[Sadlers. Carpenters.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Cordwainers.]212

[Sadlers. Carpenters.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Cordwainers.]

Thomas le Bedel, Robert le Bedel, Alan Underwode, Edmund May, Butchers, came before John le Blund, Maior of London, John de Wengrave, William de Leyre, Richer de Refham, Adam de Fulham, &c. Aldermen. And it was found by their Recognizance, that they held Land de Villinagio of the Bishop of London, in Stebenhethe: and they remain out of the Freedom of the City of London. There it follows, that they lose the Freedom of the City. Yet Bracton saith, Villenagium vel Servitium nihil detrahit Libertatis, habita tamen distinctione, utrum tales sint Villani. And the Law Interpreter writes, that Tenure in Villenage could make no Man Villain, until it were continued Time out of Mind.]

Butchers lose their Freedom, and why

Lib. Horn.

J. S.

Upon occasion of the Plague in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, continuing in the City for a long time (whether it were that in the Year 1563, or some Plague afterwards happening, I cannot tell) an Ingenious Italian Gentleman, and Physician, as it seems, assigned one great Cause of it to be, the killing of Cattel within the City. Blood and Garbage lying so long in the Shops, and in some other Corners before it was removed, gave a most unsavory smell. And this chiefly in Eastcheape, and St. Nicolas Flesh Shambles, Places of great Thoroughfare. And carried away by Night thorow the Streets unto the River, spread as it passed a very offensive Scent, leaving it behind. Therefore he propounded that the Queen should build in some convenient Place in the Suburbs of this, and other Cities, Slaughter-Houses, where the Butchers should kill their Beasts; and the Queen to be allowed for every Beast, killed in her Slaughter-House. Specially there being an Act of Parliament in the Reign of Henry VII. for this Purpose.]

The noisome Scents by Butchers a Cause of Infection.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Saddlers' Company   ]

THE Company of SADLERS questionless declare themselves to be of great Antiquity, as shewing their beginning in the Times of these Kings following: Edward I. Richard II. Henry IV. Edward II. Edward III. Henry V. Henry VI. Edward IV. Richard III. Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edward VI. And since the first King above named, the Craft of the Sadlers hath given Livery, and so have continued in their Livery, by the space of 300 Years and more. What all the precedent Princes gave and granted, King James I. cofirmed.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Carpenters' Company   ]

THE Company of the CARPENTERS, being a Society of ancient standing, were incorporated by Letters Patents, bearing date the seventh Day of July, in the seventeenth Year of the Reign of King Edward IV. by the Name of Master, Wardens, and Comminalty of the Mystery of Freemen of the Capentry of the City of London.

In this Hall, in Memory of two eminent Members of this Company, hang up two Pictures representing them. The one is an aged Person, in a Ruff well drawn: with one Hand putting a Compass upon a Rule, held in the other: and underwrit,

Picture in this Hall of W. Portington;

Master Carpenter in the Office of his Majesties Buildings. Who served that Place 40 Years, and departed this Life the 28th of March 1628. Aged 84 Years. Who was a well-wisher of this Society. This being the Gift of Matthew Banks, who served him 14 Years, and is at this present, Master of the said Company, August 19th. 1637.

The other Picture is more modern, underwritten, This Picture of JOHN SCOT, Esq, Carpenter and Carriage-Maker to the Office of Ordnance in the Reign of King Charles II. was placed here by his Apprentice Matthew Banks, Esq; Master Carpenter to his Majesty, and Master of this Company this present Year 1698.

And John Scot, Esq;

A Table also hangs up for RICHARD WIAT of London, Esq; thrice Master of this Company of Carpenters, Anno Dom. 1604, 1605, 1616. and a good Benefactor thereunto. Among other Gifts he gave 500l. to build an Alms House near Godalmin in Surrey, for Ten poor Men: and 70l. a Year to maintain them. And his Wife added something, for the Company to go down and visit it.]

Richard Wiat a Benefactor.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Cordwainers' Company   ]

THE Company of SHOEMAKERS or CORDWAINERS, as they stile themselves, have been of long continuance, and were first incorporated in the 17th Year of King Henry VI. being afterward confirmed by King Philip and Queen Mary, in the 4th and 5th Years of their Reign: Then again re-confirmed by Queen Elizabeth, in the 4th Year of her Reign: And lastly, by King James I.

Concerning these Cordwainers there was an Act made in the 4th Year of King Edward IV. (which answereth to the Year of our Lord 1464.) to this Tenour; "That no Cordwainer or Cobler, be he within Franchise or without, make any Shoes, Galoshes, or Huseaus, with any Pyke or Poleyn, that should pass the Length of two Inches, to be judged by the Wardens or Governours of the same Mystery in the City: Nor sell any upon Sundays or Feasts of the Nativity and Ascension, and Corpus Christi; nor set or put them upon the Feet or Legs of any Person on those Days, upon pain of Forfeiture of 20s."

A Statute concerning the Cordwainers. 4 Ed. IV. Ca. 7.

J. S.

Whence we may observe certain Antiquities concerning these Tradesmen and their Ware, about 240 Years ago. First, That the Name of Shoemaker was not yet known for those of this Calling, but Cordwainer or Cobler. And that the Name of Cobler was not then a name of Contempt, for a Man of less Skill in that Mystery, or only a Men-
