The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Clothworkers.]198

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Clothworkers.]

Richard Beteigne*, Maior,} 1} Edw' IIII.1326.
Reginold at Conduys, Maior,} 91334.
The same, Maior,} 101335.
Hugh Marbre, Sheriff,} 131338.
John de Oxenford, Maior,
Buried at St. James at Garlickhith.
} 161341.
Henry Pycarde, Sheriff,} 231348.
Robert de Lynne, Sheriff,} 241349.
John Stodye, Sheriff,} 271352.
Thomas Bragiveyne, or Brangiveyne,} 301355.
John Stodye, Maior,} 321357.
William More, Sheriff,} 10} Rich' II.1387.
Henry Vannor, Sheriff,} 151392.
William More, Maior,
Buried at St. James Garlickhith.
Of him descended More of Bicester in Oxfordshire.
} 191395.
John Wakele, Sheriff,.} 2} Hen' IV.1400.
John Penne, Sheriff,.} 121410.
John Mycolle, Sheriff,.} 2} Hen' V.1414.
William Abraham, Sheriff,.} 26} Hen' VI.1448.
Lewys John, Mil.} 39Hen' VI.1461.
Thomas Walsingham, Mil.
John Wokinge,
John Rothinge,
William Skarborowe,
John Hyde,
Geffrey Dallinge,} 15Ed' IV.1476.
Richard Merivale,
Thomas Rogers,
Richard Rowe,
Thomas Bayon,
James Spencer, Sheriff,10 } Hen' VIII.{ 1518.
James Spencer, Maior,19 } { 1527.

*Stow writes him Goldsmith.

Buried at St. James Garlickhith Of him descended Thomas Spencer of Chester; who gave his Arms, Argent, between a Chevron Sable, charged with three Cinquefoils of the first, as many Griphons Heads erazed of the second. Varying his Bearing from Sir James's, who bore it thus; Within a Bordure engrailed, the Field parted per Pale and per Fess Nebule, three Griphons Heads erazed, all counterchanged Sable and Argent.

Sir Cuthbert Buckle, Maior 1594. In which Year he died the first of July. Buried at St. Mary Hill. Sir Richard Martin served out the rest of the Year, which was four Months.

Sir Thomas Bludworth,}} 1666.
Sir Samuel Dashwood,}} 1703.
Sir Thomas Rawlinson,} Maior,} 1705.
Sir Gilbert Heathcote,}} 1711.

Of the abovementioned Persons several were Retailers, and such as kept Taverns; as, Brangeveyne, De Oxenford, Burgoin, De Parys, Reffam, Betayne.

Maiors that had kept Taverns.

About 150 Years ago, the whole number of mere Vintners and such as sold Wine by Retail in London, amounted to 128, as appeared by a Paper given in, in the Year 1564, by the Company.

Number of Vintners Anno 1564,

The Hall belonging to this Company is situate in Thames-street in the Vintry, having a very comely spacious Square, paved with Free-stone, the Building of smoothed Brick.

The Hall.

This Company reckons these Royal Founders: King Edward III. King Henry VI. King Richard III. King Henry VII. King Edward VI. Queen Mary I. and Queen Elizabeth.

Their Royal Founders.

J. S.

The present Master and Wardens of this Company are,

Master and Wardens.

John Tash, Esq; one of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, Master.

Mr. Edward Serjeant, }

Mr. Andrew Richmond, } Wardens.

Mr. John Linwood, }


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Clothworkers' Company   ]

THE CLOTHWORKERS had their Arms first granted by Thomas Beinolt, Clarencieux in the 22 Hen. VIII. Ann. Dom. 1530. The Crest and Supporters granted by Robert Cook, Clarencieux King of Arms, Anno Dom. 1587. [These their Arms were confirmed at a Visitation of London, by Sir Henry St. George, Knight, Richmond Herald, Anno Dom. 1634, Edward Claxton, Esquire, being then Master.

They date their first Charter April 28. 20 Ed. IV. In whose Grant they were incorporated under the name of The Fraternity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Sheermen of the City of London. They were again confirmed by King Henry VIII. the Letters Patents bearing date Jan. 18. in the nineteenth Year of his Reign. Queen Elizabeth yielded to them another Charter by the name of The Master, Wardens, and Commonalty of Freemen of the Art and Mystery of Clothworkers in the City of London. This was confirmed April the 24th, by King Charles I. in the ninth Year of his Reign.

Their Charters.

J. S.

King James I. June 12. 1607, dined with the Lord Maior, Sir John Watts, Clothworker; and after went into the Clothworkers Hall. And there was made free of that Company, with Sir Patrick Murrey, Gentleman of his Bedchamber, Sir Arthur Arston, and Sir Hugh Carmichel, Knights, and James Medow, D.D. the King's Chaplain.

K. James I. free of this Company.

Edm. How. Abridgm.

The Lord Maior at this Dinner presented the King with a Purse of Gold. And when he was ready to depart, the said Maior besought him out of the great Favour which he had before professed to the Clothworkers Society in particular, that his Majesty would vouchsafe to be free of the Clothworkers. Which the King readily accepted. And descending from the Dining Room, went into the Hall, the Maior bearing the Sword before him. And there he was received by the Master, Wardens, and Assistants. Unto whom the King spake kindly, and with Respect. And asking, who was Master of the Company. The Lord Maior answered, Sir William Stone. To whom the King then said, Wilt thou make me free of the Clothworkers? Yes, said the Master, and do think myself a happy Man, that I live to see this Day. Then said the King, Stone, give me thy Hand. And now I am a Clothworker. And after that, he walked into the Garden, and then into the great Parlour, the Lord Maior bearing the Sword before him. And while he sat there, the Earls of Shrewsbury and Cumberland, being both free of that Company, presented his Majesty with Bread and Wine. Then rising up, he said, Now I drink unto all my good Brethren the Clothworkers. And I pray God to bless them all, and all good Clothworkers. And for Proof of our special Favour to the Fraternity, I do here give unto this Company two Brace of Bucks yearly for ever, against the Time of the Election of the Master

The Manner thereof.
