all Encroachments; and to look after the Fishermen, for the Preservation of the young Fry, to prevent the destroying them by unlawful Nets. For that end there be Juries for each County, that hath any part of it lying on the Sides or Shores of the said River. Which Juries summoned by the said Water Bailiff at certain times, do make Inquiry of all Offences relating to the River and the Fish; and make their Presentments accordingly. He is also bound to attend the Lord Maior at set Days in the Week. And his House is at Cripplegate. His name is Peter Elers, Esq;]

There be also,
Three Serjeant Carvers.
Three Serjeants of the Chamber.
A Serjeant of the Channel.
A Yeoman of the Channel.
Four Yeoman of the Water-side.
An Under Water-Bailiff.
Two Yeomen of the Chamber.
Three Meal Weighers.
Two Yeomen of the Wood-Wharfs.
The Sword-bearer's Man. }
Two Common Hunt's Men. }
The Common Cryer's Man. } Gentlemens Men, Seven
Two Water-Bailiffs Men. }
The Carver's Man. }

Whereof nine of these have Liveries of the Lord Maior, viz. The Sword-bearer and his Man, the three Carvers, and the four Yeomen of the Water side. All the rest have their Liveries from the Chamber of London.

These have Liveries.

Thus far after my Notes, delivered by an Officer of the Lord Maior's House, but imperfect; for I remember a Coroner, an Under Chamberlain, and four Clerks of the Maior's Court, and others.

The MAIOR's OFFICERS, and their Days of Waiting, according to a Table hanging in the ancient Council Chamber.


MASTER Sword-bearer, to wait Daily.
Master Common Hunt, to wait Mundays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Master Common Crier, to wait Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Master Water-Bailiff, to wait Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The Three Serjeant Carvers, to wait Weekly, all Excuses set apart.
The Three Serjeants of the Chamber, to wait Weekly, without any Excuse.
The Serjeant of the Channel, to wait daily.
The Two Yeomen of the Chamber, one of them to wait daily at Dinner, to Usher the Hall.
The Four Yeomen of the Water-side, two of them to wait weekly, and not to be absent.
The Yeomen of the Channel, to wait daily.
The Under Water-Bailiff, to wait on Holidays and Court-Days, if he go not up the River.
The Six Young Men, to wait daily.
The Three Meal-Weighers, to wait on Holidays and Court Days.
The Two Yeomen of the Wood-Wharf, to wait on general Days.
The Forragine-Taker, to wait likewise on general Days.]

Officers Days of Waiting.

A. M.



THE SHERIFFS also of London, as the Maior, for the State of the City, had their Officers. In the Year 1471, they were appointed each of them to have sixteen Serjeants, every Serjeant to have his Yeoman. And six Clerks, to wit, a Secondary, a Clerk of the Papers, and four other Clerks; besides the Under-Sheriffs Clerks, their Stewards, Butlers, Porters, and other in Houshold many.

Sheriffs Officers.



NOW to say something of the Maiors and Sheriffs Liveries. To follow Precedent of former time, the Clerks of Companies were to enquire for them of their Companies, that would have the Maior's Livery, their Money (as a Benevolence given) which must be 20s. at least put in a Purse, with their Names that gave it, and the Wardens to deliver it to the Maior by the first of December. For the which every Man had then sent him four Yards of Broad-Cloth, rowed or striped thwart with a different Colour, to make him a Gown; and these were called Rey-Gowns, which was then the Livery of the Maior, and also of the Sheriffs; but each differing from others in the Colours.

Liveries of the Maiors and Sheriffs.

The Maior gave striped Cloth for Gowns, called Rey-Gowns.

Of older times I read, that the Officers of this City wore Gowns of Party-Colours, as the right side of one Colour, and the left side of another. As for Example; I read in Books of Accounts in Guild-Hall, that in the 19th Year of Henry VI. there was bought for an Officer's Gown two Yards of Cloth, coloured Mustard Villars (a Colour now out of use) and two Yards of Cloth coloured Blew, Price 2s. the Yard; in all, 8s. More, paid to John Pope, Draper, for two Gown Cloths, eight Yards of two Colours eux ombo deux de Rouge (or Red) Medley Brune and Porre (or Purple) Colour, Price, the Yard, 2s. These Gowns were for Piers Rider and John Buckles, Clerks of the Chamber.

Party-coloured Gowns.

More, I read, that in the Year 1516, in the 7th of Henry VIII. it was agreed by a Common Council in the Guild-Hall, that the Sheriffs of London should (as they had been accustomed) give yearly Reyed Gowns to the Recorder, Chamberlain, Common Serjeant and Common Clerk, the Sword-bearer, Common Hunt, Water-Baily, Common Cryer, like as to their own Officers, &c.

More, Anno 1525, in the 16th of Henry VIII. Sir William Baily then being Maior, made a Request, for that Cloths of Bay (as he alledged) were evil wrought, his Officers might be permitted (contrary to Custom) for that Year to wear Gowns of one Colour; to the which (in a Common Council) one answered and said, Yea, it might be permitted: And no Man said Nay, and so it passed. Thus much for Party-coloured and Rey Gowns have I read. But for Benevolence to the Maior, I find that of later time, each Man giving 40s. towards his Charges, received four Yards of Broad Cloth to make him a Gown: For Sir Thomas White performed it in the first Year of Queen Mary; but Sir Thomas Lodge gave (instead of four Yards of Broad Cloth) three Yards of Satten to make them Doublets. And since that, the three Yards of Satten is now turned into a Silver Spoon, and so it holdeth.

In King Henry the VIII's time they wore Gowns of one Colour.

Broad Cloth.

Satin Doublets.

The Maior's Gift a Silver Spoon, whence.

The Days of Attendance that the FELLOWSHIPS do give to the MAIOR, at his going to St. Paul's.


THE Days of Attendance that the FELLOWSHIPS do give to the Lord Maior at his going to St. Paul's were seven, as followeth.

1. Allhallowen }
2. Christmas }
3. St. Stephen's }
4. St. John's } Day.
5. Newyear's }
6. Twelfth }
7. Candlemas }
