The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Leathersellers.]204

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Leathersellers.]

Living by their Trade. And withal they presented a Paper to the said Lord Treasurer, being the true Assize of Ale and Beer, according to the Prices of Corn, rising and falling, by the Equity of the Statute Anno 51 Hen. III. afterwards confirmed and allowed by Statute Anno 31 Ed. I. viz.

The true Assize of Ale and Beer.

Then by the same rate a Quarter of Malt being at the Price of 4s. a Barrel of Ale being 32 Gallons, at 1d. the Gallon, amounteth to2s. 8d.
Item, the Kilderkin being 16 Gallons after that rate is16d.
Item, the Firkin being 8 Gallons is8d.
Item, a Barrel of Beer after that rate being 36 Gallons, at 1d. the Gallon is3s.
Item, the Kilderkin being 18 Gallons is18d.
Item, the Firkin being 9 Gallons is9d.
Item, then a Quarter of Malt being at 8s. the Barrel of Ale being 32 Gallons at 2d. the Gallon is5s. 4d.
Item, the half Barrel or Kilderkin and Firkin according to the same rates. 
Item, the Barrel of Beer being 36 Gallons, at 2d. the Gallon, after the same rate cometh to6s.
Item, the half Barrel or Kilderkin and Firkin according to the same rates. 
Item, the Quarter of Malt being at 12s. the Barrel of Ale being 32 Gallons, at 3d. the Gallon is8s.
Item, the half Barrel or Kilderkin and Firkin after the same rates. 
Item, the Barrel of Beer being 36 Gallons, at 3d. the Gallon amounteth to9s.
Item, the half Barrel or Kilderkin and Firkin according to the same rates. 

The Price of Corn, and other Things, at the making of the Statute Anno 23 Hen. VIII.


A Quarter of
{ Wheat at 6s. 8d.
{ Malt at 4s. or 5s.
{ Oats at 2s. 8d.

The C. wt. of the best Hops at 6s. or 6s. 8d.

The Last ofBarrels at 9s.
Kilderkins at 5s.

The Price of Ale and Beer then.


And then the Barrel of the best Ale and Beer was sold for 3s. 8d. or 4s.

The Three-halfpenny Beer was then sold the Barrel for3s.

The Barrel of single Ale and Beer 2s.

The Price of Corn, and other Things, at the late Proclamation in London, Anno 34 Eliz.


A Quarter of
{ Wheat at 18.
{ Malt at 12 or 13s.
{ Oats at 8s.

The C. wt. of Hops at 4l. 10s.

The Last ofBarrels at 20s.
Kilderkins at 12s.

And now by the same Proclamation the Price of the best Ale and Beer is but at the Barrel6s. 8d.

And the Price of the smaller Ale and Beer the Barrel3s. 4d.

☞ It is to be noted, that the Charge of House-Rent, Housekeeping, Servants Wages, Victual, and other Necessaries, do treble and fourfold exceed the Price thereof in those former Times.

About these middle Times of Queen Elizabeth another Controversie arose concerning Beer, namely concerning the transporting of Beer beyond Sea, which they called Portage Beer. It was observed now a-days, that the Transportation of Corn and of Beer was the Cause of the Dearth of Corn. For the preventing and remedying of which, sometimes Proclamations were issued forth, for the restraint of Transportation: and sometimes the Brewers were restrained from brewing any sweet or strong Beer to be transported by Cocket, as Merchandize. By this means Corn did once rise and fall sundry times within two Months. Sometime before Michaelmas Corn was bought and provided to have been transported. Whereupon the Price of Corn was enhanced 6 or 7s. in a Quarter. Which happened within the space of 14 days. Then a Proclamation was published for the Restraint of Corn and Beer, the 8th day of October; and the Price of Corn within five days did fall 5 or 6s. in a Quarter. Which caused many joyful Hearts among the poor Commons, and many thousand Blessings and Prayers for the Author thereof. After this Proclamation, by reason of some Quantities of Beer brewed and transported, the Corn-men then, thinking the Restraint would not continue, began again the second time to increase their Prices. The Brewer to thwart the evil Minds of the Corn-men, and bad Dealing of the Merchants, restrained themselves from brewing strong Beer to be transported as Merchandizes; whereby the Price of Corn did fall the second time. Novemb. 4. one procured from the Lord Treasurer, Licence to brew and transport 500 Tuns of Beer, notwithstanding the Restraint and Orders taken against the Brewers. Which Warrant was for Service of her Majesty: Whereby the Price of Corn increased the third time.

The Transportation of Beer raiseth the Price of Corn.

There was an Estimate made at this time [about the Year 1591.] What Beer was carried yearly for the Low-Countries and other places, after this manner. There were twenty great Brewhouses or more, situate on the Thames side, from Milford-Stairs in Fleet-street, till below St. Katharines. Which brewed yearly the quantity of seven or eight Brewings of sweet Beer or strong Beer; that passed to Stoad, Embden, the Low-Countries, Calais, Diep, and thereabouts. And account but 600 Brewings at 44 Barrels the Brewing, it makes 26400 Barrels: Which at 7 to a Tun, make 3771 Tun.

A Estimation, what Beer is yearly carried out.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Leathersellers' Company   ]

THE LEATHERSELLERS being formerly a Society, or Brotherhood, of long time, became incorporated in the sixth Year of King Richard II. and when Whittington was Lord Maior of London.

Their Arms given them by Roger Machado, Clarencieux King of Arms, the 21st of King Henry VII. So writeth one in the Margin.]

The Arms and Crest were first granted by John Moor, Norroy King of Arms, May 20. 19 Ed. IV. Afterwards Richard alias Clarencieux, confirmed the same Arms and Crest, and added

Visitation Book An. 1634.
