[Vinteners.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.193


Lancaster, King of Arms; Marshal to Clarencieux King of Arms, Anno Dom. 1455. And the Four and thirtieth Year of the Reign of King Henry VI. unto the honourable Craft and Mystery of Ironmongers. Thomas Benolt confirmed the same Arms by subscribing his own Name to the former Patent, 22 H. VIII. William Harvey, Clarencieux, reciting that the Arms granted by Lancaster were not granted by good Authority, did ratify and confirm the same again, Anno 1560. 2 Eliz. And were again ratified 1634. At which time Mr. Tho. Thorold was Master.

J. S.

Herald's Off.

I find a Complaint about the Year 1300, of the Ferones, (that is, of such as dealt in Iron) made to Elia Russel, Maior, and the Aldermen, for that the * Smiths of the Wealds, and other Merchants, bringing down Irons of Wheels for Carts, to the City of London, they were much shorter than anciently was accustomed, to the great Loss and Scandal of the whole Trade of Ironmongers: and requiring remedy upon this. Whereupon an Inquisition was taken of lawful and honest Men: Who presented three Iron Rods of the just and anciently used lenth of the Strytes, † and also of the length and breadth of the Gropes // belonging to the Wheels of the Carts. Which Rods were sealed with the Seal of the Chamber of Guild-Hall, London. Whereof one remains in the said Chamber: and another Rod was delivered on the Monday before the Purification of the Virgin Mary, Anno 29 Ed. I. to John Dode, and Robert de Padington, Ironmongers of the Market. And the third was delivered the same Monday to John de Wymondeham, Ironmonger of the Bridge. All which from Day to Day warned all the Merchants bringing these Iron-works to the City of London, as well from the Wealds, as elsewhere, that they should not henceforward bring such Irons, unless of the Length and Breadth aforesaid, upon Forfeiture of the said Iron-works, that should be found against the Assize aforesaid.

Assize of Iron-work for Cart-wheels.

Lib. Horn. fo. 306.

*Fabri de Waldis.



Their Hall situate in Fenchurch-street, hard by Billiter-Lane, had the good Fortune to escape the great Fire.

The Hall.

These were the Citizens, that being of this Society, obtained the Honour of the Maioralty.

Maiors of this Company.

Sir Richard Marlow, Maior 1410, and 1418. Buried at St. Michael's at Queenhith.

Sir John Atherley, Maior 1443.

Sir Christopher Draper, Maior 1567. Buried at St. Dunstan's in the East 1580.

Sir Alexander Avenon, Maior 1570. Buried at St. Peter's at the Cross in Chepe.

Sir James Harvey, Maior 1582. Buried at St. Denys in Fenchurch-street.

Sir William Row, Maior 1593. In which Year he died; and in the last Week of his Maioralty. Buried at St. Lawrence in the Jury.

Sir Thomas Cambel, Maior 1610.

Sir Sebastian Harvey, Maior 1619. The Son of Sir James Harvey, Maior, as before-mentioned.

Sir James Cambel, Maior 1630. The Son of Sir Thomas Cambel, as before.

Sir Christopher Clitherow, Maior 1636.

Sir Robert Geffrey, Maior 1686. The eldest Alderman, lately deceased, and buried in St. Dionys Backchurch. To which Church he was a Benefactor, to maintain Common Prayer to be said every Morning in the Week Days.

Sir William Humphreys, Maior 1715.

The present Master and Wardens of this Company are,

Master and Wardens.

Mr. John Cox, Master.

Mr. John Cooke, }

Mr. Gervais Handley, } Wardens.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Vintners' Company   ]

THE VINTONNERS were incorporated in the Reign of King Edward III. by the Name of WINE-TONNERS, and confirmed in the 15th Year of King Henry VI. Anno Dom. 1436. The Arms were first granted by Clarencieux in the 6th Year of King Henry VI. Anno Dom. 1427.

A. M.

But this is mistaken in several Particulars. For that Grant of King Edward III. was not for the incorporating them, but only for the Regulation of the Trade, and for the Hindrance of any other to deal in Gascoin Wines, but such alone as were enfranchised in the Craft of Vintrie. Nor were they called any where in that King's Letters by the Name of Wine-Tonners, but Vinteners, and Merchants Vintners, and Merchants of Vintrie. Nor was their supposed Corporation confirmed by King Henry VI. but he only confirmed and ratified the Contents of the Letters of King Edward III. as we shall see by and by. Nor did this pretended Confirmation bear Date in the 15th of that King, but the 8th of November, in the 6th of his Reign. Nor yet lastly, were the Vintners Arms granted the 6th of King Henry VI. but (as appears by a Visitation Book of the Heralds) were granted them by Clarencieux, under the Hand and Seal of his Arms and Office, the 17th of September, 1447, and in the 20th of Henry VI. Which were afterwards confirmed by Tho. Benolt, Clarencieux, October 22. in his Visitation in the 22d of Henry VIII. And again in the Visitation of London, 1634, approved and confirmed by Sir Henry St. George, Kt. Richmond Herald. At which time was Richard Davis Master, Robert Shaw, Robert Child, and Philip Travers, Wardens.

K Edw. III. his Letters for the Regulation of Vintners.

J. S.

Their Arms. Herald's Office, C. 24.

Richard Mervail, Citizen and Vintner of London, by his last Will gave this Company certain Lands and Tenements in the Parish of St. Edmund's Lumbard-street: On Condition that they were incorporated within two Years after. The Will of the said Mervail bare Date in the 17th of King Henry VI. so that it is presumed they were incorporated the 19th or 20th of Henry VI. to preserve to themselves the said Legacy.

When incorporated.

King Edward VI. granted to Gunter and Hobson, four Tenements in St. Michael the Querne; three in Foster-Lane; three in Garlick Hith, and one in Sopers Lane. Which Gunton and Hobson conveyed the same to the Company of Vintners, An. 2 Ed. VI.

Divers Tenements belonging to them.

Botulph Wharf belonged to this Company: by Vertue of a Grant of King Edward I. in the 10th of his Reign, and in the Maioralty of Henry de Waleys; whereby he gave his said Wharf to Henry de Kingston, and confirmed it to him, for the Use of the Company; paying a Silver Penny year-

Botulph Wharf.
