[Articles for] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [keeping Peace.]364

[Articles for] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [keeping Peace.]

by no means committed to others than those so to be chosen.

13. That the Sheriffs for the time being, commit Toll, and other Customs belonging to their Farm, and other public Offices belonging to them, and to be exercised by others, to sufficient Men, for whom they will answer, and not commit them to others. And if any deputed by the said Sheriffs to any of the foresaid Offices, take undue Custom, or carry himself otherwise in that Office than he ought, and is thereupon convicted at the Suit of the Complainant, let him be removed from that Office, and punished according to his Demerits.

14. Merchants, who are not of the Freedom of the City, not to sell by Retail, Wines or other Wares within the City or Suburbs.

15. That there be no Brokers hereafter in the City of any Merchandizes, unless elected to this by Merchants of the Mysteries, in which the Brokers themselves may have to exercise their Offices: and at least upon this to make Oath before the Maior.

16. That the common Harbourers in the City and Suburbs, altho' they are not of the Freedom of the same, be Partakers of the contingent Burdens, for maintaining the said City, according to the State of it, as long as they shall so be common Harbourers, as other like Dwellers in the City and Suburbs shall partake, on the account of those Dwellings.

Saving always, that the Merchants of Gascoin, and other Foreigners, may one with another inhabit and be harboured in the said City, as hitherto they have accustomed to do.

17. That the keeping of the Bridge of the said City, and the Rents and Profits belonging to that Bridge, be committed to be kept, to two honest and sufficient Men of the City, other than the Aldermen, to be chosen to this by the Commonalty, at the Will of the said Commonalty, and not to others; and who may answer thereupon to the said Commonalty.

18. That no Serjeant of the Chamber of Guyhald, take Fee of the Commonalty of the City, or do Execution, unless one chosen for this by the Commonalty of the City: And that the Chamberlain, Common Clark, and Common Serjeant be chosen by the Commonalty of the City, and be removed according to the Will of the same City.

19. And that the Maior and Recorder, and the foresaid Chamberlain and Common Clerk be content with their Fees, anciently appointed and paid, on account of their Offices, and take not other Fees for the abovesaid Offices.

20. That the Goods of the Aldermen, in Aids, Tallages, and other Contributions, cocerning the said City, be taxed by the Men of the Wards in which those Aldermen abide, as the Goods of other Citizens, by the said Wards.

"Which Articles, as they are above expressed, and the Matters contained in the same, We accept, approve and ratify; and We yield and grant them, for Us and our Heirs, as much as in Us is, to the foresaid Citizens, their Heirs and Successors in the foresaid City and Suburbs, for the common Profit of those that inhabit therein, and resort thither, to obtain the same, and to be observed perpetually."

"Moreover, We willing to shew ampler Grace to the Maior, Aldermen and Citizens, at their Request, have granted to them, for Us and our Heirs, that the Maior, Aldermen, Citizens and Commonalty, of the Commoners of the City, and their Heirs and Successors, for the Necessities and Profits of the same City, may among themselves, of their common Assent, assess Tal- lagies upon their own Goods within that City, as well upon the Rents as other things, and as well upon the Mysteries, as any other way as they shall see expedient, and levy them, without incurring the danger of Us or Our Heirs, or Our Ministers whomseover. And that the Money coming from such Tallagies remain in the Custody of four honest and lawful Men of the said City, to be chosen to this by the Commonalty, and be laid out, of their Custody, out for the Necessities and Profits of the said City, and not otherwise. In Witness whereof, &c. Witness the King at York the 8th day of June."
By the KING.

These Articles were drawn up and agreed to, upon a great Discontent in the Commoners against the Magistrates, who in these Times had assumed too much Power and Authority to themselves in appointing Officers, abiding divers Years in the Maioralty, laying arbitrary Taxes upon the Citizens, and sparing or favouring themselves in such Impositions, and the like. Which occasioned King Edward I. Father of Edward II. to send his Justices into the City to make Inquisition into these and such like Disorders. And upon certain Articles given to select sworn Men in every Ward, Presentments were made. And it may appear by those Articles abovementioned, corrected and confirmed by the King, that he favoured the Commons, and restored to them such Privileges as seemed to have wrested from them by Maiors, Sheriffs and Aldermen.

The Commoners relieved.

King Edward I. interposed his Authority for the keeping of Peace and Safety in the City; prescribing divers Orders to prevent Ruffians that revelled at Taverns, and walked in the Streets with drawn Weapons at unseasonable Times of the Night, and made Uproars, and did much Mischief. And this was when the King had assumed the City Privileges into his own Hand, and had appointed Custodes of Guardians over it. Now there are in the Book Horn, several Articles in French, confirmed by the said King, touching the State of the City, and for firmly keeping the Peace. Which were signed under the King's Seal. And they are such as follow:

Articles by the King for keeping Peace in the City.

Ces font les, &c. These are the Articles which Our Lord the King commandeth to be well kept in the City of London, for to observe and maintain his Peace.

Lib. Horn. fo. 272, in maximo libr. nigr. & in fol. 15.

First, For that many Mischiefs and Murders, Robberies and Manslaughters have been done heretofore, within the City both by Night and by Day, and People beaten and ill treated, and other ill Adventures happening against his Peace; it is forbidden, that none be so hardy to be found going nor wandring within the Streets of the City after Covrefeu sounds at St. Martins le Graund; nor to have Sword, nor Buckler, nor other Arms, to do Harm, nor whence ill Suspicion might happen, nor in no other manner: If it be no great Lord, or other discreet Man, well known, or their certain Message: which shall be warranted by them. Otherwise to be taken by the Guardians of the Peace, and put in the Tonnel * , appointed for such Illdoers. And on the morrow to be brought and presented before the Guardian [i.e. the Custos] or the Maior, or the Aldermen. And according to what they shall find he hath trespassed, let him be punished, as hath been accustomed.

*The Ton upon Cornhil, a Prison.

No Taverner to keep open his Tavern, or to sell Wine, or Beer after Covrefeu sounds; but to shut up his Tavern close after such Hour, as he will answer to the Peace of the King: And being found guilty, to forfeit 40d. the first time; and found again, to be amerced half a Mark;
