Sir Nicolas Brember again Maior three Years together, that is, 1384, 1385, 1386. He was beheaded An. 1387. Buried at Christ-Church.

Sir William Venour, Maior 1390. Buried at St. James's Garlickhith.

Sir William Stondon, Maior 1393, and 1408.

Sir Thomas Knolles, Maior 1400, and 1411. Buried at St. Antholin's in Budge-row.

Sir Robert Chichester, Maior 1412, and 1422. Buried at St. James's by Garlickhith.

Sir William Sevenoke (alias Rumeshed) born at Sevenoke in Kent, Maior 1419. Buried at St. Martin's by Ludgate.

Sir William Cambridge, Maior 1421. His Arms stood long after in the Glass Windows of St. Mary Hill Church, near Billingsgate.

Sir John Wells, Maior 1432. Buried in our Lady's Chapel at Guild-hall.

Sir Roger Oteley, Maior 1435.

Sir Stephen Browne, Maior 1439, and 1449.

Sir Thomas Catworth, Maior 1444. Buried at St. Albon's in Woodstreet.

Sir Nicolas Wiffold, Maior 1451.

Sir William Marow, Maior 1456. Buried at St. Botulph's without Aldersgate, as Mr. Stow noted. Or rather at St. Botulph's without Bishopsgate. Where his Arms were in the Glass. Which were, Azure, a Fesse engrailed Or, between three Maiden Heads.

Sir Thomas Canninges, Maior 1457. The Name continued in Wiltshire.

Sir Richard Lee, Maior 1461, and 1470. He dwelt in Walbrook, neer to St. Stephen's Church. Where he was buried.

Sir John Yong, Maior 1467. Knight of the Bath 1470. Buried at Whittington-College, in the Body of the Church.

Sir William Tayler, Maior 1469. Buried in Aldermary Church.

Sir William Edward, Maior 1472. Buried at the Augustin Friers.

Sir Thomas Hill, Maior 1485. Died in his Maioralty. After whom was chosen Sir William Stocker, Draper. Who died also within the Year. Lastly, John Ward Grocer was chosen, who served out the rest of the Year.

John Ward, Maior 1485. After Sir Thomas Hill and Sir William Stocker. He was buried in St. Paul's under the Steeple An. 1501.

John Winger, Maior 1505. Died the same Year, shortly after his Maioralty. Buried at St. Mary Woolchurch near the Stocks.

Henry Kebel, Maior 1511. Buried in Aldermary Church 1518. Of which Church he began the Foundation; and bequeathed 1000l. towards the finishing thereof.

Sir William Butler, Maior 1516. Buried in the Mercers Chappel.

John Rest, Maior 1517. Buried at the Crossed Friers.

Sir Nicolas Lambert, Maior 1532. He was a younger Brother of the Lamberts of Maiden-Bradley in Wiltshire. Where the said Family long after continued.

Sir William Laxton, Maior 1545. He dwelt in Budge-row, at the East End of Aldermary Church. In which Church he was buried, in the Vault of Henry Kebel, 1556.

Sir John Lion, Maior 1555. He dwelt in Bucklers-bury. And was buried in St. Sithe's Church. Which touched on the Southside of his House.

Sir Thomas Lodge, Maior 1563. In which Year he gave up his Cloak, but lived many Years after. And was buried in Aldermary Church with Sir William Laxton, whose Daughter he had married.

Sir John White, Maior 1564. He dwelt in Lothbury at Bartilmew-lane End. Where Sir Henry Anderson afterwards lived; Sheriff An. 1602. Buried at Aldershot in Hampshire, An. 1571.

Sir John Rivers, Maior 1574. Dwelt in Bartilmew-lane; where Sir William Capel once dwelt; and afterwards Mr. Derham. Buried in Kent.

Sir Thomas Ramsey, Maior 1578. Dwelt in Lumbard-street, over-against Abchurch lane end; where Sir Martin Bowes before lived. Buried at St. Mary Woolnoth in the same Street An. 1590.

Sir John Hart, Maior 1590. He dwelt by St. Swithen's at London-stone. In which Church he was buried An. 1603.

Sir Stephen Some, Maior 1599. He was first free of the Girdlers Company: and after changed to that of the Grocers.

Sir Humphrey Weld, Maior 1608.

Sir Thomas Middleton, Maior 1613.

Sir George Bolles, Maior 1617.

Sir Peter Proby, Maior 1622.

Sir John Warner, Maior 1648.

Sir Thomas Foote, Maior 1650.

Sir John Kendrick, Maior 1652.

Sir Thomas Alleyn, Maior 1660.

Sir John Frederick, Maior 1662.

Sir Robert Hanson, Maior 1673.

Sir William Hooker, Maior 1674.

Sir James Edwards, Maior 1679.

Sir John Moor, Maior 1682.

Sir Henry Tulse, Maior 1684.

Sir John Fleet, Maior 1693.

Sir John Houblon, Maior 1696.

Sir Samuel Gerrard, Maior 1710.

The present Wardens of this Company are,

Mr. Robert Patten.

Mr. Edmund Morry.

Mr. Philip Scarth.

Mr. Robert Nelmes.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Drapers' Company   ]

THE Company of DRAPERS were incorporated in the Seventeenth Year of King Henry VI. Anno Domini 1430. The Arms first granted by Garter King of Arms: Crest and Supporters by William Harvey, Clarencieux, Anno Dom. 1561.

The Drapers Patent for their Arms given them by Sir William Brugges, Garter King of Arms, bore Date Anno 1439, the seventeenth Year of the thrice Christian King Henry VI. (as he is termed there.) It makes mention of that King's making the Drapers a Corporation of one Master and four Wardens; and of John Gedney, the first Master, and John Wotton, John Darby, Robert Bertyn, and Thomas Cook, the four first Wardens. The said Arms in the said Patent are thus blazoned, Troys Royes de Soleil issuantz hors de troys nues de flambe coronez de troys Corons Imperials Dore, assiser sus une escue Dazure. This Patent I have seen in

Patent for their Arms.

J. S.
