[Blacksmiths.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Joyners.]218

[Blacksmiths.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Joyners.]

Archery. He shewed in his Paper put in for that purpose, that Archery depended upon three special Points, provided for in the Statute, for the Maintenance of Archery. 1. A strait Prohibition of unlawful Games. 2. An Order for making up and repairing of Butts and Marks, and the Exercise of Shooting at times convenient. 3. For a Provision of Bow-staves and Arrows at low Prices, rated in the same. He noted also, that the Pains of the Premisses rested not, by the said Laws, in the Queen's Majesty, to take advantage of, or to pardon, but in the Lords Leets and Franchises. This Man's Suit was to have the Survey of the Premisses for 21 Years, with Authority sufficient to enjoyn Men lacking the same, to take the Supply of their Lacks of Bows and Arrows at his hand, at the Prices of the said Laws, and not above: And also like Authority, as far as in her Majesty lay, by taking the Penalties, and the Punishments of unlawful Games, in such as he should find, upon the Survey, to continue the use of them, or to release the same to such as should conform themselves to the contrary; and would take Bows, as was aforesaid: whereby they might be both forced and allured to exercise Shooting at times convenient; and also to keep up the Butts and Marks, as the said Laws did appoint.

The Statute for the Maintenance and Exercise of Shooting in the Long Bow, was made Anno 1541, in the 33d of Henry VIII.

The Statute for the Long Bow.

It was upon the Ground of this Statute, that the abovementioned Petitions were built: As was also a Commission in the 13th of Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1570. Wherein She appointed Commissioners in each County for the Reformation of the Use of unlawful Games, and for the Maintenance and Exercise of Shooting. Which Commissioners were to take due and lawful Search in every place within each County, as well for such as used unlawful Games, as also whether every Person for himself, his Servants and other Youth in his, or their several Houses, had sufficient Furniture and Provision of Bows and Arrows, and had not occupied the same according to the Meaning of the said Statute of Henry VIII. But notwithstanding this Commission to see the Abuses reformed and corrected, in many Parts the Use of Shooting was never the more frequented or used; and the Faults as many as they were wont. Upon this the Queen issued another Commission in the 14th of her Reign, Anno 1571; viz. That these Commissioners should within 40 Days after the Receit of those Presents, certify unto the Lord Keeper or Lord Chancellor for the time being, in how many Towns and Parishes in the said County they had executed and performed the Effect of the said Commission, and in how many not: and also the Names of such Persons, whom they had or should find offending in the Premisses, together with their respective Offences in that behalf, in writing under their Hands and Seals; to the intent that further Order might be taken therein. But this Commission, tho' it was fair transcribed in Parchment, yet was not signed by the Queen; but only examined by Sir Gilbert Gerard, Her Attorney General: whose Hand is set at the bottom.

The Queen's Commission for Archery.

For the Supply of this Nation anciently with Bow-staves made of Yew, the Italian Merchants by an old Statute, provided in Edward the Fourth's Time, were bound to bring in Bow-staves into England. One Middlemore had a Commission from the Queen, to see to the Performance of this Statute. The Penalty whereof by his Officer, one Wanton, was required now of the Italian Merchants, and particularly of one Diogenes Francischini, and other Merchants of Venice. Who were fain to make a Complaint by way of Petition to the Lord Treasurer; shewing, That this bringing in of Bow-staves was a Matter of long time not used, and so not provided for by them, the Italian Merchants: And also became impossible; for that the Country from whence Bow-staves were had in King Edward the Fourth's Days, had been in the Turks Possession, and none were within any of their Trades. So that they could not perform that which then might have been, nor did know any such Course of Traffick, how to come by them: but was a Matter wholly discontinued, as impossible.

Bowstaves brought from Italy.

Yet in former Times, to supply this Defect in our Country, the Italian Merchants touched at Spain, where they took in Bow-staves. The People of Castile on purpose destroyed their Woods; and provided by Law, that no such Wood, as Yew, should be preserved. But notwithstanding it was urged by Wanton aforesaid, that these Italians should be compelled to bring in Bow-staves from the Parts adjoyning to Venice and there abouts; because the finest and best Yew came from thence; And because their trading for Bow-staves with that People would encourage them to plant and cherish that Wood, as they did Vines and Corinths; that is, for Traffick sake.

The Italian Merchants to be compelled to bring Bowstaves.

The best Yew.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Blacksmiths' Company   ]

THE Company of SMITHS, or BLACKSMITHS, by which Title you please to term them, being a very ancient Brotherhood or Fraternity of the City of London, were first incorporated by Queen Elizabeth, in the 20th Year of her Reign, their Charter bearing Date the 15th of April, &c. Afterward it was re-confirmed by King James I. in the second Year of his Reign, the 21th Day of March.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Joiners' Company   ]

THE Company of JOYNERS, called also JOYNERS and CEELERS, [and CARVERS,] of ancient standing, and reputed to be a loving Society, were incorporated by Queen Elizabeth, in the 13th Year of her Reign.

This Company (as I have been told by one that hath long been their Clark) hath been a Brotherhood ever since the Times of King Henry VII. And that their Hall (which is situate in Thames-street) was given them by a Widow, enjoyning them, in consideration of that Gift, to procure a certain Number of Masses to be said for her Soul. The Great Hall is all wainscotted, and King William and Queen Mary's Arms at the up-

Their Hall.

Mr. John Burroughs.

J. S.
