[Curriers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Masons. Plumbers.]215

[Curriers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Masons. Plumbers.]

with their Furnitures, necessary for the Conveyances of the Premisses, as well by Water as Land, at reasonable Payments and Prices to be made in that behalf.

Of this Company was Sampson Camden, the Father of the Learned William Camden, Clarencieux King at Arms. Who in memory thereof gave them a Gilt Bowl of 16l. Price. Thus inscribed, Guil. Camdenus, Clarencieux, filius Sampsonis Pictoris Londinensis, dono dedit.]


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Curriers' Company   ]

THE Company of CURRIERS, a Company of long Continuance, and of good Community amongst themselves, became incorporated in the third Year of King James I. the 12th day of June.

The Trade of these Curriers, or Coriers, is chiefly to prepare and dress Leather for the use of the Cordwainers or Shoemakers. In the Times of Queen Elizabeth there happened Contention between them and the Shoemakers, about the ill dressing of their Leather, and about the Prices to be paid them for their Work; about selling and buying of Leather in their own Houses, and about coming to the Markets to buy Leather, which would not be allowed them. But at last, about the Year 1590, both Parties came to Articles of Agreement indented. As, That the Curriers should have the Dressing of all the Leather bought in Leadenhall and Southwark Markets, and three Miles compass of London. That the Shoemakers should find Tallow for the tallowing of their Backs; and that the Curriers should not refuse to accept thereof, unless it were insufficient and not good. That the Shoemakers should give hereafter, for the dressing of all upper Leather Hides, 2s. apiece, the Curriers finding good and sufficient Stuff. That the Shoemakers should give to the Curriers from Lady-day to Michaelmas, for currying and tallowing of Backs, 6d. and the Shoemakers to find Tallow; and from Michaelmas to Lady-day, 8d. so that they be well sliked. The Shoemakers to give for the dressing of all kind of Skins, 3s. 4d. a Dozen. But all this upon these Conditions on the Cordwainers side; viz. That if any Hide, Back, or Skin, shall be found by the Master and Wardens of the Cordwainers for the time being, to be insufficiently dressed and wrought by any Currier, then the said Currier shall forfeit to the Party grieved the Sum of 10s. And that whensoever any Currier should come into their Markets at Leadenhall, Southwark, Bartholomew Fair, or three Miles compass, the Master and Wardens of the Cordwainers should commit him that shall be found there to Prison, there to remain 24 Hours without Bail or Mainprize; and forfeit such a Fine to the Chamber of London, as the Lord Maior and Aldermen should think convenient. And that if any Free Currier should buy or sell any kind of Leather in their Houses or elsewhere, then likewise the said Master and Wardens should have the like Authority to commit him to Prison, there to remain during the time aforesaid, and pay such Fine as the said Lord Maior and Aldermen should think convenient. Otherwise the Free Cordwainers could not agree to the Articles aforesaid.]

Contention between the Curriers and Cordwainers.

J. S.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Mason's Company   ]

THE Company of MASONS, being otherwise termed FREE MASONS, of ancient standing and good reckoning, by means of affable and kind Meetings divers times, and as a loving Brotherhood should use to do, did frequent this mutual Assembly in the Time of King Henry IV. in the 12th Year of his most gracious Reign. [Their Arms granted by William Hanckeslow, Clarencieux King at Arms, 13 Edw IV.]


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Plumbers' Company   ]

THE Company of PLUMBERS, of large and very memorable Antiquity, remaining a Fellowship or Brotherhood by the name of Plumbers. At length they attained to be incorporated by Letters Patents, the 11th or 12th Day of April, in the ninth Year of King James I. of England, and of Scotland the four and fortieth, &c.