[Statutes for buying] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Fish and Fowl]366

[Statutes for buying] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Fish and Fowl]

"20th of February, in the ninth Year of Our Reign."

And this setting Prices upon Victuals in the City, was no more than what Kings had interposed in before. King Edward I. in the beginning of his Reign, Anno 1274, commanded the Maior and Aldermen to make Statutes for governing the Hucksters of Fish and Fowl: And accordingly remarkable Statutes were made, appointing also Prices for all sorts of Fowl and Fish. Which remain still in one of the Books of the Chamber of London, and have this Title, Statuta de Poletria, & Pisce facta tempore Maioratus Henr. de Waleys, viz.

"TEmpore Henrici de Waleys, &c. i.e. In the time of Henry de Waleys, Maior of London, Nicolas de Winton, Henry de Coventre, Sheriffs, by the Command of the Lord the King, with the Assent and Consent of the Great Men of the Kingdom and Citizens aforesaid, it was ordained, that no * Huckster of Fowle [or Poulter] go out of the City to meet them that bring Poultry into the City, to make any buying from them; but buy in the City, after the Buyers of the Lord the King, of the Barons, and the Citizens have bought and had what shall be needful for them, namely, after three a Clock, and not before. And then let them buy thus. That they may afford an Hen of the better sort for 3d. ob. And two Pullets of the better sort for 3d. ob. And one Capon of the better sort for 2d. ob. And from Easter to Whitsuntide a better homefed Goose for 5d. And from Whitsuntide to St. Peter ad Vincula, for 4d. And from that Festival throughout the whole Year always, one of the better sort, for 3d. Also for a Wild-Goose of the better sort, 4d. Three young Pigeons of the better sort, for 1d. One Mallard for 3d. ob. And two Cercels for 3s. And two Wydek [Wild Ducks] for 3d. ob. One better Partridge for 3d. ob. And four Begaters, 1d. And a dozen of Larks, 1d. One better Feasant for 4d. One better Botor for 6d. A better Heron, 6d. One better Corlune, 3d. One better Plover, 1d. One Swan for 3s. One better Crane for 3s. A better Peacock for 12d. A better Coney with the Skin, 4d. And without the Skin, 3d. The Flesh of a good Hare, 3d. ob. One Kid from Christmas to Lent, of the better sort, for 10d. At other times of the Year for 6d. One better Lamb between Christmas and Lent for 6d. And at other times of the Year for 4d."

Statutes for buying and selling Poultry and Fish.

Lib. Horn. fol. 312, 313.

*Mango avium.

"It is also ordained, that no Huckster of Fish, or Fishmonger, who sells Fish again to others, go out to meet those that bring or carry in Fish to the City, to make a Forestal thence; nor have any Partnership with a Stranger, who brings Fish from Sea to the City: but let them seek for Fish in their own Ships, and permit Foreigners to bring it, and to sell when they are come, in their own Ships. Because by such Partnership they who are of the City, and have known the State of the City, and the Defect of Victuals, will hold the Fish at a greater Dearness than Foreigners who shall not have known it. And also, that they who are of the City, when they cannot sell as they will, lay it up in Cellars, and sell dearer than the Strangers would do, if they came without Partnership, and knew [not] where they might be harboured."

" Nor let them buy anything in the City until the King's Servants, &c. have bought, and not before three a Clock. And if they who have brought Fish shall come after three a Clock, let them not sell that Day, but let them sell on the Morrow morning. And if they expect more, let the Fish be taken into the Lord King's hand; and let them keep no Fish, except Salt-Fish, beyond the second Day of their coming. Which if it shall happen to be found, let them lose their Fish, and be at the Mercy of the Lord the King [to fine them.]"

" And thus let the Hucksters, i.e. the Fishmongers buy, that they afford,"

" A better Plaise for 3ob. a middling one for 1d. and other less, as consequently they seem to be worth."

" Also 12 better Soles for 3d. and others as they are worth."

" Also, a better fresh Mulvel for 3d. a middling one for 2d. a less for 1d."

" A better salt Mulvel for 3d. a middling one for 2d. a less for 1d."

" A better Haddock for 2d. and consequently other less as they are worth."

" A better Barky for 4d. a middling for 3d. Less, as they are worth."

" A better Mulet for 2d. and others as they are worth."

" A better Conger for 12d. others as they are worth."

" A better Turbet for 6d. others as they are worth."

" A better Dorac for 5d. others as they are worth."

" A better Bran, Sard, and Betule for 3d. others as they are worth."

" A better Mackarel in Lent for 1d. And after Lent, two better for 1d."

" A better Gurnard for 1d. others as they are worth."

" Four fresh Merlings for 1d. the better sort. And twelve better Merlings powdered for 1d."

" A thousand better Herrings powdered, for 4s. that is twenty for 1d."

" Of fresh Herring, from the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary the Virgin to the Feast of the St. Michael, six of the better sort for 1d. And after the Feast of St. Michael, twelve for 1d."

" A better Bugestokefish for 1d. a middling, to wit, a Mulvil Stokfish for 3 farthings. A less for an halfpenny; saving a Cropling, of which three of the better sort for 1d."

" A Gallon of Oisters for 2d."

" A better fresh Salmon between Christmas and Easter, for 5s. And after Easter for 3s. And other middling and less, as they are worth."

" A piece of Rumb, gross and fat, for 4d. Other as they are worth."

" An hundred better Balenes of the same Year salted, for 16s. that is, 2d. per Pound. And an hundred better Balenes of above a Year for 8s."

" A better Sea-hog [Sturgeon perhaps] for half a Mark."

" A Strike of Eeles, containing 25 Eeles, for 2d."

" An hundred of better Lampreys between the Feast of St. Michael and the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, for 8d. viz. 12 for a 1d. and 100 of less for 6d. And after the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, an hundred of the better sort for 6d. and the lesser for 4d."

" An hundred of the better Smelts for 1d. the whole Year through."

" One better and larger Reche from Whitsuntide to the Feast of St. Michael, for 1d. And two better middling ones for 1d. And others as they are worth."

" One Lucy [Cod perhaps] of three Foot for half a Mark; and of two Foot for 2s."

" One Lampred of Nauntes, in their first coming, and of the better sort, for a Month, for 16d. And after, a better Lampred for 8d. And after Easter for 6d."
