling.
31Thomas Urswyck, in the room of Nedeham.
33Robert Ingelton, in the room of Urswyck, elected Recorder.
35Guy Fairfax.
36Thomas Rigby, in the room of Fairfax.
39Thomas Bryan.
Anno3Edw' IV.John Baldwyn, in the room of Thomas Bryan.
9Robert Molyneux, Gent.
Anno1Hen' VII.John Haugh, Gent. in the room of Molyneux deceased.
1Richard Higham, in the room of Haugh, chosen one of the Judges of the Sheriffs Courts.
1Thomas Frowicke, in the room of Higham, chosen one of the Judges of the Sheriffs Courts.
6Thomas Marowe, in the room of Frowicke.
Ante13Hen' VIII.John Greene.
Anno13Henry White, in the room of John Greene, who surrendered.
18William Walsingham, in the room of Henry White.
21John Onely, in the room of William Walsingham.
24Edward Hall, in the room of John Onely.
27Robert Southwell, in the room of Edward Hall, who was chosen one of the Judges of the Sheriffs Courts.
29Robert Brooke, in the room of Southwell.
37Thomas Atkyns, in the room of Brooke, who was chosen Recorder.
Anno1Edw' VI.John Marsh, in the room of Atkyns, chosen one of the Judges of the Sheriffs Courts.
Anno5Eliz'Bernard Randolph, Gent. in the room of Marsh, who surrendered, being elected one of the Judges of the Sheriffs Courts.
25Thomas Kirton, Gent. in the room of Randolph deceased.
43Richard Wilbraham, in the room of Kirton.
43Richard Wheeler of Lincoln's Inn, Esq; in the room of Wilbraham, deceased.
Anno11Jac' I.Daniel Hills, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq; in the room of Wheeler, deceased.
12Thomas Jones of Grey's Inn, Esq; in the room of Hills, who surrendered.
Anno1Car' I.Ralph Latham of the Middle Temple, Esq; in the room of Jones deceased.
18Henry Proby, in the room of Latham deceased.
Anno13Car' II.Sir Richard Browne, in the room of Proby deceased.
23George Jeffreys of the Inner Temple, in the room of Browne, who surrendered.
